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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 111670

My boyfriend romanticizes and idealizes me too much. It’s getting under my skin. I have a realistic view of myself as a person. He doesn’t have a realistic view of me. How can someone truly love you if they have you so high up on a pedestal that they just don’t notice your flaws?

Anonymous 111671

How long have you been together? It's possible he's still in the throes of early relationship passion and if so he should mellow out eventually.

Anonymous 111673

You're wrong
We all have a distorted view of ourselves, the mirror and the voice recorder don't lie

Anonymous 111844

Isn't positive reinforcement a good thing? I really don't see the issue here other than OP acting a little cunty. Excuse my use of the term nona.

Anonymous 111851

He idolizes you because he's low value and is desperate to keep you because you're out of his league. You can do better, dump him.

Anonymous 111880


Anonymous 112568

He kind of stalks me and it’s getting g under my skin…. I use the same user for everything… he constantly is checking my social media. Cause he just wants to see what I’m up too. He knows I post here so he’ll skim posts to see if I post…. That’s too much right?

Anonymous 112569

Like I have a tumblr and that’s like a personal blog Esq thing. He doesn’t have tumblr but he looked my up and now he just leaves it open in his browser. He has his notifications set so he can always see when I post on Facebook and instagram.

Anonymous 112570

I've done it many times with my boyfriends. But I always end up disappointed…

Anonymous 112571

Yeah that's too much. Idolizing you is something a lot of men do and it seems it only goes away after a long time of just being around you normally
Trying to stalk on an imageboard is psycho behavior though

Anonymous 112572

what are you trying to hide OP?

Anonymous 112574

He’s a nice boy and stuff like that but I need a little space…. Like no one needs to know anyone that well. I like to have pieces of myself just for me. That’s why I post on anonymous boards. The only social Esq media he can’t stalk is my Reddit and who tf wants to exclusively use Reddit
Uhhh nothing… I like to have personal space both in person and online. My social media is my outlet. I don’t want someone to stalk what I like on tumblr. I think that’s pretty fair. It’s like intruding on my personal identity and not letting me have my own space

Anonymous 112576

did you try actually talking to him about it?

Anonymous 112578

Ehh I don’t wanna hurt his feelings and it seems like somthing I shouldn’t be upset about

Anonymous 112579

This is how you poison a relationship. If it's upsetting you then it's worth bringing up, you shouldn't compromise and settle with behaviours you're not comfortable with. If you don't do anything about this you don't deserve our sympathy. He either needs to get better or to need to let him go, I'm sick and tired of seeing countless nonas on CC tolerate toxic moid behavior and then complaining abour it. You are denying yourself agency and letting the moid emotionally dictate this relationship.

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