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Cat with flowers.j…

Is it worth being happy? Anonymous 106348

I want to have a family, I have wanted it since forever. I met a moid who I loved but despite his radfem single mother upbringing, he turned out to be an abuser.

All I want is a family. I am straight not stupid. I know that I will never get a moid that acts like a woman, like a human but I will be equally miserable with less and with nothing.
>pic unrelated

Anonymous 106356

>despite his radfem single mother upbringing, he turned out to be an abuser
I am shocked.

Anonymous 106378

moids usually end up screwed up because of a lack of sane father figures. even radfem moms can't really contain their inherent tendency towards dark triad behaviour because men just possess an inherent respect for other men that they simply don't for women - to them, the same advice from the mouth of a main hits differently than from a woman

Anonymous 106385

It seems like a horrible idea to teach a male child radfem. A core tenet of radfem is the masculine need to dominate and conquer being rewarded in patriarchal society. The child will either become one of two things

1) Realize it's a way to get ahead and exploit it by being violent, patriarchal etc, thus becoming successful
2) Become a guilt ridden male feminist who is detested by himself, men and women
High chance he'll be the 2nd first, flip to the 1st and develop enormous resentment towards women

Anonymous 106389

Don't aim for a unrealistic family ideal, let things happen.

Anonymous 106390

it's probably more like the mother is going to be a bad mother

Anonymous 106391

Why would a mother being radfem make her a bad mother?

Anonymous 106392

She was a good person, maybe not the best mother but as good as a single mother can get.
She just let him near gross men I guess.

Anonymous 106393

This is true, he even had an older sister but he went to an all boys school aswell.
If he went to a mixed school without male ideologies spewing from his friends mouthes then I think that he wouldn't be so degenerate.

But it doesn't matter. What matters is that he was an animal despite the efforts to make him human and that is why I have nothing but resentment for them now.

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