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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 108050

I'm 27. I did it all, had a job I wanted,I feel like it represent me. I have a bf I wanted, it feels like he represents me too.
The truth is I'm on autopilot and am an empty shell. No real friend, no real happieness. Feels like nothing is real in general. I dont see any way in which I van improve this and stop feeling like a shell. When I try to talk about it, all I get is "adolthood".

Anonymous 108055

welcome to the club, nona

life is 99% mundane autopilot interspersed with rare moments of overwhelming joy or sadness

Anonymous 108064

>life is 99% mundane autopilot
True. It took me a long time to realize for most people life isn't fun, it's just existing. Or worse if you're unlucky are are perpetually in survival mode.

That said, making friends is possible, getting a job or hobbies you genuinely like is possible. Why do you feel like you have no way to improve your situation? Are you depressed and don't realize it?

Anonymous 108074

Are you in good physical health, nona?
Blood tests normal, sleeping enough, eating well? These things make a legitimate difference in your well-being. Don't think about it too existentially without ruling out the physical.

I'm telling you this as someone who found out I had thyroid cancer through a suicide attempt. I was miserable and had no idea why. The mind and body are connected, it's no joke.

Anonymous 108273

The mass of women live in quiet desperation.

You'll die one day nona, do the things you want to do before that day comes

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