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Anonymous 104743

I hate him.
I hate him.
I hate him.
I hate how he's had sex with other girls before me.
I hate how he's even gotten an STD before.
I hate how he downplays his sexual past even though it's fucking clear that he's a whore and he wants to pretend that he isn't.
I hate how he's the only option I have now to have someone or else I'd be sentenced to loneliness, eternal crippling loneliness where I'd be contemplating suicide everyday until I eventually do it.
I hate how I'm not a Stacy that could get any guy she wants.
I hate him.
I hate him.
I hate him.

Anonymous 104744


Haha check out this spinning fish

Anonymous 104745

Have you tried dating someone who isn’t deranged as fuck? There are some nice guys out there

Anonymous 104749

Anonymous 104752



>I hate how he's had sex with other girls before me.

I have bad news for you about most men past the age of 16.
Would you like him better if he was a socially retarded, virgin incel? Because that's what he's probably going to be if he hasn't had sex with other girls before you.

>I hate how he's even gotten an STD before.

This one does make him sound like he could be a whore. But do you know if it was really his fault? What if he just happened to get one because he slept with someone who didn't tell him they have one? Also not all STDs are only transmissible through sex. Some aren't even detectable.

>I hate how I'm not a Stacy that could get any guy she wants.

Stacies are usually eye candy that have high deprecating value. Assuming a guy isn't a POS and becomes normal enough to not be completely incel/psycho/narcissist, he will realize a Stacy is good for only short-term relationships, not long-term ones. No matter how hot she is, if she's an unhinged bitch, most guys could only stand a Stacy for so long before they cheat/divorce/kill themselves.

Anonymous 104755

Stop centering men. You'll be happier.

Anonymous 104757

>defending moids

Anonymous 104760

>I have bad news for you about most men past the age of 16.
Considering less and less men are having sex I disagree. But also
>defending moids

Anonymous 104778


>Considering less and less men are having sex I disagree.

Why? And why's yours not having less sex then? Don't make retarded claims you can't back up. I bet you saw some statistics saying birthrates are declining, and immediately came to the conclusion that = less men having sex.

>defending moids

You're here bitching, trying to get people to make you cope with your moid. You didn't mention anything about him being an abusive POS, so nothing is keeping you in this relationship.

>I hate how he's the only option I have now to have someone

Yeah, I'm not buying that. Don't be retarded and leave.

Anonymous 104779

why are you yelling at this person like they're me? I'm OP and made this post and I haven't made any responses at all since making this post last night. And there is no option to leave, I'm old and I'm currently living in a diseased hellhole city where all the men here are used and they treat sex like it's a fucking handshake. Being with this diseased moid is literally the only option I have left.

Anonymous 104784


>why are you yelling at this person like they're me?

These are typed words on a website that can be interpreted in any possible number of tones. I can't physically yell, even if I wanted or cared to.

>And there is no option to leave, I'm old and I'm currently living in a diseased hellhole city where all the men here are used and they treat sex like it's a fucking handshake. Being with this diseased moid is literally the only option I have left.

Self-entrapment is a curse, isn't it? You've already resigned your entire life to someone you don't want to care about.

>And there is no option to leave

What does this mean? Are you a thirdie? No decent relatives or friends close by? No women's shelter? If not, it is simply not possible for a moid to keep holding you down. At least not without getting severely fucked up and to pay for it, whether socially or legally, in the process.

In a way, you're right that it will be the only option, but only because of your attitude. You could find a better moid only to come back making this exact same kind of post about it, because you can't see past your own bias.

Anonymous 104785

I honestly don't feel much sympathy if you're this dependant on relationships for your happiness. It's like being flushed down the toilet for life to depend on men for your happiness. Why not just jam a fork in your eye too, it would be more pleasant at least. :I

Anonymous 104789

because everyone else is either in a relationship or fucking someone, people like you are the absolute worst and can go kill yourselves.
"jUsT fInD HapPinESs oN yOuR oWn" is the biggest cope that either only ignorant tonedeaf normies or narcissistic whores say as cope to pretend like they're giving "holier than thou" advice when in actually you're saying the most emptiest platitude on Earth. Humans are programmed to thrive socially, loneliness is abnormal and goes against the function of human beings and you won't last long that way. People who are copefags who say "just be happy alone!" are inevitably going to commit suicide or go on drugs and be the most miserable fucking people on Earth. So even though my life is pretty shit being with a guy I don't love, at least it's not more shit by being absolutely alone and drowning in your own sadness.

