
got rejected Anonymous 105128
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO ONE LESS MOID IN MY LIFE (in reality i am in in severe pain)
Anonymous 105136
>>105131 I got rejected for a second date with a guy who came in his pants while kissing me because he "isn't feeling it atm." I didn't even have sex with him and I still somehow got fuck and chucked.
Anonymous 105139
>>105136Wait wot? Did he actually cum in his pants?
Anonymous 105162
>>105139yes lmao. swear to god. he pulled me into his lap, made out with me and I dry humped him until he came in his pants. then rejected me
Anonymous 105163
>>105162fucking kek, we need more details
Anonymous 105164
>>105163oh there’s so many details. that was the most cursed date I’ve ever been on. I’ll tell y’all everything as soon as I’m free
Anonymous 105170
>>105162That's seriously messed up. Good riddance
Anonymous 105176
this is why you dont date virgins/coomers lol
Anonymous 105177
>>105176So you should date sluts instead?
Anonymous 105178
>>105177If you have to date a moid it should be someone who's at least dated 1-3 women (and he wasnt the reason they all ended) so youre not his first science project and he actually knows how to date and act
Anonymous 105179
>>105178otherwise you will end up like these nonas who pine for this chaste amazing virgin male but then come back and complain that he was clueless about how to treat you and please you (shocker) lol
Anonymous 105180
>>105178then how do you expect a moid to lose his virginity then
Anonymous 105181
>>105180Why, he should have been taken by his father to a prostitute for sexual initiation, like in ye olde days, of course! How else would any moid do it?
Anonymous 105182
>>105178>equating relationships with science projectsYeah . . . I'm not taking your advice
>>105179>clueless There's this thing called communication. Have you heard of it?
Anonymous 105185
>>105182yes thats literally how they treat them. Youre their project, not a real person with feelings when he decides to break it off. But you read my point wrong go ahead
Anonymous 105195

>>105164sorry for the wait, but here’s every last detail
>takes a 2 year break from irl boys>gets lonely>all my roommates are on hinge and have boys over constantly >makes a profile>matches with hot stoner boy in a band>we text and call >he tells me i have a hot personality >barely even knows me>gloats about how he doesn’t act aloof to impress women like other boys do>asks me on a double date with one of my roommates>my fucking roommate cancels an hour before>he says I can still go out with him and his friend>not comfortable clubbing with two random males>nothing else to do around here except walmart ffs>tell him we should get high and watch a nature documentary at my apartment, or just reschedule>he ends up coming over after going out>say he can spend the night so he doesn’t drive under the influence but there will be “no funny business”>unfortunately I am stupid >he is actually hotter in person >enjoy his sense of humor>we are on the couch and he says he is cold>I have the only blanket>cuddling ensues>other roommate unexpectedly comes home with her parents >awkward panic >stops cuddling him>he asks if I have a TV in my room>I do>throws on a playlist of cute cat videos>we talk about how god isn’t real >I try to read his birthchart but he interrupts me by sticking his tongue down my throat>oh boy>we make out for the next hour and I realize how much porn he watches>”you’re so fucking hot oh my god yes you’re so hot you’re such a good girl”>it is admittedly obvious the manwhore has a lot of experience>pathetic vagina gets wet>decline getting eaten out so our pants stay on>he takes my bra off without asking>now my boobs are hanging out>wtf>I get on top>he tries to touch me>I slap him>he tries to touch me again >I slap him harder>”don’t ever slap me again”>I immediately break out into tears >the edible is hitting in oh god>roll over and dissociate into wall>he holds me while I cry >”nona I really don’t care just don’t do it again”>it doesn’t help because at this point I’m only crying of embarrassment>fall asleep>wake up mortified>try to watch TV but he starts eating my face again>we argue about pitbulls for some reason >he says he has to beat traffic and leave soon>pulls me into his lap first>makes out with me>I wrap my legs around him>suddenly he yells and pulls me off>he came in his pants>”I swear it’s never happened before”>he still doesn’t really seem embarrassed in the moment>I ask if he still wants to do the double date>he says yes>kisses me at the door>says he will text me when he gets home>texts me abt the eclipse after an hour>I send back pictures of the fish at petco >he doesn’t respond for hours>when he finally responds it seems drier than usual >immediately gut feeling it’s over>maybe I’m overanalyzing it?