
Anonymous 109127
advice, please. i want a relationship but i am unwilling to date someone who watches porn. the thought of it disgusts me. is this a mentally ill unrealistic ideal or a reasonable boundary? i dont have any equivalent vice, i take good care of myself.
Anonymous 109129
Porn has become completely normalized in the past years that it's a miracle if you found a moid who hasn't watched porn. Most anti-porn moids are usually ex-porn addicts trying to reform themselves in my opinion.
This is not a mentally ill unrealistic ideal. Porn is cheating. Maybe a moid can watch porn when he's single and lonely but when he's dating you, then that's a strict no. He's compartmentalizing his sexual life with his romantic life, doing the Madonna-Whore complex thing and that's a red flag.
Anonymous 109133
>>109129so in your opinion,it’s not a silly standard butim unlikely to fulfill it? ouch.
Anonymous 109135
>>109133It's just normalized that's all. Everyone has a choice in this matter. I'm so lonely, I need sexual release and all those are just excuses. They can jerk off without porn if they want to.
Anonymous 109137
>>109127I think it's less realistic than looking for a moid who doesn't drink.
Anonymous 109148
>>109135>They can jerk off without porn if they want to.There are no institutions dedicated to explaining the harm of porn to teens. Even the most basic idea that women whom they seek companionship with may not like them talking about jerking off to other women does not cross their mind because of the societal conditioning to watch it and pickmes willing to tolerate topics like that. Christfags are the only likely source they can hear any anti-porn sentiment from and I wouldn't listen to those people's opinion on anything either. The best you can hope for is finding a moid who used to watch porn but is willing to abandon it for you.
Anonymous 109176
>>109148>christfagsi like christians. i dont trust young male ones to be sincere, though.
Anonymous 109177
>>109127I've always wanted to date a teetotaler who doesn't watch porn and is vegan (since I'm all of those things). I've met lots of men who don't watch porn, a couple of vegans, and 0 teetotalers. I think most men approaching their 30s tend to stop watching porn because they start blaming it for their terrible hairlines and dicks.
Anonymous 109201
>>109127It’s a reasonable boundary
Consider also to drop any moid who begs like this. Disgusting. If you’re not gonna respect yourself how do you expect me to respect you. Fuck’s sake why are nornoids like this
Anonymous 109202
If porn is degrading then sex is also. You still have to go on all fours for a man who would rape a child the same way and film it (referencing the CSA posted here by incels) its inherently degrading no matter what
Anonymous 109206 has a free book (and audiobook) that fixed my porn addiction effortlessly, you gotta check it out
Anonymous 109209
the person I trust the least is a young male "ex porn addict" who found christianity through 4chan or some based and redpilled trad account with a roman statue pfp
Anonymous 109232
>>109209These are the worst. Believers tend to be hypocritical bitches as is, but those assholes take it way beyond simple hypocrisy. It's just another bat for them to beat groups they don't like with without absorbing any of the few good things christianity teaches.
Anonymous 109233
>>109127Wanting a relationship with a moid is mental illness at this point. Most women are getting the message and opting out of destroying their lives that way
Anonymous 109239
Unless he’s an asexual schizoid spaztard, a modern male is going to be watching porn. It’s unavoidable with how ingrained it is culturally now. What can you do about it? That’s the fun part. The man you choose no matter who you choose is going to do things you dislike, and you have to decide which flaws are tolerable for you and which ones you cannot accept. My nigel is an ex-porn watcher, and though it would be better if he had never watched it, he didn’t adopt any truly horrid fetishes that men often do from pornographic materials like choking or anorectal violence (which is for faggots in denial anyway.) Watch out for the ones who want you to do physically damaging or degrading acts they’ve learned from porn. And of course, you can always dump them later if their habits disgust you too much and find someone more tolerable. There’s an abundance of men.
Anonymous 109241
>>109239Love for anal is such a good indicator. They all know how much it hurts to stick things up your butt and how much pain and effort it takes to condition your body for it. And yet, they still desire it. A healthy moid who cares about a healthy relationship with a healthy sex life would never be into such a thing because the very idea of hurting his partner should repulse him, not make him horny.
Anonymous 109254
>>109239>Unless he’s an asexual schizoid spaztard, a modern male is going to be watching porn> My nigel is an ex-porn watcherhuh
Anonymous 109256
Ehh my boyfriend doesn’t watch porn and had stopped before he even met me for his own mental health. But it’s not like a real boundary. Most people consume porn. The way most men consume it is the problem
Anonymous 109272
>>109256I always thought it was all about the repercussions in their behaviour toward women coupled with the exploitative nature of the industry behind it.
How would you characterize your stance on the matter?
These very real problematics are often compounded with the feeling of unfair competition felt within the couple when the moid consumes porn. Is it that when we refer to this issue we are in fact touching something with a very strange geometry?
What is a 'right way' to consume porn in your opinion?
Anonymous 109281
>>109272>the exploitative nature of the industry behind itNTA but I always think this seems kinda irrelevant. There's plenty of moids who only consume hentai but they're hardly any better than moids who consume regular porn. In fact they're arguably worse. Porn is bad because it's effectively cheating, end of story. The exploitation is just the rotten cherry on top.
Anonymous 111107
Anonymous 111108
Anonymous 111109
Anonymous 111110