
Who else lives like this? Anonymous 110389
This isn't my picture, but it's the way I live.
Anonymous 110390
Never that bad, but it was a mess nonetheless. Took me a few years but I got out and I live with more self-respect nowadays.
Anonymous 110690
>>110389I wish I could come clean for you, I love cleaning and sorting stuff (autist?) but I can’t manage to do it at my own place, only for friends
Anonymous 110713
>>110690Please, do. Do you live in kiwiland?
Anonymous 110905
>>110713this means new zealand right? Im too terminally online
Anonymous 110937
>>110917Wow New zealand is a massive country. You can fit 100 New zealands in new zealand
Anonymous 110938
>>110937Checks out. Judging by this picture, NZ is about 3 times larger than Australia, and we know as common knowledge from the old Australian Curriculum (version 7) that Australia is about 29 times as large as NZ (28.68 times as big to be specific). Thus we see that if we can fit 29 NZs in 1 Aus., and 3 Aus.s in 1 NZ, then we can fit 29*3=87 NZs inside of itself. This is an impressive feat which few countries can claim!
Anonymous 110947
I live like this but it's not that bad yet.
Anonymous 110953
I'm in the process of removing a lot of stuff from the places I go. In fact, I'm taking out 10 full bags of stuff a week, in less than 3 months everything will be tidy and nice!
Anonymous 110976
>>110389I fucking hate people who live like this. It is disgusting and CHILD ABUSE. I had to grow up in a filthy house full of fucking neglect and this shit is just evidence of a twisted neglectful personality. Disgusting. You should be banned from stores and pay obscenely high property taxes if you live like this. Banned from apartments. Banned from everywhere. You should burn in hell for this it should be criminal you disgusting slobs.
Anonymous 110989
I managed to declutter a ton of my house and room starting a few months ago and it's been so much better since. I feel so lovely and freed by the reappearance of my floor
Anonymous 111020
I'm not the most organized person in the world and sometimes it gets really bad when the depression hits
Anonymous 111115
>>110713me live in akl i will come clean for you nona
Anonymous 111132
Does anyone have any cleaning tips? I tried some Marie Kondo stuff where I gathered up all the clothes I could to sort but there's just so MUCH. Gotta wash it before I donate which takes a lot of energy. What I really need to get a grip on is all the paper lying around.
Anonymous 111139
>>111132Little bits at a time and it'll eventually get done, even if it takes a year. It's good that you're getting your clothes together to donate them
and that you want to wash them first. Most people aren't that considerate. My problem is I'm at the point where I don't want to get rid of any of my books even though I probably should.
Anonymous 111227
>>110389how do you even let things get that bad? it looks like an actual hazard just to walk through.
Anonymous 111233
this is how my room feels. how do people keep their houses tidy??
Anonymous 111538
>>110389i do but i dont like bacteria and things that grow mold and clothes getting weird floor dirt on them otherwise it looks like this
Anonymous 111566
I fucking hate cleaning up my bathroom. When I'm rich I'm definitely paying someone to do it for me
Anonymous 111574
you are not normal clean your fucking room
Anonymous 111825

I’ve never been that bad (I’ll get a burst of energy to do things every month or so minimum) but one thing that helps me to keep it clean after an initial deep clean is getting a cleaning schedule (which will inevitably fall apart because life). It’s hard though, no matter how much normies say it isn’t.
Massive rant I don’t feel like deleting:
Another thing normies don’t get is how individual cleaning is. For example I can’t use picrel because I don’t have a dishwasher. Also I’ve noticed that even among “clean” normies is that they all have their own little fixations. I’ve met women who are daft about keeping their oven clean but have mouldy washing machines. I’ve met others that will have immaculate baseboards but won’t throw out wrappers they’ve shoved in drawers. Past basic hygiene it’s really just a dick measuring contest for people, don’t take cleaning social media too seriously
Anonymous 111836
>>111132First step is getting a mindset that prevents getting stuff in the first place.
What do you mean by donating? Do you mean ppl you know or some organization? If it is some organisation then forget about it and just dump your cloth. There is so much clothing around that everyone can get it, however, not everyone can get the brands they want but that's something different. What you can donate is warm jackets for homeless though if your area has cold periods. Right now our society is peak abundance and that's why it is easy to collect so much stuff not needed. So don't feel guilty when you dump perfectly fine things. Before you dump your clothing you can perhaps use some of it for cleaning
Anonymous 111840
>>111825That’s why I intend to live at home all day and do house chores while my moid slaves away at the office, so we don’t live in filth. Right now we’re both working and too tired to clean (we just do deep clean once a month which is nice the first two weeks but by the third week we live in mess — not as bad as OPs pic but we got dust, grime, etc. The bathrooms are the worst)
On the other hand we can both be dinks and hire a maid lol
I hate cleaning bathrooms when I have no energy (office, gym, revenge procrastination after work, getting up early and staying up late 5x a week..)
Anonymous 111841
>>111840I don't know how housewives can do it tbh. I'd rather slave away at the office than do house chores.
Anonymous 111842
>>111840Like bathrooms, hate kitchen
Not sure if weird, or just that bathrooms are smaller and having them clean when you use them just feels right
Anonymous 111845
>>110389My bedroom looks similar to this. I'm ashamed to say it. It's a small room too so it shouldn't be hard to keep it clean n tidy right? Except I own a lot of stuff that I don't know what to do with and I don't want to throw it all away…
Anonymous 111854
>>110389It does NOT take effort to not live like tgey do in picrel. It is ridiculously easy to pick up things left out everyday once a day. Clean counters when they're gross.
I don't make my bed, I don't always have a sink without some dishes in it, god I don't even fold my clothes i put clean clothes in one basket and dirty in another. (unless they can easily wrinkle then I hang them in my closet). But I sure as hell put things away everyday. Vacuum the floor. Take out trash. Use dishwasher. It takes like 20 mins out of your fucking day. You don't need a detailed cleaning schedule or a plan you just tidy up when mess annoys you and your house doesn't become an abomination like that. My house is not super clean though. That is not the goal. COZYNESS and enjoying where you live is the goal. Cleaning feels like a return to cozyness. It is the feeling of cozyness itself. My home looks lived in. I have cat toys around the floor. OH NO. It takes very little effort.
Anonymous 111855
ew you're a grown adult get off your ass and clean after yourself
Anonymous 111857
>>111854Cleaning isn't really a 'chore'either unless you start forcing yourself into this elaborate list and schedule. Returning your house to coziness is calming and rewarding. It is like popping bubblewrap or using a zen sand rake.
Anonymous 120305
>>110389I think living like this my entire life because my parents don't care gave me a complex about feeling cramped and unable to just wander. When I go to normal people's houses, I get the urge to just walk around and stretch in their wide open clean rooms. I do clean up, but every time I do, the space gets full of junk again. And not trash, if it was all trash then it would be easy to get rid of. It's just… stuff. And it annoys me. My parents buy so much shit we never use. I cleared the kitchen counters, 3 bags of stuff, and they've been in my room for months. None of it has been touched or missed. It wasn't necessary. But we have it anyway. Too much to put in cupboards. And I don't want to throw it all away because it feels like a waste.
Anonymous 120326
>>110690i live in prague. please clean for me too (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
Anonymous 120333
My apartment is very small and the entryway and kitchen look like this. I hate it. I'm going to clean tonight.