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Having Chad and Stacy Relatives Is Pure Hell Anonymous 112225

>Went to a family party.
>All the cousins end up splitting off in another room , away from the main party.
>My female cousin (who called me the ugliest person in the room )waltzes in with her new boyfriend.
>The topic of relationships comes up.
>My male cousin reveals his body count is now 4 (he lost his virginity when he was 15).
>Her sister says the only reason she’s not in a relationship is because she gets bored of guys too quickly
>I realize that even though I’m the oldest person in the room, I have the least amount of relationship experience.
>I haven’t even held hands with a guy yet while my baby cousins are drowning in romantic and sexual attention.
>Fuck my life.

Anonymous 112232>>114815

Finding love is not a competition, not sure why they would brag about that.

Anonymous 112241

Ew why do you want this shit?

Anonymous 112242

It's no fun when you're the obvious ugly duckling in the family.

On more than one occasion, my mother has come to my work for something and one of my female co-workers mentions how pretty she thinks my mother is. And she's right; My mother is much more put together/pretty in her 50's than I have ever been in my 20's.

I try not to let it get to me or get jealous because my mom's such a genuinely good person who has been through a lot. But it's still hard sometimes to look at some of my female relatives and wonder 'why couldn't I look like that too, huh?'

Anonymous 112243

>go to family party
>everyone is having fun and talking to each other
>i dont say a single word and just eat and stay in a corner not doing anything
been like that since the first christmas i can remember

Anonymous 112302

Sounds like cousins are a bunch of sluts. You don't want to be them, anon. You just want the opportunity for someone to realize your worth and love you. You're in a much better position than them by not engaging in their sickness, even if you don't realize it right now.

Anonymous 112327>>114082

Sounds like a LARP. If it's not, seek help.

Anonymous 112342>>112349>>112371>>113769>>113980>>113989

>I want people to think I'm cool, the post
Let's assume this post is recounting something that actually happened. Ok. Your cousins are boring, you're boring, and everyone ITT is boring (except me, explaining). They know this, you know this, everyone here knows this, and I certainly know it. They're all retarded mongoloid normalfaggots who think that ooga booga sexy pretty slutty manwhore is important, it's why they talk about it. But why do they think it's important, who taught them to think it's important? Rap videos, probably.
>"B-b-b-but les evolutionary proclivities!?!?"
Well yea evolutionarilistically-speaking, we're wired for sex, but biological tendencies don't explain the pornographic tendencies of our age. There's a difference between having lots of sex, wanting to have lots of sex, and wanting people to think you have a lot of sex. Your cousins (and you) fall into the last category (you at least want them to think you could have a lot of sex if you wanted to, but they don't think that, hence the anger, hence the impotent rage - I'm not saying you can't have sex [you could, easily], I don't think you want sex, but you do want them to acknowledge your sex). Anyway, why did your cousin feel the need to say you're the least pretty one? She doesn't actually care whether you're pretty, she wants you to care that she thinks you're not as pretty as them. And you do care that she thinks that, because you're as boring as the rest of them.

Gedankenexperiment: You're at a family function waiting for your piece of cake. Is this an appropriate time to discuss a little probability theory?
>"Which slice do you think will be the biggest?"
>"Well, mum's cutting slices, I think the fifth slice will be the biggest."
>"Uhh.. idk can't you just look and tell which is the biggest? The third piece she's cutting is pretty big"
>"That only means it's bigger than the others so far. We can only know which is the biggest after they've all been cut - mum's passing the pieces and I get to choose whether I keep a piece or pass it on to the next sucker. If I keep the third but the fifth is bigger, I'll hate myself for eternity"
>"Oh you're being dramatic"
>"Probably, but look, the fifth piece is coming and it's the biggest so far. Dibs."
>"But how do you know it's the biggest"
>"Oh I was just using that to distract you, it's just going to be a 1 in 10 chance, you can see this with intuition, or you can treat it as a hypergeometric distribution with N=10 and K=1 and see that the probability of seeing the piece after n trials is just 1/N, it's because the factorials cancel"
>"You know we all hate you"

Yeah yeah I know: "maths is boring, in what universe does that conversation happen?" Well that's true, it doesn't fit the TV reality you (or anyone else you know) has seen. Life imitates art (that's the correct order right?). We unconsciously judge 'realness' based off what is seen on TV, and we consciously judge TV off of what we expect to be 'real'. Ergo maths is boring. While we're at it, let's make them think SUVs are a safe family vehicle, vegetables are gross, doomscrolling is normal and everyone does it, shopping is what every girl wants to do with her free time, video games are what every boy wants to do with his free time, and watching the tv or surfing the www is what every everyone wants to do with his and/or her free time (I include the 'and' to be inclusive to hyper-binaries; non-binaries need to make a choice already or I'll choose for you).

