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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 110016

Is it okay to hate your so's stupid whore exes? I think it should be

Anonymous 110018

you sound stable

Anonymous 110019

Why would anyone enjoy being anything but the first and only love of your partner?

My husband only had 2 women before me, I got over it, but ngl at times that shit kept me up at night, promiscuity is cancer.

Anonymous 110020

I just despise them as people. They drank and smoked a lot, masturbated, sucked dick, had threesomes with him that included other women (aka cuckoldry), had sex on the side while dating him, liked shitty poetry and pretentious paintings, studied something like liberal arts or some other useless major, etc

Inb4 >they sound like fun unlike you lol!!

Anonymous 110023

Why are you even with that man??
Jesus Christ just find someone you can actually trust, these type of issues never get better.

Anonymous 110024

Although his former partners and his own past are depraved, I trust him.

Anonymous 110025

Sorry for your loss.
You deserve better.

Anonymous 110083


why do you even care? They're out of his life and you probably won't meet them.

Anonymous 110093

He's still friends with one of them and regularly mentions good things about another one. Almost like he hasn't got over her.

Anonymous 110094

>He's still friends with one of them
Okay that's awful, if you knew that from the beginning I wouldn't have dated him in the first place. Keeping a distance to opposite sex friends is a healthy habit in general.

Anonymous 110095

If you feel so strongly about it, why did you marry such a promiscuous man?

Anonymous 110098


Anonymous 110102

I'm not really worried about her since she's married now. Plus, she's not the one he has simped the most for.

Anonymous 110128

>noooo if you're a woman you have to accept slutty moids

Anonymous 110130

You shouldn't be with a moid with stupid whore exes to begin with.

Anonymous 110141

"if you ever ever had a single girlfriend or two before you're an used object and should be thrown into the trash" posts like >>110019 sound 100% like a parody of maleposting you should take your meds "nonas"

Anonymous 110143

If it's just one or two, it's pretty okay. When the body count approaches 10 though… it means the person can't keep their shit attention span focused on one "love" interest for longer than two minutes and will forget about you the moment you part ways. They will use you to kill time or lower the horniness particle levels in their body. No attachment, no significance given to your interactions. You will be as cherished and appreciated as a cheap fleshlight.

Anonymous 110165

If I'm a virgin, he better be. Simple as.

Anonymous 110166

>"if you ever ever had a single girlfriend or two before you're an used object and should be thrown into the trash"
This but unironically.

Anonymous 110630

how many male virgins have you met that you found attractive?

Anonymous 110637

I have never met an attractive moid regardless.

Anonymous 110643

It's so easy to direct your anger towards these exes who aren't even in your life instead of confronting yourself with the fact your man was the one who voluntarily dated and loved these women you hate so much. Even better, you're the one knowingly dating a man who had threesomes with "stupid whores" kek.

Pretty funny honestly.

Anonymous 110646

newsflash: if he mentioned having threesomes with his exes, he expects that out of you too. have fun being with a pornsick, disease ridden manwhore i guess. or get some self respect and find someone who won't triangulate you with his exes.

Anonymous 110667

in the same way you can hate the raccoons digging through your trash. but you're better off because that trash isn't your problem anymore. don't waste too much energy hating trash pickers. you'll heal

Anonymous 110681

You lose when you let yourself feel such strong emotions over people that shouldn’t matter.

Anonymous 110682

I take it back.

Anonymous 110785

Anonymous 110831

99.99% of moids are ugly

Anonymous 110852

>t girl

but seriously, why stay in a relationship like that? you've clearly already given up on it so why stay in such a negative situation? doesn't it ruin your mood?

Anonymous 110904

can you guys not announce you're XY? unlike other miners i don't mind that you're on this board, so long as you don't break this rule (and/or interact with the terf threads). thank you.

Anonymous 110985


Anonymous 112001

sure but acknowledge the fact he chose to date them probably knowing that they were stupid and whores and probably was aroused by those traits
also assuming you don't know his exes personally, he'll probably portray you as another stupid whore to his friends and new gf when you break up

Anonymous 112013


> he'll probably portray you as another stupid whore to his friends and new gf when you break up

OP, this is true. My husband never trashtalked any of his exes. If he calls them names, he'll call you names.

Anonymous 112070

No. My Nigel's ex seems sweet and normal despite being born in quite unfavorable circumstances. I have nothing against her and probably never will.

Anonymous 112071

That being said, I had a big issue with my previous ex's ex because they were emotionally involved with each other the entire duration of our relationship. I was being retarded and should have just left him tbh.

Anonymous 112601


Jealous over exes? Just wait until your Nigel cheats on you…

Anonymous 112603

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