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Have I left femceldom? Anonymous 103843

Lately, I’ve been complimented by girls on my looks everyday this past week in addition to 1 guy. Them telling me that I look “pretty”. I am unsure about being conventionally attractive.

I have a wobbly head and oil-prone acne on my face. Basically, I am actually pretty unattractive. I would rate myself a 4, a 5 at best. I think I have a nice body but my face ruins my looks. I am not photogenic at all and I absolutely hate taking pictures because I end up looking really bad in them. I don’t mind compliments on more objective things like clothes and hair but being complimented on my looks feels deceptive.

If I am so pretty, why is it mostly girls saying this? Is it out of pity? Do they see an ugly girl trying to look more attractive and think to compliment her to make her day, something akin to a pig wearing makeup? I know girls often lie to each other to make ourselves feel better. It’s like patronizing the autistic kid.

I’m used to being called ugly and I’ve been bullied for it. And this wasn’t years ago, this was like a year ago. I highly doubt I’ve become extremely attractive in a matter of a year so what’s going on?

I had one experience of a girl saying, “She’s so pretty. See, I told you! I saw her the other day.” Not here to “brag”. I feel like a freakshow.

Anonymous 103846

Did you change something about your look since a week ago that people started complimenting you?
If even a guy said it and he wasn't trying to 'game' you, then it might be true.

Anonymous 103850

I changed my hairstyle. After the guy gave me the compliment, him and his friend laughed and his friend said "gross". I don't know if the "gross" was in reference to me but I highly believe it was.

Anonymous 103851

It's hard to say without context but it is possible that the friend meant "gross" towards him, as in a "ew why are you simping for a girl" kind of thing. It sounds kinda like a non sequitur for him to say that towards you?
I know a guy who was telling me about how in one of his friend groups there's a guy that the rest of them pick on for always complimenting girls because they think he's being embarrassing and sappy

Anonymous 103855

>It's hard to say without context but it is possible that the friend meant "gross" towards him, as in a "ew why are you simping for a girl" kind of thing. It sounds kinda like a non sequitur for him to say that towards you?
You know, what, this thought crossed my mind as well. I started to wonder if he was really into me because he's also acted weirdly around me when it's just us. It's just that I know that his friend thinks I am unattractive so that's why I thought that.

I think I once heard his friend call me ugly.

Anonymous 103922

bump 4 more opinions

Anonymous 103931

if you have to ask…

Anonymous 103988

Femceldom is for a part of it a mental barrier. So as long as you're not disfigured you can escape it just by getting another perspective. I don't say it's possible for everyone or you can flip it like a lightswitch and change. However, it seems like you're ready for switching pov why don't you go for it. If you don't like it you can go back to your already made femceldom bed

Anonymous 103996

I think men and women notice and find different things attractive. Men often compliment my hair while women don't (I have a ton of it but it has basically no shape or style). Women often compliment my eyes but I've only ever had male partners comment on them like months into dating.

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