>maybe he’s just embarrassed about jizzing in his pants?>try first to act really friendly to see if he just wants a lil bit encouragement >he is still dry af>impossible to have a conversation>no second date planned after a week >ok yeah it’s definitely over >never trust a musician with “long-term, open to short” in his profile >I don’t respond to him and a few days pass>still don’t want him to get away with ghosting me>text him sorry for never responding…I was busy, and my roommate can’t do the double date >he responds immediately that it’s fine>ask if he would like to do a regular date >he doesn’t respond for 10 hours>im mad>but I know I must conceal my anger if I want him to feel like shit>send another text that I’ll be ok and won’t get mad if he’s not feeling it>he responds immediately that he’s not sure about another date and atm not really feeling it>pretend to not take it personally>say I could tell he wasn’t feeling it but had to ask anyway>he says he is glad I’m not crazy and sorry for leading me on>yikes>I say it was a weird date so I understand, but he need to try a lot harder not to lead girls on >he says I am so right>tells me at least I can tell people the story of the guy who came his pants now>pretend I didn’t think twice about it and haven’t told anybody>tell him he should tell the story instead about the girl who slapped him and then started crying>says he totally forgot that happened, doesn’t care about it, and is sorry for making me cry >pretend I only cried because I am dealing with stressful family matters >time for me to end the conversation bc I wanna die>”we don’t have to be friends but if you want to give me free weed wait at least a month before reaching out so I’m done hating you”>he says he wants to smoke together>tells me to let out all my anger and curse him out>I never respond >waiting for him to inevitably want me back so I can remind him we are just friends silly males would realize I’m secretly a vindictive bitch if they spent less time eating my face and more time getting to know me. I may be numb inside but I usually win in the end
Anonymous 105198
>>105195>stonerHow was this not the reddest flag? Drug users are the worst scum of the earth.
Anonymous 105203
If I’m lonely enough that I’m going to be physical, it might as well be an attractive one. I would just rather get played by a hot guy than an ugly one! Even guys who don’t do drugs, say/do all the right things and have all the right hobbies are almost always trying to play women in their 20s just as much as the obvious fuckboys. The only real way to avoid being used is to avoid men all together, until you’re older. I didn’t have high expectations i just was damn lonely. The male used me, but at least I can say I made a hot guy cum in his pants. I’d honestly feel a lot worse if he wasn’t that cute and/or had zero red flags. I’ve never not regretted giving the “nice guy” a chance or lowering my standards
Anonymous 105205
>>105203>The male used me, but at least I can say I made a hot guy cum in his pants!You need some self esteem holy cow
Anonymous 105207
>>105195>wants something serious>let's get high at home for our first date?
>guy doesn't respect consent>still wants another date with him???
Anonymous 105262
>>105195You lost this one I'm sorry…
Also why did you start slapping him that's weird you could have just told him to stop instead of acting like a toddler
Anonymous 105275
>>105205>>105207Agreeing with these nonas lol…maybe Im just super old
Anonymous 106033
>>105195>>we talk about how god isn’t realyikes, the entire story foreshadowed in one line
Anonymous 108536
>>105181people actually still do that lol
fucking cursed Anonymous 108718
>>105162Y'know he was probably embarrassed and you were in the wrong for humping him.
Anonymous 109314
>>105195are you 12 years old? this is the stupidest idea, execution, and resolution for a date ive ever read. why would you bring some burnout stoner to your house on the first date ever???? if you want to facilitate a relationship with boundaries, GO TO A PLACE WHERE BOUNDARIES ARE MANDATORY. you could have met at a populated mall, restaurant, fun fair, ANYTHING!! jesus christ.
Anonymous 109315
>>109314more proof that people with escapist mentalities are unfit to do literally anything
Anonymous 109393
>>109314>>108719>>105275>>105136This is a moid post. When will you dumbasses learn these are rage bait posts. You're dumb as hell if you're a woman and you'd willingly write shit like this. Stupid. As. Fuck.
Anonymous 109396
i can't believe how strongly I am torn between being glad that i've only tried letting my feelings out to a guy once (it was awful, i'm still traumatized)
and being upset that I am so lonely
Anonymous 109409
>>109393i've met people dumber than this. story could very well be true
sage anyway cus this thread should die
Anonymous 109459