Anonymous 104790


Kill yourself, Stacy

Anonymous 104791

Unless it's a mental illness tier amount, then I don't care how many people he's had sex with. Idk why you care?
Std is a deal breaker though, having sex without condoms is absolutely fucking gross, diseased moid is ruined forever. Unless it's one of those that are not strictly sexual, like cold sores or something, then I guess it's not really his fault.
That doesn't mean you have to put up with a moid you hate? Just get friends, or pets, or get a hobby where you can interact with other people? Any of those options are more enriching and fulfilling than some moid you don't even like.

Anonymous 104792


it was chlamydia he got from his slutty coworker. He claims he's taken medicine for it and it's all gone now, but I've been reading up on it and how it can remain dormant for a while and then reappear. I'm just thankful I've only had condom PIV sex with him and nothing else. I was thinking of offering oral to him, but after he's told me this I refuse to ever suck his dick, not in this lifetime or ever.
As for your other suggestions:
>Just get friends
I am stuck at school where the women here are all vapid conceited cunts, plus I am at a point in my life where I just plainly hate associating with other people.
>Just get a hobby
I already have two hobbies which sometimes help, but it still doesn't prevent the times where I sink into self-loathing and depression.
>Just get a pet
Now this was the one good suggestion you offered, and admittedly I've lately been really drawn to cats. I've been heavily considering getting one, but unfortunately I am currently stuck with living with my immediate family, where they all despite cats (they believe in weird superstitions), and one of them is allergic to cats.
So basically my life is fucked and unless a cat magically is placed into my arms, then I am just stuck with this moid.

Anonymous 104793

>I don't care how many people he's has sex with
>Unless it's a mental illness tier amount
Then you do care how many people he's has sex with.
>Idk why you care?
The same reason you care. The only difference is that the "mental illness tier amount" is lower for me.
I'm not that nona, btw, I just also want a virgin boy

Anonymous 104794


He's kind of retarded, but the love is genuine.
Except he got into retarded chud memes off of ifunny and now he says shit like 'The west is saved!' if something good happens.

Anonymous 104795


Wrong thread?

Anonymous 106386

cool fish
hi fishie

Anonymous 106388

This post is pathetic. Get yourself together.

Anonymous 106394


Leave him, depending on a moid (especially a mentally unstable whore) for happiness is stupid and pointless.
You will not be happy if you need someone else to make you feel that way. People are not pawns. You need someone who is equal and good to you, not someone to leech off of.

Anonymous 106395

Get a cat and hit the gym. Doesn't matter what weight you are, get them gains, get healthy and happy.
Men are not worth your time and if you become and believe you're prettier, you will get prettier and better men.
I am biased because I believe no man deserves to touch me but your might find someone who will entertain you for a while.

Anonymous 106396

So I've been in your position and my intuitions about him were correct. Whores are whores - doesn't matter the gender. I regret getting involved and would've been much more psychologically robust had I stayed single.

Anonymous 106397

Technically, he's a slut, not a whore.

Anonymous 106401

I’m sorry, but it’s a matter of time you will understand, that a “love” of a person like this is never genuine, trust me
Of course your choice to ignore my words, but you’ll see it yourself eventually

Anonymous 106421

can you elaborate on why it's not genuine? NTA though

Anonymous 106483

what happened?
Did he hide his past from you? If not, why enter the relationship knowing this?
Is it just his sexual history?
I know its hard, I had a hard time coming to terms with my bf's past too, but ultimately if he makes you miserable please leave. Not only is it terrible for you but its cruel to keep someone around as purely a last resort.
It is your choice to be in this relationship and you can always leave.

Anonymous 107078

I have no advice. I feel the same way about my bf. I resent him for being with women before me but I am too dependent on him for my sanity. Before I met him I was a villain. I can’t go back to being the sad me of the past. I love him. Or at least I’m lonely without him. That might as well be the same. But I hate him simultaneously.

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