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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 105444

My boyfriend does not want to live with me, at all. Despite this he says he loves me. We've been long distance for two years, we've met up twice..
Everytime i ask him why he doesnt want to live with me he just gets angry and says im being unreasonable. Im not sure what to do here

Anonymous 105445

long distance "relationships" aren't real relationships

Anonymous 105447

tbh i kind of feel the same way too. Before him i refused to edate or even talk to people online. I just dont think he gives a fuck about dating

Anonymous 105448

>Im not sure what to do here
Maybe ask him to explain why or else you're ending the relationship?

Anonymous 105451

He just freaks out and starts pitying himself. The most i have ever gotten out of him was "im just different from everyone else" ……

I dont think he loves me honestly. I found out like a month ago hes been commissioning porn of one of his ocs and when i asked him why he would do that, his response was "the artist needed money"

Anonymous 105452

I'm amazed you haven't dumped his ass already

Anonymous 105453

>He just freaks out and starts pitying himself.
Oh yeah, shifting topics and making it about themselves. That's quite typical.
If you pulled a broken record and keep pressing on the same question while asking him to stay on it, he'd probably just end it with a "I don't want to talk about it".
>"the artist needed money"

>I dont think he loves me honestly

What about you though?
Do you love him?

Anonymous 105457


>Do you love him?

Yeah :/ ive tried so many times to express how i feel etc but every single time it just ends up in me giving up and letting him win. I dont know why im so attached to him, id like to think its because he was my first boyfriend took my virginity etc. But honestly, if he were anybody else i would have been long gone..

When we first met i had made it very clear that i wanted marriage and kids, in the past 6 months or so hes been getting pissy if i even mention those things. I was willing to make the sacrifice of no kids or marriage under the impression that he'd at least want to live in the same house as me. He told me that he'd be willing to live in the same neighborhood and i could "come visit"

All of this is so stupid and i know i look stupid for letting it go on for this long. But then again for some reason i cant bring myself to leave him.

Me too

Anonymous 105465


>All of this is so stupid and i know i look stupid for letting it go on for this long.
Don't worry, you're not stupid.
It's just that talking about important or sensitive things is such a pain that we start somewhere, but we have no idea how the conversation even evolves, and what we wanted to get out of the conversation never happens and ends somewhere else.

>he just gets angry and says im being unreasonable

>every single time it just ends up in me giving up and letting him win
There's a better way to do this.
You can't get your points across in a conversation that's happening in real-time right?
Maybe write him a letter so your intentions and the things you want to express stay on point, that way it's only about you, and not about him and how he feels?

Anonymous 105467

>giving up and letting him win. I dont know why im so attached to him, id like to think its because he was my first boyfriend took my virginity etc. But honestly, if he were anybody else i would have been long gone..
This is why people should wait until marriage. Let this be a warning to the other nonas.

Anonymous 105483

Either he has several long distance relationships going on and doesn't want any of his girlfriends to know about each other or there's something severely wrong with his household habits and he doesn't want you to find out.

At any rate, he sounds weird, sorry.

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