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gendie crush likes me back Anonymous 104552

She's so hot but she's a they/them and thinks troons are women. Do I go for it, or will I drive myself crazy?

Anonymous 104553

Dont do it nona. Have some self respect

Anonymous 104556

You could always try to radicalize her?

Anonymous 104561

try knocking some sense in her maybe? i identified as a trans man at one point and was like that… now i'm a terf lmfao.

Anonymous 104565

>i identified as a trans man at one point and was like that… now i'm a terf lmfao.

Same here. Although my friend from high school that TIF'd out the same time as me is still an Aiden and pretty deep in the genderology. She'll likely never snap out of it at this point but I just play along with it and don't have energy to argue, because I don't want to lose someone I've known for so long over this kind of stupid shit.

IF it's someone you know less, there's less to lose so maybe there's a chance for you though.

Anonymous 104566

op here: She's smart, I think she could be peaked, but I'm afraid of conflict so I'm crypto/quiet about my radfem beliefs. I don't want her to hate me because trans ideology says to Shun terfs :( she's a really good friend

Anonymous 104601

same here, I have a tif friend who is very liberal and will likely never snap out of her delusions. even though I’m a terf I’m not open about it because today being a terf is viewed as being on the same level as nazis and again, all of my friends are very trans supportive and I don’t want to lose friends that I’ve known for years. but at the same time I cannot stand how woke they are sometimes.

Anonymous 104610


I think that's just the reality of having friends from the current generation, that use the internet, unfortunately. A couple of years ago, pretty much every friend I had trooned out. Everyone was collectively getting brainwashed with "cis-guilt" into trooning out, with all the exposure to "Cis people can go die", "Cis people are lame", etc. kind of posts. Being troon became the new "Fuck preps" of early 2000s emo/scene kids.

Me and my friend even started trying to bind in secret at one point. She got some binders from an enby dude in my class and gave one to me. It was way too small on me though, so that would have probably made it even more dangerous binding. Thank god I didn't go through with it, because I probably would have died and/or severally fucked up my spinal cord. I wonder if she ever went through it. If she's permanently destroyed her breasts now, then it's probably no wonder she can't "snap out" of it.

Anonymous 104617

There's a certain irony here that's hard to express eloquently. It was once possible for friends to differ in opinions over certain ideas, and to even have arguments over such ideas. As much as the trooners preach tolerance and science, their ideology is ignorant and dogmatic (they alienate people if there is a misalignment of ideology). At the same time, many (supposedly ignorant and dogmatic) terfs are willing to befriend people who may hold differing beliefs in some areas. I would happily have the argument, but every time I've tried to rationally unravel this mess with someone, it gets to a point where they start cutting me off and yelling over top of me to stop me saying something 'terfy'.

>I think that's just the reality of having friends from the current generation, that use the internet, unfortunately.
>Being troon became the new "Fuck preps" of early 2000s emo/scene kids.
I find it endlessly fascinating the facility with which people are propagandised, even as they're claiming to be above propaganda.

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