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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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rage Anonymous 110964

Anyone just have lots of rage and general contempt for everyone around them? Ignore the random image

Anonymous 110965

Yeah, at some points in my life. Generally it means that I am cowardly staying with people that I despise (and I am growing resentful) rather than try and join the people I want to be with.
So nowadays, these rage episodes are a signal that it's time to admit my desire for change and act.

Anonymous 110966

That's great that you have that self awareness about yourself. Emotions can definitely be used as a barometer of how to change our surroundings/actions rather than just feeling guilty or wrong about them and attempting to push them away.

I would never externalize my rage to others because that's pathetic but it does make me think…what is going so disastrously wrong here….

Anonymous 110977

Yea, I usually get that feeling when I hear people laughing or talking to their friends. I don't want any because no one understands me because I don't understand me but I'm still upset. Why can't everyone just be sad and alone like me? Is that too much to ask for?

Anonymous 111111


Negativity with everything is one of the most overwhelming feelings ever, whenever you feel that way yet again, remember that it's merely a phase and that the indominateable human spirit and the good feelings of life and effort are bountiful <3

Anonymous 111124

Wow the magical number GET!!
Thank you monster arctic fox!!

Anonymous 111128

95% of Internet is ragebait nowadays. If you're terminally online, you're training your brain to rage as the first reaction to any/most things. So yeah, rage is all you feel because that's all you feed yourself with.
tl;dr: touch grass.

Anonymous 111131

blessed GETsteal bot

Anonymous 111966

Yes. My anger is often a result of my sadness becoming too overwhelming

Anonymous 111973

I really really like this image.

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