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Should I breakup with bf Anonymous 106680

So I'm gonna keep it simple, I'm pretty ugly, been bullied my entire life for it, whatever, I got a pretty thick skin because of it; now the thing is my first and current bf of 1 month is both good looking and popular at uni and the amount of shit he's getting for dating me is really starting to get to me, I'm thinking of just breaking up with him; I mean, I don't even know what to do when it happens? I can't just tell him to cut off everybody that makes a snarky comment because he would have to drop like 50% of people at school; plus it's making me feel like shit… not because I'm hurt or anything but because those comments and gossip are directed at him; I already caught myself avoiding him at school to prevent the stupid jokes and I wonder if I should just do it

Anonymous 106681

How many years of school do you have left?

>not because I'm hurt or anything but because those comments and gossip are directed at him

If someone is making fun of your bf for dating you, then it's his problem, not yours. It's upto him to decide if he wants to put up with the insults that get thrown at him or to leave you.
Besides, this is precisely what those people want - to cause problems between you both. Don't give it to them. Let them seethe all day looking at your BF dating you and all they could do is insult him.

Anonymous 107072

It's time to start insulting them back.

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