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using males as meat Anonymous 103426

i lost romantic feelings for males and only have vaguely sexual ones for a super restrict few.
i dont respect or admire any of them and just feel contempt for all men.
is it okay to just have casual sex with extremely hot scrotes? no relationships and no emotional attachment whatsoever and dump the scrote when im bored.

anyone else feels similarly and has tried this before? how did it go?
i'm very new to such feelings and have never slept with a man under these circumstances and thoughts. was super monogamous and loyal and basically asexual, but men made me the same monster they are.

Anonymous 103429

It would be funnier if you led men on and dumped then when they started getting serious. Then you would get sex and the pleasure of seeing them cry.

Anonymous 103430

this is a good idea actually! <3

Anonymous 103434


Rare based nona!
I have no tips and tricks of my own, but there is a wonderful Youtuber (who also posts on TikTok it seems?) and journalist - Melanie Hamlett. She shares her stories of dating men, and if you can ignore the occasional liberal jargon, she has a LOT of wisdom to share regarding this, she's like in her 40s or 50s so…
One of her best tips was to 'vet' men mercilessly. Didn't like the way he said that thing? Drop him. His appearance is not to your taste? Drop him. He failed to be entertaining? Drop him. The reasoning behind this is to waste as little time as possible and get the best possible (desired) result, because your attention is the most valuable thing you can choose to invest into people.
Enjoy your hot moids nona, there is nothing wrong in being self-indulgent!~ <3

Anonymous 103435


Evilmaxxed and sigmapilled
Just go zero contact with them if they're not to your liking, why waste your time on them if you're out for yourself?

Anonymous 103447

Give it a try if you want, but in my experience (and in the experience of friends) it can be pretty hard to do. Is it okay? Yes, you can do whatever you want. Is it going to make you feel good? Maybe not so much. A lot of extremely hot scrotes (and not-hot scrotes) use women as disposable objects and you might think that by treating them the same way that you're evening out the playing field, but you aren't. Two wrongs don't make a right. Even if you're the one objectifying and using them, it's still going to feel awful knowing they're doing the same to you. The empty feeling doesn't go away. But that's just my experience (and my friends' experiences at least). It sounds like you're hurting already and I wouldn't want you to subject yourself to further hurt.

Anonymous 103452

This could have gone in the moid hate thread, oh well

Anonymous 103456

isnt this a thread for advice on fwbs situations more than moid hate?
sure op doesnt like men as everyone here and states so, but its more about tips on having no strings attached sex and sharing those experiences

Anonymous 103459

Yes, you are right, my bad, I am a dumb minimod. But if there's no thread like this OP could have written an introduction to the topic, so the questions she makes herself are more visible and it serves as a good general.

Anonymous 103465

you are schizophrenic what elaborate revenge fantasy does the op have? are we reading the same thread?

Anonymous 103467

But won't they try to do the same to you? I'm not trying to be mean, but the only moids this could work on are incels. I mean ugly, fat, old, unemployed, just overall desperate. The "extremely hot scrotes" won't really care since they have options.

Anonymous 103484

Generals are lame, stop trying to minimod this place into lolcow 2.0

Anonymous 103485

they won't care, they're using you as meat too

Anonymous 103486

this. you're out of your mind if you think hot scrotes want you when if they are hot they have plenty of options

Anonymous 103829

This sounds like a rationalization for continuing to fuck the same worthless men who made you so anti-man in the first place, giving then exactly what they want, while refusing to examine why you pick such bad men, and instead blaming men as a whole.

This is even worse. This is saying that on the off-chance you stumble across a decent man that doesn't just want to use you for sex, you should use the opportunity to inflict on him the pain that was previously inflicted on you, as revenge for the thing other men did that he is not guilty of.

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