Anonymous 112484
I feel super guilty. My friend was feeling upset and was drinking alcohol so I sent her a funny video of myself to bring her mood up.
But instead my video ruined everything and she wants to commit even more because my video was "suicidefuel" and she thinks I am too pretty and it's so over.
I am not very pretty but decent. Not the ugliest but I didn't realize I made her feel this bad, how can I fix this?
Anonymous 112495

Send her a picture of you from your worst angle, making the goofiest yet ugliest face possible. Something so hideous she'll burst out laughing. I'm talking like, worse than when you accidentally open the front facing camera on the toilet. Phone below face angled upwards, extreme close-up, point your jaw downwards to purposely make it look like you have a double chin, pick an emotion and exaggerate the shit out of your facial expression. Try to look as ugly and unhinged as possible. I'm talking Cockmongler levels of retardation. The uglier and more retarded you look, the better. Something like pic related. When you have the perfect photo, send the photo by itself, immediately followed by the text "I woke up like this."
This will make your drunk insecure friend giggle, I guarantee it.
Anonymous 112752
its not your fault, you tried to be a good friend and cheer her up. communicating is the only way to fix it. i guess just tell her u didnt expect she would react that way, and ur sorry cause u didnt wanna make her feel bad (even tho its rly not ur fault shes clearly just mentally unstable rn and doesnt think rly rationally, but still apologizing is more about etiquette imo) ask her if theres anything specific u could do to help her feel better next time, im sure she will appreciate it. good luck nona