
rude male friend-of-a-friend Anonymous 101758
I am in a friend group of all girls. Many of the girls are friends with this one guy.
I’ll say something and our friends will look at me when I talk. However, he purposefully will turn his body to look in the other direction. He completely ignores my existence/anything I say. It’s like I’m not even in the room. What makes it even stranger is that he acknowledges everyone else but me.
Is this not weird behavior? I think he severely dislikes me but I’m not sure what prompted it? To add context, I am the more soft-spoken of our friend group, which I don’t think is a trait he is fond of.
I tried to put myself out there to make new friends and be open-minded and this is kind of discouraging me.
Anonymous 101759
It's a moid. It's easy to pinpoint why he dislikes you specifically. Maybe you're not his physical type, no matter how interesting as a person you are they'll ignore you if you're not "fuckable",
Anonymous 101763

>>101759I absolutely think that is it, lol! I think he isn’t attracted to me. I have a boyfriend so I’m not looking for a boyfriend. Should I let him know that?
I don’t want this acknowledgment, so I don’t talk to him. I catch him starting at me, analyzing me, which makes me uncomfortable, obviously. Should I call this behavior out?
Anonymous 101764
>>101763His friend is nice and talks to me. He seemed bothered that even his friend wanted to talk to me. This is so hateful?
Anonymous 101765
>>101763>I’m not looking for a boyfriend. Should I let him know that?I think he wouldn't want to date you either way if he's acting like that so it's best to just ignore him like he already does with you and focus on your female friendships.
>I catch him starting at me, analyzing me, which makes me uncomfortable, obviously. Should I call this behavior out?Yes, definitely. Preferably in front of your common female friends so they know it too.
Anonymous 101769
I briefly spoke to him the first time we were all introduced. He made several references to my jumpy and virginal (pure-like) , prudish behavior.
We've since "hung out" in a friend group 6-7x and that's when he started ignoring me. Very strange.
Anonymous 101771
>>101765>I think he wouldn't want to date you either way if he's acting like that clearly not lol
>it's best to just ignore him like he already does with you and focus on your female friendshipsI've started just talking to my friends and avoiding being in the same space as him
Anonymous 101778
>>101758If it were me, the next time he turned his body while I was talking I would stop talking mid-sentence, look at him with a weirded out/confused face (but like kinda amused - like and "lmfao wat" face). This is like a silent call-out but it lets him know you see it and it also draws your friends' attention to the weird behaviour too, since they may not have noticed and it'll make him socially uncomfortable. Then I'd say something like, "Do you have a problem with me?" in a light/jokey but confrontational tone.
The goal would be to make him look stupid, to show that you aren't meek and afraid to call it out but also that you don't really give much of a shit.
Anonymous 101781
>>101769>He made several references to my jumpy and virginal (pure-like) , prudish behavior.Nta, but what a creepy thing to say. It seems he despises women whom he perceives to not put out.
That or he's self-obsessed enough to think you're putting on a show to seduce him when you're just being yourself.
He probably views your friend group as his harem. When/if you're close to someone in the group you should talk to them about it.
Anonymous 101784
tell everyone you think he is like that because he has a crush on you and make sure it gets back to him. it's probably not this but he will be forced to stop acting like that and it will drive him mad
Anonymous 101786
>>101781>Nta, but what a creepy thing to say. It seems he despises women whom he perceives to not put out.He definitely gives me rapey vibes. His friend are much nicer than him. It's literally just him.
>That or he's self-obsessed enough to think you're putting on a show to seduce him when you're just being yourself. I don't know what exactly I might have done that would give him that idea but you might be right.
>He probably views your friend group as his harem. When/if you're close to someone in the group you should talk to them about it.He seems to like himself a bit too much so I can see that
Anonymous 101789
you really need to talk to your female friends (maybe 1 on 1's can be easier if not in a group) about his behavior and the things he said about your "virginal" behavior or whatever. Hopefully they will start to see it and slowly or immediately cut him out of the group.
Anonymous 101791
nona… the second post you quoted explicitly says
>I think he isn’t attracted to me.
Anonymous 101794
>>101789I'm don't want to get between their friendships and he's normal with them so it's not really a problem that affects them
>>101790>>101791>If he's already completely ignoring you why exactly do you think telling him you have a boyfriend and aren't interested in him would change anything? Why do you even want it to change? Listen: I am pretty sure HE think I would be the "type" to like him because y'know (ugly femcel whatever) but I don't. This is just the narcissistic feelings of some guys. Telling him I have a boyfriend would let him know that, "Hey, I do
not like you actually. I have a boyfriend. I happen to share a friend group with you which is why we find ourselves sharing spaces. Hope that cleared things up for you.
>Not gonna lie sounds like you're the one who likes him if anything, why else be angry he isn't giving you attention if you've already got a boyfriend?See above.
Anonymous 101798
this is.. the level of unawareness you'd expect from a moid
Anonymous 101800
do you have autism?
Anonymous 101802
>>101796No one is obsessed with the other. It’s not about attraction. I don’t know if you are being willfully ignorant, lack reading comprehension or you’re just dumb. Would you not find it strange if someone acknowledged everyone else in a close space and purposefully ignored your existence?
>>101798>>101800I second this because wtf is wrong with that anon?
Anonymous 101808
Maybe he likes you. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he doesn't get you. Perhaps you said or did something to offend him without realizing.
If it bothers you, ask him. Be an adult and just pull him to the side for a moment and be straight forward.
If it doesn't then who cares?
Anonymous 101809
>>101763Is he really looking at you or are you just hyper focusing on any attention he is giving even remotely your way when his eyes are pointed in your direction.
Just throwing that out there. If you sperg out in front of all of your friends over him that all like the moid, they might defend him, especially if there isn't anyone else who has noticed
Anonymous 101811
>>101759It's either this or the complete opposite. That is, he could be infatuated with OP and is so self-conscious of her catching him looking at her that he needs to go to great extremes to avoid looking at her, because he doesn't want to be embarrassed.
When I was in high school I was so attracted to a boy in my class that I unironically did this and he thought I hated him. The folly of youth… Anonymous 101816
2023-05-21 155023.…

