essay writing and absurdism Anonymous 109611
in most american schools, you will have to write an essay many, many times. i can distinctly remember how tedious english classes were in teaching kids how to write a "proper" essay, and that the way in which you communicate your idea/argument/whatever has to be both compelling to read, and logically cohesive. sometimes i feel like taking high school english is just a weird pipeline to creating ideologically radical manifesto writers.
even on the internet i see the remnants of high school english, because everything has to be about something "meaningful" and useful to society. very few people gravitate towards the idea of how absurd the whole process of finding "meaning" in everything is in the first place. realizing absurdism is uncomfortable for people to feel, and why is that? it's uncomfortable for me too frankly, and so i just keep waiting for someone or something to snap me out of it. does anyone feel the same?
anyways, i guess the whole point of this post is: do you think a /nosubject/ board benefits or harms imageboards? why or why not?
Anonymous 109612

>a weird pipeline to creating ideologically radical manifesto writers.
I don't think practicing proper expression leads to radicalism, I don't understand how you got that idea.
>very few people gravitate towards the idea of how absurd the whole process of finding "meaning" in everything is in the first place
Have you heard about religion?
>does anyone feel the same?
pic related
Anonymous 109618
>>109611I say something stupid to my friends, it doesn't matter. I say something smart to my friends, it doesn't matter either. Everyone laughs or no one laughs, I live or I die, I succeed or I fail; it doesn't matter. This is liberating. I do what I do because I know I don't have to. If I didn't know that I didn't have to do something, then my doing/not doing the thing would be entirely outside of my control. Absurdism is the antidote to mass hypnosis.
Anonymous 109635
>>109618people like the pursuit of meaning though. it feels good. it only becomes bad and full of regret when you harm others in doing so.