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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Kill me kill me Anonymous 109845

I acted histrionic and ended my relationship with a man who has kids and a gf he lives with but he wants some sex cult thing but it’s all over now after like 5 years and i don’t know if I’m in the right or made the wrong decision. He ended things officially. I fucked up. Kill me.

Anonymous 109846


Anonymous 109878

>has kids and a gf he lives with
>wants some sex cult
Did you know when you got into a relationship with him?
Why did you get with him in the first place?

Anonymous 109879

this post is so retarded i lost braincells reading it

Anonymous 109887

>i don’t know if I’m in the right
>relationship with a man who has kids and a gf he lives with but he wants some sex cult
You can never be wrong in this scenario. Never.

Anonymous 109890

I didn’t know for a long time in. Couple years at least. He just accepts me I think but I don’t know because I think I’m too crazy even for him. But I think the way he acts makes ME act crazy, but deep down I really don’t think the things that scare me and bother me are crazy. I think I start to act crazy when he ignores me or leaves mid conversation over text, but I always try hard to address a conversation rationally and he just tells me he’s sick of my complaining and he’s not discussing the issue anymore. So I snapped and I left and I ruined everything.

Anonymous 109900

You removed yourself from an unhealthy situation, good job. Stop thinking you've done anything wrong.

Anonymous 109954

You made the right call ending it, there's no reason to stay with someone who abuses you like that. There's plenty of people who would have someone like you and accept you with all your craziness without being abusive sex cult leaders. Hard to find, but they're out there.

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