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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 103658

After years I realized my dad is an abuser. I don't know why it took me so long? I feel so broken and helpless. I feel so ashamed. I'm so sorry mom I didn't realise it earlier. What should I do? What can help? Has anyone else been in this situation? I feel so depressed.

Anonymous 103659

is the abuse still happening? do you still live with him?
get out if youre not, urge your mom to do the same if shes still with him.
Otherwise nothing

Anonymous 103666

Yes we still live all together and my mom agrees that they should divorce

Anonymous 103669

Contact a structure that specializes in women's protection and/or a lawyer that is used to deal with these issues. They will both be able to advise you through the administrative processes (whether it be going to the police or just divorce proceedings) and guarantee your safety. Even if the abuse doesn't consist of illegal acts or you don't want to press charges, a lawyer is a huge help.

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