I sound delusional? "People dislike maths because maths is objectively boring" quotha? Maybe I picked a niche interest, or maybe you think maths is boring the same way some people think vegetables are gross, exercise feels terrible, or reading anything more than 120 characters is a waste of time.

Saged btw, stop clogging up the boards with this shit throwaway posts - they're not important enough to deserve their whole damn thread. Use the /vent/ threads.

Anonymous 112349>>112352

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if all of your family is chad and stacy then you are also a stacy. you just don't play the game (which is fine) but you likely could if you copied your cousins. put on a non-autistic persona in public and youll be exactly like your cousins.
also you sound really young lmao its fine there is way more to life than relationships.

youre right but if she wants to fit in she needs to keep the autism to herself, not display her powerlevel at the dinner table kek. also youre not super smart and esoteric for watching the latest veritasium vid on youtube and normies will just think youre a tryhard. if you actually want to impress normies with autistic interests like math you have to bring it down to their level and not be condescending. "Oh you like that influencer? Lately I've been watching this guy on youtube, Veritasium. I think his videos are really cool and informative. He talks about math and statistics in a really approachable way. Theres this other youtuber, Tibees, she's like the bob ross of math." if they bite, then explain the math. don't just spring it on them randomly. only if it makes sense in the conversation. try normie-friendly topics that are still not braindead like history, art, or some types of politics. the most important thing is that you want to make the normie feel smart by being around you, but not make them feel dumber than you by being condescending.

Anonymous 112352>>112355

>Implying Veritasium did a video on the HG disto
Just checked, he hasn't. I learnt about it from a textbook, same way I learn most things of value. Not a fan of Veritasium, the videos are much longer than they need to be and they do what you suggested - make you feel smart by being around (i.e. watching) them (but actually they don't make you any more knowledgeable [it's true, try recall anything you've learnt from them and apply it] they just offer the illusion of knowledge). The cake example reflects my lack of care for family functions. They're a prison; if I drink I can't drive, if I don't drink I hate them, but if I don't drive I can't leave. It's a vicious triangle.
>"So what you're condescending because you want them to hate you so you don't have to go to family functions again?"
That's just a happy byproduct. The most important thing is that you want the normie to feel dumber around you, because it deprives the normie of power. This in turn gives me immense satisfaction, because I'm a malicious actor. The most important thing for the normie is that they make you feel less pretty by being around you, because it gives them immense satifaction, because they're malicious actors.

>normie friendly topics that are still not braindead

Oxymoronic. Whenever I talk history, art, or politics, I always point out that the bias is in the debate itself, never in the for/against. This however puts me at odds with everyone; if you say "I'm neither for nor against, I reject the debate" then the normies are programmed to hear "I'm not for it" (if the normie in question is for it) or "I'm not against it" (if the normie in question is against it). Rejecting the debate outright, either because it's not important or because it's too important, is the only correct way to deal with a normie. "What debate?" If you have to ask then you're with them, sorry.

Anonymous 112355>>112363

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i thought you were talking about this video: https://youtu.be/d6iQrh2TK98?si=1f8BbCsHwdq-GvM8&t=727 what you were saying sounded similar.
>The most important thing is that you want the normie to feel dumber around you, because it deprives the normie of power.
youre thinking like a real person and not like a normie. of course reason is power, but normies only see money, looks, and relationships as power. you trying to flaunt how knowledgeable you are to a normie is like showing your dog dollar bills: it makes no sense to them. And since normals rule the whole world, they decide what creates power, not us. Reminding the normie that they are dumb doesnt deprive them of any power. If anything, it's just a way for you to cope with the fact they see you as inferior due to your autism.
If you want the real-world benefits of being normie-passing (it's fine if you dont, but it sounds like OP does) then you have to play the game by their rules. If you make normies feel good by being around you, theyll do shit for you to make sure you stick around and think highly of them. For example, somebody like you could use your intellect to make normals feel smart and important in your presence. "Nona likes talking to me about smart topics like math, i must be smart like her. I want to keep feeling this way and learning from her so let me make sure to do favors for her so she keeps spending time with me." If you aren't as academically gifted, you can do this with pretty much anything. "Nona is so attractive and she likes spending time with me. this must mean i am of high value like her. I should do favors for her and buy her shit to make sure she keeps spending time with me." Once you do this with enough normies, you build a network of connections. This makes other normies think you are an important person and can be used to secure better connections. I have used this method to get simps to buy me shit, scholarships, and an internship. turn yourself into somebody people want to have around, and they will bend over backwards for you.

Anonymous 112363>>112369

>this video
Oh damn he's talking about a similar problem lol, but I was just taking the more open "what's the probability the nth piece is the largest without any additional knowledge." He makes a mistake at 15:05 - the "1" in the sum should become a "1/S". Optimal stoppings become even more interesting if you assume a non-uniform underlying distribution. What's the probability we'll stop replying here?

