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How to stop getting pissed off? Anonymous 106585

>be me

>moid says that women are sensitive and only dress up and spray perfume for moids

>starts making fun of my name and says that girls names are stupid

>says that he doesn’t want a daughter because they’re women

>after he blatantly states he hates women

>same moid that gets mad at me for saying he wore the same shirt twice in a row (I said this a week ago, he hasn’t let it go.)

How do I stop getting pissed off at these small things? I know moids are like this, it just hurts to experience it.

Anonymous 106587

where are you meeting moids like this? is it the internet? do you know their socioeconomic class, job, education level etc?

Anonymous 106589

Getting pissed off over trivial things is symptomatic of not having thoroughly developed pastimes or moral/religious guidelines that pervade your thoughts & decisions enough to keep you from knowingly fixating on distractions or "content."

Anonymous 106591

You do make a point. He’s in lower education than me, almost completely retarded, way more sensitive than I am, and ugly as fuck. I guess my own point is that it hurts to experience it firsthand no matter the circumstance, and the fact that there’s nothing I can do to change the way women are treated.

Anonymous 106592


I get pissed off at everything easily too.
Right now I'm pissed off at a TV show because of a character who has turned bad and away from her principles! Makes me want to quit watching it but I've invested so much already!

Getting pissed off is a good thing. It only proves that you're still a human being who can react to things you find wrong. Getting pissed off tells you that you are in the wrong company or doing something that is hurting you!

I'd get pissed off if a moid does those things around me too. What an asshole!
Getting pissed off protects you. Don't do things that make you pissed!

Anonymous 106597

>ugh I keep talking to this ugly, uneducated guy who keeps saying horrible things to me
>why is this happening and when will he finally ask me out?
tsundere nona

Anonymous 106599

call him a faggot if he hates women so much lol. fag

Anonymous 106615

I find it hard to take seriously the opinions of people less educated than me. It's sort of like getting offended if a kid disagrees with you. Why do you think you might take him seriously despite his lack of education?

Anonymous 106620

You know goddamn well.. lmfao

Anonymous 106630

the politics of re…

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