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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 108386

How do I stop being a fixer?
It's very annoying when most of the time I am either ignored and they keep repeating the same thing later, or I end up having to literally apologize for genuinely trying to help some one. I just don't understand. I hate helping people but I keep getting triggered to help them.
People talk to me about their problems and some of them actually get angry at me and stop talking to me when I suggest something they could do about it and it makes no sense.

Anonymous 108387

Sometimes you just need to vent. Though you have every right to complain if a person is constantly using you as their emotional toilet with zero desire to do anything about their issues. Some people are just emotional parasite pity-whores like that.

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