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Anonymous 111196

will i ever get a job? people say just walk to a supermarket and ask for a job but i dont think its that easy. first of all i have lots of limits
>bad social skills
>hard to understand things
>no skills
i understand that i cant blame everything on my genes but i feel like they limit a lot. very social job or very physical job is my only super limits but otherwise i dont mind that much. i just feel hopeless, i saw some summer jobs at church, two that interested me but i saw the other one too late, so i applied for the other one. no answer yet. idk i just feel like i am not worth of job, i mean being neet is okay but i need money soon. i have no experience at the age of 18 (soon 19).

i dont have any dream job, it is just simply about money for me but also something that you dont absolutely hate. is it over?

Anonymous 111197

it is that easy, my first job was at a supermarket and while i was there, i didn't talk to any of my coworkers and i smoked weed all day. i still got a raise at 6 months lmao

Anonymous 111198

>bad social skills
nope. apply for disability.

Anonymous 111203

Having a job is a lot scarier as a thought than it actually is. I hate socializing and I'm shit at it, but I could run a register pretty easily once I got into a routine.

And yeah, jobs like stores and food service are pretty fine with you walking in and seeing if they're hiring. Got hired on the spot two or three times because they were desperate

Anonymous 111217

>>111197 >>111203
i haven't seen such desperate places at all who could hire me. even the low tier jobs have lot of applicants to which you have to complete.

this isn't not possible here. im not enough "disabled" to be qualified for it.

Anonymous 111218

get a factory job

Anonymous 111220

NTA but don't you want to try at least? Bring it up to your doctor, they could guide you into getting disability status.

Anonymous 111221

i will look for them, thank you.

to be honest, i probably would qualify if i really tried because of mental illnesses and past documents but i feel like i am able to work, so it would feel bad for living off someone's hard work tax money yk. they could be used for better than for me.

Anonymous 111222


hii i'm new to crystals :3 tryna figure where things are happening and if this is any active

to be honest, a job is kinda worthless, you basically do value for someone else and you get value you can spend (money)
maybe you can try to monetize things on your own but you'll wanna figure out how

you can try to get into programming if you want to, kinda fits with what you want (least social, neet, from home things) pure time into it maybe see if it's worth it or nwah

Anonymous 111223

yeah of course, but i am not really that type of person that knows how to program or so. my interest are history and maps so yeah not very technical things. even if low tier jobs dont really provide that much value its okay for me, i want simple easy mindless job basically.

i assume most people here are from the USA so i will clarify that i am not from there just in the case.

Anonymous 111224

makes sense !!:3
also maybe you could try to look into how to make maybe some online things with history and maps using very little programming knowledge or like figuring out the minimum

oh yea i thought of smth, maybe get a car and work for ubereats ? just kinda what i thought of on the moment can be dangerous or good

you'll work as a independent contractor for them, pick up the app and accept and deliver orders and stuff

Anonymous 111327

thing is retail and every entry level job automatically filters you out for being autistic, they just can't say it and risk a discrimination lawsuit. try applying for disability anyway, learn some skills and monetize them like >>111222 suggested. as for the potential "guilt" of screwing wagies out of taxpayer money? it is what it is. you have to survive any way you can.

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