>>101802>wtf is wrong with that anon?Everything. Just report and don't feed
Anonymous 101822
>>101758It’s an autistic overcorrection, he doesn’t want to be seen as giving you extra attention so he’s giving you negative attention. You see this more with autists when they’re hanging out with guys and you show up and you’re the only girl, but it’s the same principle
Anonymous 101823
>>101816>i go on cc to spread disinformation>i go on cc to gaslight mentally ill womenive never seen anything like that here. these retards get banned as soon as they do this or told to kill themselves
the only moveway you have to gaslight/spread disinformation on cc as a male is like trying to squeeze through a small gap in the wall. sidenote: thank you mods
Anonymous 101824
>>101823Yesterday I got to witness male-posting getting deleted in real time on here. Like, 2-3 posts poofed off my screen. It was so unbelievably satisfying. Most male-posters get called out
at the very least, usually their shit gets deleted immediately upon being spotted.
Anonymous 101826
>>101822please don't lump us autists with them, this is simply classic male behavior
Anonymous 101838
tf ? i'm going to assume you have poor reading comprehension and thought i was a male. what i'm saying is, if you insult a male for being """autistic""" when it has nothing to do with it in the first place you're insulting autistic women as well.
Anonymous 101852
>>101826Autism presents differently in men than women, so FINE it's male autist behavior
Anonymous 101964
>>101758Shit like this has happened to me so many times in the past, maybe me being a female autist has something to do with it? It's always very attractive and well liked guys that despise me for no reason, maybe it's because they are trying to prevent me from liking them or something idk but they always go out of their way to ignore me and make snide comments about me.
Anonymous 102247
>>101811If I had to bet I'd say the second option is more likely.
>>101758He probably likes you and doesn't know how to deal with it.
Anonymous 102406
>>101794Don't go making a fool of yourself like that. You don't know exactly what it is yet and you could be very wrong. He could just simply not be comfortable with you because he doesn't know you well enough.
He might even find you attractive for all you know and it might make him feel nervous. If you are actually ugly and insecure about it, and that is why he doesn't like you, then telling him "i'm NOT attracted to you!" is going to make you look like a clown.
If you really think he holds a grudge against you, the best thing to do is just ignore him and don't let it bother you. Or even treat him better than he treats you and if he really doesn't like you, he will hate this and start acting out and it will make him look like a prick in front of your friends. If he doesn't hold any grudges then it might make him think better of you and you might actually get along with him then and there doesn't need to be drama. That is the most diplomatic way to deal with it. It's his problem, you don't need to make it yours
Anonymous 102462
>>101781weird thing to say and it highlights that he loves attention and is always thinking about sex, which is why he hangs out with women so much instead of his own rapegender.
he is probably frustrated by the fact you don't give him the validation a more sexually extroverted girl does. and sidenote, if not being given that kind of attention by you pisses him off, you're at least somewhat his type (possibly physically), or at the very least he would sleep with you if given the chance, so it's not a question of unattractiveness but rather of the ego blow this provides.
men are irrational and weird, don't give too much thought to his behavior and ignore it. just have fun with the girls.
Anonymous 113770

>>101758hes in love with you dummy. Go take him out on a date