I can't make female friends irl Anonymous 103250
I'm 20F who is super introverted since middle school, making friends is hard af in general but I feel like women are much harder for me than men cus of how they all form cliques and groups and exclude you from them if you don't fit in with the vibe. I have many female friends online and I find their company very comforting cus I think they can understand me better than men can but I recently joined my university and only could hold convos with the guys cus I share nerdy interests with them while the women were already in groups, out of politeness they'd talk to me and hold convos but it was more superficial and they seemed disinterested in what I had to say. I don't know what to do cus every female in my batch is like that, I'm pretty bummed out cus I wanted to make female friends and not seem autist :(
Anonymous 103255

It's just going to be a very lonely generation, friendship and relationships are a thing of the past, focus on your career.
Anonymous 103262
>>103250What major are you in? I think the type of nerdy girls vary depending on your major and uni.
>>103255ew shuwu, why is she still pandering to these scrotes who threw her under a bus
>>103257good luck nona
Anonymous 103266
>>103250anon I wish I could be your friend IRL, I am a nerd and worried about not being able to make friends in college. I have always struggled to maintain female relationships (all of them try to sleep with men they think im interested in and are snobby in the area im from)
Anonymous 103267
>>103250at uni i basically only talk to other STEM women and even then i am selective
you may be different, but that only means you might have to get through a greater volume of people to find others like you - they are out there.
Anonymous 103275
It's worse in SK nona.
Anonymous 103286
>>103255This. Every female friendship I had has been as OP described. It’s honestly not worth it to compete in their status game. Especially if you live in the west and try to be friends with normie/failed normie girls. Friendship is a prop for instagram photos nowadays and their humor is almost always to do with hurting another person in the group and having plausible deniability of it.
I am completely alone nowadays and I miss female friend groups at times but you have to keep your peace
Anonymous 103287
Not sure if moving to SK is a flex as a woman really
Anonymous 103292
>>103286idk, I have irl female friends and none of them ever do that and one of of them even introduced me to crystal cafe. i have never once encountered a 'status' situation with my friends idk maybe I'm just lucky probably because my presence itself already filters and repels 99% of men and women so I only attract nerdy girls.
Anonymous 103293
Befriending women is the easy if you're still in education, just don't be a gloom say-nothing and sit in the corner type of person who doesn't interact with anyone. Take some initiative to talk to girls/women and don't expect others to reach out to you. You can't expect friends to be handed to you on a silver platter if you never talk and never join social activities. It only becomes difficult once your peers are all working full-time and everyone already has established circles and/or starts limiting their social lives because they're starting families. But if you're still in school/uni? Don't be ultra quiet and take some initiative to talk to people or join activities/events, that's all.
Anonymous 103320
i didnt fully read your post but i have to say i relate strongly to the idea of not being able to make female friends… i spent so much time on male spaces online as a teenager and i have no idea how to talk to women normally so i keep it to niceties. whenever i see a hot woman i just go ooga booga i wanna stuff my face in her boobies. i know that's weird and male behavior but its true, the thing is im straight and attracted to men.
i wish i could have access to all the information about how two women became friends so that i could study it until i understood it and preform those actions. but it wouldnt be authentic so its fucking useless.
i wish women could feel like men to me, i wish i could talk to them like i do to men. men are so much easier to interact with. i wish i could say the things i want to say to women without feeling like im walking on eggshells.
thats partly why i like crystal cafe, at least in ethos, because it is a place for women to interact in a way that is mostly reserved for men ie imageboards. and imageboards were always something i was drawn to.