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I wish I were a man cause they don't care about romance Anonymous 110651

They don't have the romantic feelings which women have so they literally can just chill while women are getting tortured and spend their life projecting the feelings onto men which men dont have. Then we get disappointed. Men can just be detached emotionally while women to get detached must first accepted abandoned… Men don't even get abandoned or dont cry over being abandoned unless they can't get other women. They see romance as them getting a servant they are emotionally detached from besides seeing her as a mommy bandmaid they dont want to be nagged by, they want her to stay in her place. Everyone is an individual but that means women are only wanted on the individual male world as their feminine gender role.
Getting attached to men romantically means being burnt by the hell fire while men are just chilling…. I dont wanna care about this retarded romance shit that is just an endless schizo delusion or a trick to make me serve a moid

Anonymous 110653

If you were born a moid you would be the
>dont cry over being abandoned unless they can't get other women
loser ones not the ones that have used you

Anonymous 110655

>They see romance as them getting a servant they are emotionally detached from besides seeing her as a mommy bandmaid
I know this thread is probably bait or something but men are actually pretty eager to serve you if you know what you're doing. My bf literally does whatever I tell him.

Anonymous 110656

Same. These posts by women who have never had a bf are funny to read because of how wrong they are. My bf is literally the clingiest person I've ever met and is constantly scared I'm going to break up with him and tries extra hard to get my attention.

Anonymous 110661

Speak for yourself, i think love is a parasitic scourge. Men are obsessed with sex more than women are and invented romance to manipulate women into having sex with them. If you're obsessed with love and you still don't unserstand that you're just stupid af.

Anonymous 110664

Yeah because they die if they don't get the sex. But most "love" is ridiculous and smothering after a while. Most of my experiences with love made me tire of it quick. I desperately seek space over the confines of "love". I have no idea what op is talking about.

Anonymous 110672

Op, you sound a lot like blackpill-chan. Are you ban evading?

Anonymous 110696

Look, your schizo theories have nothing to do with reality. Women are feminine by default because they are female. No, I don’t care about your ‘girly feminine submissive women suck dick’, you just sound some combination of antisexual, depressed, and confused. To “pull a moid,” you can be almost anything as long as you’re female. Men are ridiculously desperate and most of them aren’t worth looking at much less speaking to or spending a lifetime with. I get that you’re deranged and self-hating about being female, but stop projecting that on the rest of us.

Anonymous 110699

Once you get older you understand, men do not drool over you anymore and see you as more masculine and less fertile. I don’t really get what you’re saying with the rest of this.

Anonymous 110703

Most moids are ugly as all fuck and not worth a drop of shit for the burden and inconvenience and selfishness they bring into your life. I Loled do hard at these posts.

Anonymous 110714

Image from iOS.jpg

holy shit op go outside and talk to a man first before schizoposting your delusional nonsense

Anonymous 110788

Why are men incapable of self-awareness?

Anonymous 110845

I don't even wanna know how piggish, filthy, sloppy, retarded someone would have act for it to be considered "good"… Atp talking about this act or hetero sex to others without their permission should be considered a sexual harassment. And anyone who wants to be good at this act is an obedient whore willing to train themselves.

Anonymous 110851

Seek professional help, nut job!

Anonymous 110895

Banned on lolcow again?

Anonymous 110900

>Women are cocksucking piggish sluts
>Sucking dick is actually empowering

Anonymous 111054

bye moid

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