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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 107228

I decided to sell few books on internet via second hand platform. So I made a deal with one woman who wanted to buy two books, and we met hour ago. She bought them and all went well except I couldn't say a word to her. I stand there just using body language but no word come out of my mouth. I just couldn't say anything.

This happens every time I see a person I don't know, my ability to speak goes away. I just cant say a single word before I have met the person at least few times. I am so tired of this. Now I am worried that she gives me bad review because I didn't say a word and no one will buy the other stuff anymore. I don't know.

Why I am not able to say anything? What is wrong? I trained at home for multiple times what I will say and how, but nothing come out. It's depressing.

Anonymous 107245

social anxiety maybe?

Anonymous 107247

It's called selective mutism and you need to find a professional.

Anonymous 107248

It's called selective mutism and you need to find a professional.

Anonymous 107249

Selective mutism is only diagnosed in children. Not speaking in certain situations as an adult is due to another cause like a trauma reaction typically.

Anonymous 107324

don't worry about the review, people on second hand sites just want to buy cheap stuff, they don't care who they buy it from as long as they get it. Reviews are only there to complain if you didn't get what you paid for.

The mutism thing is probably some sort of anxiety related thing, either you gotta try to talk to strangers daily until it starts working, or you need a therapist.

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