
Having children with men Anonymous 107867
Do your Nigel wants to have children with you? I noticed that in a lot of long term relationship where the moid didn't propose yet, the man keeps leading the woman on cause he's "not ready yet". But I've realized that most of these time wasters would have children with a woman if they could abandon her and the child later on. They are scared of losing their freedom.
Anonymous 107875
my ex tried to make me his broodmare and I was at the time directionless in life enough to start opening up to it, but then he went mask off and admitted he thinks all women are whores lol
Anonymous 107886
Mine said he wants as many kids as he could take care of and he also wants to get married. I don’t know how I ended up here I just woke up one day in a serious relationship.
Anonymous 107887

My Nigel and I are childfree, he is so for my sake imo, though he says I have permanently changed his mind. I'm scared he'll leave me eventually, realising he values something nebulous, non-existent (child) over our nearly 10 year relationship.
Anonymous 107890
>>107887Don't fear a failure in such a long relationship. Fear often makes you subconsciously act towards failure, only granting your fears to come to life.
Have trust in him if you truly love him.
Anonymous 107893
>>107890That's a very kind perspective, I will try that
Anonymous 107894
>>107893I love telling this one thing to people:
"Fate does as your faith goes"
Do not believe something you wish not to happen. Faith is very weird sometimes, even if you are not religious.
Anonymous 107895
Wym men can easily walk away and do so all the time
Anonymous 107896
>>107895Not sure if you are replying to me, but I will say the following.
I've been raised a girl in an harsh society, surrounded by men, parents treating me like a male child from birth, so on so on. All of my friends, with little exceptions, all of my connections, it was all men. I believe I know more about men than you do, dear.
Claiming they do so just because you say so doesn't prove anything. It's simply invalid.
Its a "trust me bro" kinda statement.
Anonymous 107904
>>107890This makes you sound like such a normie ..
Anonymous 107906
>>107905>everyone I dislike is a pickme! Anonymous 107907
>>107906What the hell is a pickme…
>>107904Normie.. to what culture? Normie to feminazism? Yeah maybe. And I am glad to be normal in that regard.
Anonymous 107908
>>107907Pickmes are women who are ready to jump out of their skin for moid attention, even if it means lying, going against their beliefs, damaging themselves, etc.
Of course, just like every inherently derogative term on the internet, it has almost completely degenerated outside of its original meaning and is now used by psychotic misanthropic radfems to label everyone who dares to show any form of empathy towards moids.
Anonymous 107909
>>107908>derogativeI mean "derogatory". Sorry, me no speak English.
Anonymous 107910

>>107908>>107909I… came to this site specifically because I am too surrounded by men and because I was raised like a boy myself… seeking to exchange culture with more girls instead…
I am also a bi, leaning more to my lesbian side… so I cannot say I seek boy attention all that much… which wouldn't make sense since we are on a girl-only site.. right?…
Anonymous 107912
>>107908Any woman who dates men is a pickme…
Anonymous 107913
>>107907>feminazismNo woman with self respect would say that
Anonymous 107914

>>107913I believe I respect myself more than all of you here, from what I have seen in the past week I've been here.
Feminazism is an issue that makes people target women, same way Nazism (a regime made to rise Germany from the ashes) fucked Germany up and made it an enemy of the entire world.
I am alright with feminism, but most of you go too far, and it is making me ashamed.
>>107912Technically, I guess that's true. Why is it an issue to seek attention?
Anonymous 107915
>>107913Women with self-respect can still hate hate-filled radicals just fine.
Also: the way you use this argument right after spewing a gendered slur at someone is almost poetic. Golly, I wonder why some women don't want to be called feminists!
Anonymous 107916
>>107915Thank you for adding in, Nona…
Sometimes when I look at this site, I think to myself that these people are purposely brainwashing the other users here to be incelibates, hateful feminazis and worse. Just like how 4chan is owned by a branch of the CIA, where they push internet propaganda and memes that make it to twitter and reddit.
Anonymous 107922

This is the reality but women still go and groom eachother into stupidity then call anyone who criticize them a negative loser and then pull up with some spiritual gaslighting. Have some self preservation or you will die alone after having a moid and a family with him but no real community
Anonymous 107923
>>107896it was in reply of the OP dumbass, I would've quoted someone otherwise
>just because you say so doesn't prove anything. Right back at ya then
Anonymous 107992

>>107867My boyfriend wants 11-12 kids. He hasn't told me this personally but I see him posting about it and I don't know how to tell him absolutely not.
Anonymous 108002
>>107887Moids have a biological clock too. You should really talk to him about it and find out for sure if he still feels the same way you do.
Anonymous 108005
>>107992>he hasn’t told me personally but You’re the first baby mama. After 2-3 he’ll be on to the next love victim.
Anonymous 108028
I think my bf will be a good dad one day, he's very selfless, sacrificial, kind, and pure. But he can also put a firm foot down (but gently).
We need more people like that to raise children. I shudder to think what the iPad generation is like these days. I think we'll probably have some strange homeschool kids (he wants to be a stay at home dad and I fully support it)
Anonymous 108029
Mine wants them, and I wory he's getting impatient with waiting for me to be ready.
I've told him that I think he'll be a great dad, and that I want us to have a family, and that we can start trying once I'm happy with where my career is at, but he doesn't seem to understand that that might be another five or six years still.
Anonymous 108095
He kinda does, but has agreed not to if I don't want them. Children aren't super important to either of us, we like our jobs too much. I used to want a family of my own because I was trying to fix how I never had that as a kid but then I got over it
Anonymous 108102
I had to end a 5 year relationship because he suddenly changed his mind about wanting kids. We were childfree because we didn't see a reason to needlessly have kids just because we could, until a relative died and suddenly having kids became the most important thing in the world. He tried to change my mind, but I really loved our lifestyle and knew children would destroy it, so he was approached by a friend who was looking for a sperm donor. Building a life around someone who's going to have split loyalties between me and another woman's child was just too much, so I told him no to everything and left.
I really regret that. Initially it was the loss of my best friend and partner, then the dual incomes, but really it was just getting older that made the light and free lifestyle so boring and unfulfilling. I finally actually want to start a family, but I didn't really appreciate how fucking awful younger men are now (or maybe it's just how many more I have to suffer due to mass connections that gives the impression) and the one man I would want to do it with has a family of his own. I'm starting to think I'll wind up childfree, willingly or not.
Anonymous 108161
>>108029no offence but I don't think you should ever wait for something that might not ever come.
Anonymous 108164
Mine has recently started talking about getting married, buying a house and having kids.
He's an alright man, I guess I'd rather be with him than be single, but I really don't feel like I'd trust him with my children or property. He doesn't appear very loyal or dedicated and we have a "male friendship" type of relationship that consists of jokes, debates and small talk because he freaks out whenever anything meaningful or difficult comes up. And yeah, these difficult topics include normal relationship conflicts – he can't talk about anything like a grown adult.
It's hard. I want a family but I am fully aware I can't score a man who'd make a good husband and father.
Anonymous 108172
>>108102That sucks. Nothing worse than knowing what you want when it's too late to have it.
Anonymous 108173
Mine really wants a kid, sometimes so do i, but neither of us can handle that so weve agreed to put it off for a long time.
Imagining him as a father is really heartwarming though, and I dont think well be childless forever.