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how tf do you get a diagnosis (vent?) Anonymous 110557

nonas, how much time had passed before you got your diagnosis?

because my psychiatrist is great and all, but he doesn't have a clue wtf is wrong with me

i too have no clue what is wrong with me, it literally could be anything. is it NPD? is it BPD w/ narcissistic tendencies? is it just BPD? is it adhd or 'tism? i have NO FUCKING CLUE. i don't get how people can diagnose themselves, i don't understand myself at all

the only thing i know is that i have OCD because it's pretty clear. maybe depression too, 'cause i was treated for it for like 6 years or something

Anonymous 110559

addition: as a teen was diagnosed with depression multiple times by multiple psychiatrists after 1 session
never showed up again because parents wouldn't let me

but it is a pretty general diagnosis and i'm not just depressed i'm really fucked up

Anonymous 110562

Psychiatric diagnoses mainly exist for insurance purposes. Receiving one wouldn't inform who you are or give some cathartic outline of exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it. That doesn't mean getting psychiatric assistance won't help you, if you have a good psychiatrist and a good care team then it could improve your functioning and overall well-being. But don't rely too much on a diagnosis or on it fixing all of your problems. In the meantime, you could try improving your life in other small ways.

Anonymous 110563

>that image
I did exactly this back in 2012. Hundreds of sheets until I got every crevice on troll-face's face perfect. I forgot about this.

Anonymous 110603

i begged my parents to take me to a psychiatrist since i was like 13 because i felt like shit. finally saw one at 17 and got diagnosed with depression after 1st session. i had to take this one test everyone is taking online. there's probably some underlying conditions at play (probably adhd and whatnot) and depression is just a symptom of it but idgaf as long as my meds still help. my country doesn't recognise adhd in adults afaik and there's no legal adhd meds so i try to do whatever i can to make living easier (like changing my habits, getting rid of distractions, setting limits etc) and even if i dont actually have adhd it still won't hurt to try all these things
get tested for adhd and autism i guess

Anonymous 110627

all I can tell you is that you don't have autism.

t. knower

Anonymous 110638

Maybe you're just low IQ…

Anonymous 110815

lmao honestly if it was the case i think i wouldn't be so fucked up at least in some ways

like expecting to ace everything without actually doing the work, and i expect that because i'm used to that, i aced almost everything in school without studying a day and that made me lazy af

but i guess i can be wrong because iq is a pretty vague thing and i don't know what you actually referring to
i have consistent brainfog + derealisation tho, so uh????idk

you're right, but it's hard to stop looking for diagnosis. dunno, i guess i need to talk to my therapist about that, but shame keeps me from saying a lot of stuff. i will try to do it at the next session

you're from russia, aren't you?

Anonymous 110834

Get another psychiatrist if you can. Either he's a dumbass or he doesn't want to diagnose you because he thinks its a personality disorder that will make you freak out on him and leave a bad yelp review if he tells you. The latter is something that happens, by the way. Psychiatrists and therapists would rather play dumb or cut off NPDs then give them a diagnosis because they know there's no treating NPDs.

Anonymous 110837

I want to instill the fear of a bad Yelp review in many individuals around me.

Anonymous 110849

You really are dumb. The Dunning-Kruger type. Also, stay away from people.

Anonymous 110863

the second one was not from me, but ig ok??? as you wish

afaik dunning-kruger effect is not about the iq tho, it's about knowledge, which i can be lacking undoubtedly
idk what the comment about the iq was meant for then

i'm interested in your thought proccess even if it is just trolling, tell me, why would you say that?

Anonymous 110864

when i said that i think i might have npd, he was like "WELL personality can't be fixed, are you trying to find diagnosis you don't need to take meds for?", something like that, so maybe i really wasn't diagnosed because he just knows there's no way to treat it for him and it's my therapist's problem

my therapist, however, can't diagnose anyone with anything, obviously

it's easier said than done, in my country the quality of psychiatric care is really really low, like i was prescribed antipsychotics after the first session when i was 13 y.o., was told to continue to take them even when they caused severe panic attacks and i couldn't get out of bed for like 5 days.

Anonymous 110865

addition: the diagnosis at that time was "you're healthy, it's just awkward age"

Anonymous 110866

What country?

Anonymous 110871

To give you a proper diagnosis ypu need to do several interviews with a doctor and psychatrist
Its important that you are honest about your feelings and behaviors growing up

Can you tell me some problems you have? Why do you think you need a diagnosis?

Anonymous 110873

Also reading your comments about npd. It depends on how you were raised. Having narcissistic tendencies doesnt have to be npd. It can be a self defence mechanism if you grew up with lack of love and trust. So you start focus on your own needs and have less trust in other people. And that can be fixed with time if you allow yourself to trust people without giving up the self love. You need to be ok with that not everyone is good for you. Trust in your own happiness and allow yourself to break ties and move on if it doesnt work

Anonymous 110884

best-country-of-the-world-please-do-not-denounce-me i.e. russia

it's hard tbh because i lie even to myself and don't even notice it.
oophfff where should i start? it's just a tip of the iceberg, but here
it's full of contradictions, but i'm too full of contradictions, so yeah

i already said about constant brain fog and derealization, when i'm with people it's like it's not even me. can't look at anything, can't see, sometimes can't understand what i'm being told. it's probably severe anxiety, but i don't even feel it, it's like everything is spinning and turning and screaming, everything is too bright or too contrasty. idk, i guess it's derelization

having trouble fitting in (and i don't think i really want to), i just don't understand people, it's like they doesn't care about anything, it's like they exist in harmony and i'm just here and i don't know what to do, i thought that it might be autism, but the thing is, i lie to myself, i do understand them, maybe, i don't know, sometimes i do and i just pretend i don't, because i shift the blame??

of course, i have people who i talk to mostly (i wouldn't call them friends, ig, we're not that close), but for me it seems like they all hate me and treat me like a comic relief, and when i try to get to know why, i can't because "i'm overthinking", but jokes have meaning and they aren't just a white noise, people clearly don't like me and maybe i know why but i don't know what to do with it

i have severe pyrophobia, obessions and compulsions, anxiety and uncertainty about everything and i mean EVERYTHING
i can't eat most of the foods and i don't know what people generally eat

i take different roles and play them, like taking personalities of characters from games/cartoons/tv series so i don't know who am i and i also can't stop it

have a tendency to form codependent relationships and can't be without a romantic partner
really impulsive
also i feel like i manipulate everyone, but i'm trying to be honest and say when i do????

also, if someone has an opinion that is different from mine, I get hung up on finding out the reason, trying to conclude whether my opinion is right or not (even if I know there is no right or wrong), and sometimes people just believe in something or don't want to discuss it so it's like… uncomfortable? for them

deny my feelings, deny denying my feelings, deny denying of denying and all that recursive bullshit

i want to get a diagnosis, because i feel like something with me is fundamentally wrong. maybe it's just immaturity, maybe it's npd, i don't fucking know

Anonymous 110886

god fucking dammit the last one was for >>110603

Anonymous 110963

It can very well be autism spectrum
People in spectrum are not the same. Everyone have different behaviors, thinking ect

But theres a lot more that needs to be answered before ypu can get a diagnosis
Like how you were growing up ect

Anonymous 111996

this sounds like bpd (which has dissociation and anxiety as symptoms)
you might benefit from taking anxti-anxiety or antipsychotic meds

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