bf deserves better Anonymous 103742
be me
>neet for almost 2 years.
>socially anxious. lost most of her friends because was scared to talk to them and worsen relationships over time.
>constant fuck up.
>chubby, stress eating.
>lazy and procrastinating.
>super possessive of people.
>was mega insecure as a teen so did questionable stuff online as 15-16yo, still blaming herself for it.
be him
>super fit, attractive, hot, takes good care of himself, good sense of fashion.
>3.9 GPA.
>showers me in unexpected gifts.
>literal millionaire. makes shit ton of money, hardworking. literally so attractive when working jfc.
>made sure I can move in with him.
>supports me studying, brings me tea if I'm tired, helps focus and gives study tips. pays for my college.
>listens to my problems and truly understands me.
>charming and funny.
>encourages me to be social. people just crave him around them yet he spends time with me.
>fixes my fuck ups for me and makes sure I don't do them again.
>praises my body and face. helps me working out.
>helps me being social.
How is this real? He is so amazing. Everyone would kill do date him yet he chose me…
I want to be better yet I feel like I am failure. Idk if I'm the only one to say this here, but sometimes men do deserve better, definitely someone better than me.
Anonymous 103745
>>103742so do better.
you know what you need to do, do it.
Anonymous 103746

>>103745I know I work on it every day, it's just weird and somehow painful (???) to know that you are accepted with all the baggage you have.
It feels like I'm holding him hostage because it's unbelievable that anyone WANTS to be with me.
Anonymous 103747
>>103742What advice do you want, are you trying to get me to tell you to break up with him and date someone uglier? Or is this some sort of self-deprecating humblebrag about you have such an epic bf.
Anonymous 103754
>>103746If a man puts a ridiculous amount of investment into someone it means he is devoted and sees potential in you, just work at it steadily to show your improvement and willingness to have a future with him.
Anonymous 103763
Do you suffer from impostor syndrome OP? It sounds like you have some sort of version of it, just related to your boyfriend instead of your studies or your job.
Anonymous 103791
>>103742I jealous, how can I obtain one? Where u find him OP?
Anonymous 103832
>>103742He obviously sees something worthwhile in you, or he wouldn't be with you. You should focus on that and try to work on a more positive self image. The biggest risk of fucking this up is your brainworms.
>>103745Also this. Channelling your self-doubt into self-improvement is the way to a positive outcome.
Anonymous 104055
>>103742how tf did you find someone like him/get him interested in you