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images - 2023-10-0…

Anonymous 104518

Me and this guy have been talking for a while now but just found out he has a YouTube channel. I'm kind of disturbed and not sure what to think about it. We seemed to get along really well… Can I post it and get opinions?

Anonymous 104519

Post it, let's be disturbed together

Anonymous 104520

When talking he seemed like a genuine and kind of shy guy. But I feel like I've seen some other side of him now. After I told him I found his channel he started acting weird too and telling me all these bizarre ideas.

Anonymous 104521

You're both teenagers, aren't you?

Anonymous 104524

images - 2023-10-0…

No.. well we are both NEETs though so maybe we are immature. I'm 21 and he is 23. Been talking about a year.

Anonymous 104526

That's being a teenager..

Anonymous 104528

what ideas? weird channel. looks like something i would find from a schizo thread on 4chan.
i like his comic voiceovers though.

Anonymous 104529



Anonymous 104530


he wants to use a hidden body camera and record/livestream himself messing with people. he sent me walls of text talking about it. talking about endangering himself for what he calls an "experimental real life thriller." also found out he's been in and out of psych wards for psychosis… also started going on and on about cartoons as a 23 YEAR OLD MAN T_T

Oh god… I'm embarrassed that I spent so long talking to this guy.

Anonymous 104531


Anonymous 104532

23 year old is basically a child. no moid is a man until theyre at least 28 (and thats if they matured enough)

Anonymous 104533

>he wants to use a hidden body camera and record/livestream himself messing with people. he sent me walls of text talking about it. talking about endangering himself for what he calls an "experimental real life thriller."

that is actual retard, attention-starved behavior. especially for a young adult (not teenager, wtf s). why does his experimental thrill have to derive off other people? why can't he just go into the woods for 40 days and find meaning there? he should understand that his desire is stemmed off feeling gratification from strangers noticing him. it's histronic and he should learn to mature

Anonymous 104534

btw posting his channel was a bad idea considering it pretty much doxes him. i can only hope he doesn't find out about this, because i would be disturbed and feel sick if i found strangers were mocking me on an anon imageboard, and i'm normal. someone who's psychotic may react a lot more intensely. at the very least i'd consider it a betrayal of trust, so it's unfortunate if this was your only option to receive feedback

Anonymous 104537

How did you meet this guy?

Anonymous 104546

we met on final fantasy 14

Anonymous 104551

I tried convincing him not to but he seems set on it.

He told me once that he doesn't care about being doxxed, the more I think about it the more this all makes sense. self destructive behaviour. Starting to feel bad for him honestly, kind of pathetic.

Anonymous 104554

that really depends on what the youtube channel is for

Anonymous 104578

>started going on and on about cartoons as a 23 YEAR OLD MAN
>we met on final fantasy 14

Anonymous 104582

christ OP what were you thinking?

Anonymous 104619

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