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How do I not let what moids say affect me emotionally? Anonymous 111137

I have stopped browsing various sites like 4chan because of the shit they say about women, especially Western women, it affected me emotionally.

Anonymous 111138

Don't listen to them. They are braindead people who don't understand how society works and what it means to respect someone or a group of people. Anything you've probably heard them say is definitely not true. Whatever they've said about women, actually says more about themselves.

Anonymous 111142

The only person who can allow their words to affect you is yourself. Why do you feel negatively about what they say, do you believe it to be honest and truthful? As they admit there; "Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

Anonymous 111147

Think about how completely asinine every other opinion they hold is and then ask yourself "why would this one be the exception"? It's probably not a silver bullet, but I stopped browsing 4chan for basically that reason myself; nothing I had read on there in years had held any worth whatsoever.

Anonymous 111148

moids hate women, what's new

Anonymous 111152

4chan moids say those things because they are a bunch of sour grapes. none of them will ever know the touch of a woman outside of sexually abusing one. surround yourself with people who speak kindly and respectfully instead of doomscrolling through ragebait.
>t. someone who should follow this advice too

Anonymous 111911

Stop using those sites, I don’t get why anyone subjects themself to that nonsense. 4chan is a shell of what it use to be, just go in imageboards that are revolve around your particular interests to avoid the nonsensical bullshit.

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