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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 110010

He would rather play fetch with my dog for 3 hours than watch a movie with me.

Anonymous 110013

>having a dog.

Anonymous 110026

Let him choose the film, and when you don;t like it don't complain.
I'm not saying you will like this, but you will get him to watch a film with you this way.

Anonymous 110028

what was the movie
also post dog

Anonymous 110042

Playing with pets is a duty, they are akin to children. Be more motherly

Anonymous 110184

Let him run around until he tires himself out, then give him a bone and put on a movie.
I miss my dog.

Anonymous 110185

if he doesn't take him out for the walk regularly without complaing, dump him

Anonymous 110238

If he likes dogs that much, he's a green flag for sure

Anonymous 110252

>>Let him run around until he tires himself out, then give him a bone and put on a movie.
The moid or the dog?

Anonymous 110282

What's da difference? OH!
-Andrea Dice Clay

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