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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 105380

I have been in love with a friend for 4 years, and because of him I have never had any romantic relationship. He's been dating a trans guy for a year. EVERYONE SHIPS ME WITH HIM. His "boyfriend" treats him like shit… how can I make him stop liking him?

Anonymous 105381


>because of him
Are you serious?

Anonymous 105383

Anonymous 105384

>He's been dating a trans guy
That's a major red flag right there

Anonymous 105395

>His "boyfriend" treats him like shit… how can I make him stop liking him?
Maybe your crush of 4 years likes to be treated like shit?
That's why he goes around dating transmen.
Abuse is a idiosyncratic form of love. He's probably traumabonded at this point.

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