
Anonymous 110541
i like girls but only certain type. the hikki femcel type of, but most of them are either straight or not interested in daiting. i dont think i will ever find gf to be with because of it. all the girlies i have liked never liked girls. all im asking for is cute pale hikikomori-ish girl who is similar to me…
Anonymous 110543
i dont discriminate, latina girl. even tho i like pale the most tanned/darker skin is pretty too :D
Anonymous 110544
Gtfo racebaiting moid
Anonymous 110547
Always saying they like a hikki femcel like themselves then ghost her because they can't handle the awkward social skills
Anonymous 110548
If we're both hikki who pays the bills?
Anonymous 110552
>>110541nona we're out there but we usually assume every girl is straight and won't make a move bc we don't wanna be seen as creepy. don't give up!
Anonymous 110554
>>110547this is also kind of true. i feel like usually women care more about social skills when it comes to daiting. sad.
>>110548i have money dw.
>>110552maybe so but i also live in small ish country so here are barely anyone :/
Anonymous 110578
>im from eastern europe
Anonymous 110580
Pretty good. Enjoying extra free day due to IWD. I must warn you, that technically I can't be your neet gf, because I study in uni, I am just not sociable
Anonymous 110589
>cute pale hikikomori-ish girl who is similar to me
Here I am. Where do I apply?
Anonymous 110593
underage much?
Anonymous 111408
literally me except i'm str8
Anonymous 111505
im religious and I’ve never dated because my parents were strict so I plan on staying celibate forever but deep down I want this too, good luck in your search anon
Anonymous 117560
I got a hikki femcel gf, keep searching anon :D
Look around in femcel communities or dating apps cuz they don't rlly go outside
Anonymous 117596

I mean I qualify but I'm fat and I get the feeling you'd prefer someone thinner. I'm like 260 and 5'8. I'm also like 26 and most people prefer younger
Anonymous 117632
>>117560>femcel communities or dating appsthose exist? I thought they were just moid shitposts
Anonymous 117983
i'm a lesbian i love fat hairy girls, unfortunately im a latina in tx w a
deeply catholic family. i have a fwb situation (shes an unattached hikki type) but i want more.
Anonymous 117992
>>117983>fat>hairy>lives in tx tooUmmm, hi.
Anonymous 117993
>>117992howdy, my tg is pyropes if you're being serious
Anonymous 119067
>>110541Fuck yes I love this archetype, sucks that its both rare and usually straight (+catered to moids). Praying for us all to find the hikki NEET gf of our dreams
Anonymous 119082
These girls are the best in theory but the few that exist are 1) too mentally ill to handle 2) straight or 3) not interested in dating. I'm okay with the last two but they're often all three and while i can stand not having someone as long as i can admire them from afar, i'm just not into crazy people. The dream would be a hikkineet celibate woman who is also somehow mentally stable but it would take a miracle
Anonymous 119088
>>117983Woww I think this is the only time I've ever seen anyone show any sort of interest for any of my features, sadly it will also be the last time.
Anonymous 119093
>>110541Unfortunately it feels like they are all either latina or trans.
Anonymous 119115

>>117993Anon, I'm sorry I never contacted you. I wanted to, but I know my family would never approve of us. I hope you can be happy with a fat and hairy hikki gf one day. I wish it could have been with me.
Anonymous 120316
>>117632they exist but they're usually like really tiny discords with verification, at least thats been my experience looking