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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 106682

I don't understand my ex bf,i am really obsessed with him because i have my first time with him and we date like for 2 years. I am not fat or ugly and we share hobbies and i meet all his family.
But,he left me for a girl from the internet who is from another country and probably he lives locked in his room right now taking with a stranger.
I don't understand him,this really hurt me and i don't know what to do. I feel used like a object.
He always call me a "crazy bitch" when i try to talk with him.

Anonymous 106683

What's there to understand?
You got replaced by someone who can feed better attention to him 24/7, online.
>I feel used like a object.
>He always call me a "crazy bitch" when i try to talk with him.
Like right now or when you were dating back?

Anonymous 106684

my first bf (and ex bf) left me after 6 years and never explained why. just ghosted and never came back. it's been 3 years now lmao. men do b like that

Anonymous 106685


Moids do that with their kids too.

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