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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Gian Lorenzo Berni…

waiting for someone Anonymous 105793

i met this guy back in may of this year. i didnt think i would catch feelings for him, i wasnt really trying and just wanted someone to talk to, but once i saw him and hungout with him, the connection was unreal. ever since then we had been dating. until the end of oct, our relationship had been great ( i know all relationships have honeymoon phases), but we had such a great connection. the only issue we had was he was a very busy guy. he is a fulltime student and lives right next to his campus. he has had a lot of struggles focusing on school and keeping up. we had a brief break in the beginning of october because i felt like he couldnt handle being in a relationship during this time. we got back together for a few weeks because he said "he wanted to try and change" etc. man stuff. at the end of oct we broke up offically. when we broke up, i agreed that i would wait for him. i am currently 20 yrs old, and i know i have so much life ahead of me, and there are so many people in the world that i could possibly have another connection with. for context, ive always struggled with feeling fully open and being able to actually communicate with others. i have never felt so connected to someone before. ive been in previous relationships, but i just feel in my soul this is different. i hate saying this, but he is different. i know im young, and everyone i explain my situation to tells me im stupid. i dont need validation. i just want genuine honest advice on whether or not i should truly wait for him if my heart wants it.
i will clearify any questions if needed.

Anonymous 105794


Only thing that's permanent is change. You broke up, right?
Time to move on.

>i just want genuine honest advice on whether or not i should truly wait for him if my heart wants it.

How long are you willing to wait?

Anonymous 105795

i think realistically, i could probably only wait a year, but he is going to be in school for almost 4 more years. im also going to be starting online school again myself.

Anonymous 105796

i would love to say i will wait the possible 4 years to be with him, but i know realistically i shouldnt do that. it will only continue to hurt me more probably. we also are not in contact currently, but im hoping in the near future we can rekindle and have some type of friendship for the time being. thats how ive been holding out hope, but it isnt guarenteed.

Anonymous 105797


You'll never know what future holds, for either of you. Just live your life as usual, hangout with new friends, date others, randomly remember him once in a while. You didn't promise anything, and if fate wills it, you'll be back after 4, 10 years later. If he's smart he knows time changes and he'll have to do his own thing.
Don't worry about both of you. You did the best thing for both of you at that point and now enjoy what the future holds.

Anonymous 105807

if someone really likes you they'll prioritize you regardless of what's going on in their lives. dude sounds avoidant - stay away

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