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Anonymous 112227

i feel so annoyed towards normies who lie about having xyz disorder. i have ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity) and people don't believe me. i think huge reason is because normies lie about having ADHD because they ruined their focus span on tiktok and it's cool thing to have so people don't believe and they just think internet causes that.

ADD isn't just about bad focus, it affects my whole life. i am less capable literally than someone normal idc about normies saying it's superpower or wtf. shut up. i read same text 10 times but i don't know what it says because i can't focus and then get yelled by teacher for "not studying" for example. i forget, no talents, hard to keep anything up because i can't focus enough that i would be good. for example you see my English is bad, it's because i haven't study it at all i "learned" english by youtube. etc there are so many things i can't listen all and then some normie says "haha im soo adhd cant focus on this boring book"

Anonymous 112228

yes! a lot of people are misdiagnosed resulting in backorder of medication (in the US at least) it seems like everyone and their mother ""needs"" stimulants. i also can't help but feel as if it's due to tiktok trends/and or ruining your dopamine receptors from scrolling instant gratification all day. i truly hope you are receiving the help you need, therapy and/or medication wise.

Anonymous 112231

tiktok dealt a death blow to this, still remember one on some imbecile making silly "distracted" faces and saying this is what ADD was like.

Anonymous 112235

yeah. i think here too even tho we use different diagnosis criteria so it's harder to get one (i assume than in the usa) but still feels like many people who are neurotypical get wrong diagnosis. thank you maybe one day.

for sure, seems like many bad trends come from there

Anonymous 112247

I hate tiktok fakers, they wouldn't last one day with the disorders they claim to have

Anonymous 112303

warakami vaporwave…

I'm gonna derail for a second, but honestly, the effect this stuff has had on society and child-development makes me think it should be strictly regulated the same way alcohol, cigarettes or eve drugs are. Not just TikTok, but all of these predatory ad-revenue subsisted services on the internet in general (though not completely banned of course; the information and creativity they offer is a good thing, it just needs to take on a different form). In fact, I'm pretty sure most websites with an option to register used to have a 14-year old age limit back in the day. What happened to that? Too easy to bypass? Or is datamining the entire population from infancy too alluring a prize?

And like, even if there really is a natural surge of ADHD and other attention disorders unrelated to TikTok, aren't we still undermining society if we're letting this one especially vulerable group of people become pray to superintelligent systems literally designed to manipulate them and take advantage of their fucked up braintype? They should be out there using their skills for hunting or whatever the fuck, not sitting in a box glued to a screen.

Anonymous 112318

I get interesting answers when I ask those types if it affected their ability to stay in work, pay bills, not fail class and brush teeth etc like me before I was diagnosed and medicated.

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