who wants sex in m…

Anonymous 107935
Is this image legit? I avoid media with sex scenes.
Anonymous 107936
Probably just shows female preference for romantic movies.
Anonymous 107937

I used to avoid them, but I actually like romance in movies with female characters like me.
Anonymous 107959
This might be fake? I can't find the data at all, and the only source for the image is /tv/
Anonymous 108022
>>107935I am very surprised moids voted less likely. Either most of them were lying (Since they can get off to so much as a zoomed-in, pixelated photo of an arm if frustrated enough) or figured porn sites were better use of their time, since they don't have to filter through bullshit disguised as plot and characters. Which I would agree with the latter, as I hate the amount of sex scenes in media these days. It has turned movies and TV shows into soft porn. I don't need to pay to watch a sex scene every two minutes, only with extra low-quality crap to filter through, when I can just go to a porn site for free and a better experience.
Anonymous 108039
Imo a well-directed and realistic sex scene indicates whether the director is good.
Women know more about shitty sex.
Anonymous 108057
>>107935Didn't seem so far fetched, does softcore sex scenes do anything for the porn addicted mind?
Also there are many movies that could go without a sex scene, but have them to increase appeal to a broader audience.
I bet only young boys who aren't allowed to use the Internet will have any interest.
Anonymous 108075
Do I like the couple? Aww yeah.
Do I hate the couple? Disgusting.
I can still use one hand to count all the canon couples I've actually liked, so I'm usually in the latter camp.
Anonymous 108091

I avoid romance and movies that have important male characters as much as I can.
One of the last movies I saw had sex scenes, but it was a girl having sex with a fire truck after getting pregnant because of a race car.
Anonymous 108097
>>108091>it was a girl having sex with a fire truck after getting pregnant because of a race car.W-what the fuck did I just read? (tell me more - you've triggered my morbid curiosity)
Anonymous 108099
>>108097Quit your job and go watch Titane right now.
Anonymous 108108

Ew. This chart grosses me out. I don't believe it. I reject the results.
I dislike media with useless sex scenes, aka 99% of media WITH sex in it. It throws me off and disgusts me.
No, this isn't me announcing I'm ((apparently)) not like other girls. I want the girls to be like me. I want the continuation of the rhetoric that sexual deviancy nymphomaniac tendencies are predominantly male trails. THIS makes 0 sense?! This chart is propaganda. I want the sample size, the conditions of the survey, everything. I want to know, is this the influence of the booktok girls claiming they're incapable of reading a book without smut!?
Anonymous 108130
>>108108Women are sexual too, they just prefer romance to watching straight porn like men do.
Anonymous 108132
>>108108>>108109nta but Literotica does have plot too. Although alot of it is also so badly written that I'll often look at it just for the sex scenes and nothing else, like with movies/shows that are shitty but have too many sex scenes. If a product/work holds no value except for some bored masturbation session, expect me to treat it as such.
Anonymous 108139
>>108108If nymphomania is a male trait why is it that the best selling books are usually pulpy erotica/soft porn novels? Why is it that media aimed at women and created by women usually involves themes such as love triangles, forbidden love (lust) and usually some form of bigamy?
Anonymous 108140
>>108139Not to mention that female orientated cinema usually hires muscle bound meatheads to walk around with their shirts off specifically for your pleasure i.e. Chris Hemsworth in 99% of the shitty movies he's in
Anonymous 108142
>>108108Don't worry, nona. This chart is fake as fuck and I can't find anything from BBFC about it.
>I want the girls to be like me.But I don't want to.
Anonymous 108175
Didn't Oppenheimer have gratuitous sex scenes?
>>107936This makes sense
Anonymous 108176
>>108175There's a scene where Oppie quotes the Bagavad Gita "I am become death" while having sex with a commie. I'm not joking.
Anonymous 108233
>>108175hardly, they come off as awkward. christopher nolan is a sexless individual
Anonymous 108377
This is bullshit. I always wished that the doesthedogdies website had a sex scene tag but still hasn't happened, so I usually just try to watch movies that aren't American
Anonymous 108432
>>108377Isn’t that even worse? Imagine a french or a japanese movie without random sex scene. Better watching old hollywood movies then or asian doramas (like, not “film” asian movies)
Anonymous 108497
>>108176It's a garbage movie. Nolan is a hack
Anonymous 108501
>>108497the sex scenes were literally unnecessary, the focus of the movie was supposed to be the bombs and oppi's existential crisis (to which they did not dedicate enough time imo)
my favorite scene was oppi's speech scene with the crowds in the bleachers. that was the most memorable moment imo.