Anonymous 107191
I wish I was male but I am not transgender. I kind of like being a girl but I feel like I would get more out of life if I was male and overall be happier. In my dreams I am a tall smart provider with wife and kids in the countryside. I would take care of the kiddos and wife, protect them and teaching them things like fishing, wood craft and hunting. I would remember all details about her and the kids and suprise her with flowers and chocolate from time to time or maybe bake something for her. Treat her well. For the kids I would give masculine but father-like presence. I dont know how to explain. Even if I didn't have family I would still like to be male more. I just can't stop dreaming and thinking about this. Today at shower I thought weird by looking at my body, I should have flat cheast and penis but I have neither. I act like a moid on internet and no one has question me not being a moid yet during these years. I know its kind of wrong towards my internet friends but I can't stop.
Anonymous 107192

>I wish I was male but I am not transgender.
>I should have flat cheast and penis but I have neither. I act like a moid on internet and no one has question me not being a moid yet during these years.
>and penis
Sounds like a female version of AGP.
Don't let it eat you up.
Anonymous 107193
If you care about these things (taking care of someone), the way you look while doing it should not matter.
If it does, then you want to be seen as the kind of person who protects those around you, more than you want to actually do the work.
One of these is an adult with goals, the other is a child fantasizing about looking good.
Anonymous 107195
>>107191>I feel like I would get more out of life if I was male and overall be happier.If there’s a single thing I’ve learned from a lifetime of putting up with moids, it’s that being a moid sucks all of the balls, and that they’re all living in a nearly-constant state of misery and rage. The grass is not greener on the other side, nona.
Anonymous 107198
If you were a moidmonkey, you’d be too full of impotent rage and penisbrained to accomplish half of that. All of the things you want to do can be done by a woman. You’re clinging to the fantasy of a provider male that is hollow and soulless in real life. Try to be the best woman you can be. You’ll be a lot happier.
Anonymous 107204
What helped me was realizing that even if I was male, none of these dreams would come true. Since I am me, I would still be shorter than average, probably average to small penis, bad social skills (-> no pussy) etc. Furthermore, I would probably go bald eventually, look like a skeleton if I don't regularly do sports, only be allowed to have surface level conversations woth my macho bodies and so on. I'm fine the way I am.
Anonymous 107232
>>107198>If you were a moidmonkey, you’d be too full of impotent rage and penisbrained to accomplish half of that.Kek