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Battling seasonal depression Anonymous 107395

Every year, around this time, I go through a seasonal depression. It's also the anniversary of something that's very hard for me. How do I cope with this?

Anonymous 107399


Another year goes by and I've done nothing when all I do every day is survive. I feel like I'm still 16. I have all the reasons to be depressed, and my depression IS the appropriate response because I know that if I were happy, then I am insane, because there's nothing much to be happy about when I look around the rock bottom I am in.

Here's to another year, nona. Hope things go well at least this time.

>How do I cope with this?

A hot steamy bath, something tasty to eat or a walk outside in a park, maybe. Something that pampers the inner child's five senses.

Anonymous 107424

Have you tried a seasonal depression lamp? My mom has one and she says it helps decently.

Anonymous 107427

Vit D, physical activity and this >>107424

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