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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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fear of catfishing Anonymous 101903

>be me, girl with crippling anxiety and body dysmorphia bc of past trauma of growing up ugly
>upload pics of yourself (no filter) to a dating app bc of fear of catfishing
>match with a guy on dating app
>realize it’s someone you know in real life after matching, must find you attractive bc he’s seen you in person before
>conversation dies after 2 days, you somewhat hit it off with another guy and delete account, thus “unmatching” with the guy
>run into that guy irl the next day
i feel so awkward for no reason

Anonymous 101904

I also don’t think i’m gonna meet up with the guy i’ve been texting off of the dating app. To anxious and too afraid of being a catfish. Am I just autistic (which i actually think i might be!)

Anonymous 101929

>fear of catfishing
>send no pics so he can't accuse you of lying about your looks

Anonymous 102211

Honestly I know I’m a catfish, which really sucks because regardless of personality, guys are always going to pay attention to looks first.. Being insanely insecure, self conscious, and below average has really ruined my chances at meeting up with guys or pursuing relationships.. Sigh why must we suffer so much when we didn’t even choose to look the way we do

Anonymous 102354

I teach at a college and regrettably ended up on dating apps for a moment after getting dumped horribly and some former student matched me. That prompted me to immediately get off apps and never look back. Guess I'll just die alone instead

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