>normies don't think like this

Correct but they still feel shame. Their go to defense is "I was never really a maths person." They try circumvent "I'm lazy" or "I'm stupid" by asserting (implicitly) that some people are just born with the magic ability to do maths better than them. The defense is torn apart easily when you say "yeah I had to do lots of homework to get good at it, no one's really born a maths person." You've ruined their defense. It's fun.

>normals rule the whole world, they decide what creates power

I diverge in opinion, normals don't even rule their choice of what to eat for breakfast, let alone the world. They are ran by the world, manipulated to a T. If the world were a car, the person ruling the world would be behind the wheel. In this case, normies are the petrol that's wasted to keep the car idling while you're waiting for the hubby to buckle the kids in the back seat. They're bent to the whim of the rulers, and they will be exploited in an instant - and enjoy it.

> "Nona likes talking to me about smart topics like math, i must be smart like her….

Yes, normies are easily exploited. The downside is you have to hang around them, which ultimately makes you the normie. Like you, for example - you're just a manipulative normie. Not a criticism, an observation. What you "get" from relationships can be summarised as "stuff". My end goal is not "stuff" - the moment I start wanting 'stuff' please for the love of God put a bullet in the back of my head. I have no desire to play that game, there is no winning or losing, only despair.

Anonymous 112369>>112388

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after wasting my youth being autistic, I decided I didnt want to be an autistic loser anymore. I studied animal behaviors, psychology, and politics then applied the same to humans so i could build the perfect persona. after lots of trial and error i have a few personas to use for different situations. I now get the best of both worlds. I'm free minded and dont fall into vapid traps that consume normals, but also get the material benefits of using normies to my advantage.
>normals don't even rule their choice of what to eat for breakfast, let alone the world
the normie behind the desk at your job interview decides if you get the job based on whether he or she likes you, not your skillset. Your superiors at work decide if you get the promotion based on whether they like you or not. The normies around you decide if youll have a hard time or easy time depending on if they like you or not. Sure, the people at the top 1% of the 1% are just using the normie's social structure to control them, but im never going to get there. For all intents and purposes, my life is ruled by normals. Most likely yours is too. The fact that you can see it means you are capable of learning to exploit it (if you wanted to).
>you're just a manipulative normie
i have officially ascended. thank you everybody. goodbye

Anonymous 112371>>112388

You sound cool to hang out with, depending on the tone you used ib that example. I'm awful at math (memorizing my time-tables in my 30s because I didn't study as a kid) but your comnent about the cake slices would interest me and I'd want to make a guess at which slice would be biggest, too.

I'm not a normie, just kind of a failed cyborg. I feel like people at either extreme can really flourish if they're passionate about something and aren't afraid to TALK.

Anonymous 112388

>the normie behind the desk at your job interview decides if you get the job based on whether he or she likes you, not your skillset.
This is only true if your skillset is common, run-of-the-mill-type stuff. It's also only true if you're applying for a job and not creating your own job. The point is to put effort into people who matter.

>I have ascended

You've only risen above that which sinks easily. You considered yourself a "loser" in your youth. What exactly made you a loser? What game did you lose, and did you choose to play it? I would suggest media study as an extension to your previous ones, if you haven't already. McLuhan et al.

Thanks, potentially. There's a neat trick for multiplying numbers in their teens.

Take 17*18 for example


250+56=306, and that's your answer

Another one, I hear the audience ask?


(Actually I should've just done 15*20-15=300-15=285 for that one)

Anonymous 113769

this sounds so fucking retarded but also so fucking smart at the same time what the fuck. You are 100% on the spectrum

Anonymous 113980>>114082

Anonymous 113989

You give good insights but I get the sense that you just like hearing yourself talk and its shown by you going off on tangents that have nothing to do with OPs post. Maybe it's just a stream of consciousness or autism. I agree though the average person is a literal NPC

Anonymous 113997

how is romantic/sexual attention a win? men will literally fuck anything that moves and fall in love with anyone who's even vaguely nice to them

Anonymous 114082

I understand, anon. Idk if people itt are pretending not to get it. I'm sorry that your cousin insulted you that's really mean and she sucks. My cousins are pretty normie. In my early teens one of them asked me if I had a bf and when I said no she asked why not and that made me feel we live very different lives. I was thinking obviously I don't have one. I think it's weird your cousins were that open about their sex lives but that might be a cultural difference. I know how lonely it is when your cousins have boyfriends and then husbands and children and it seems effortless. And when older relatives say it's your turn at weddings and ask you when you're getting a bf. Different worlds.


go back

Anonymous 114815

They're not bragging. It's just something attractive people do and assume everyone has the same experience, it's really not that deep

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