
sexual dimorphism and diet Anonymous 112769
why does it seem like sexual dimorphism fails at enhancing both genders? like, if a country produces tall men, they must also produce tall women. or vice versa. that's kind of sad. i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.
i can only really imagine that maybe diet can enhance both genders' sexual dimorphism. apparently, sexually dimorphic diets do exist in nature, with the siberian ibex's (a type of wild goat) eating behaviors containing more biomass, while the female siberian ibex eats lesser foods, but with higher nutritional quality. it's interesting to think how sexually dimorphic behaviors evolve in different species of animals, and how humans have unconsciously (or consciously) adopted these types of behaviors as well.
Anonymous 112770

great apes in general don't have as much sexual dimorphism as other animals. But generally, sticking to birds here since op's pic is birds, a large breed of chicken will have large roosters and large hens. Sexual dimorphism doesn't have any bearing on what sort of like… ideal femininity scrotes decide is. Picrel. Plus in raptor species, the females are larger than the males by like 1/3rd.
Anonymous 112771
>>112769The development of sexually dimorphic traits is the result of hormones and sex chromosomes, not diet. Also your idea of what a woman should look like is kind of pornbrained, obvs no one should be fat but tall and hunky women are fine.
Anonymous 112776
>i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like.
Unfortunately it seems that in real life an overwhelming supermajority of men instinctively prefer taller women over shorter women, and have to be socially conditioned out of this preference by a wave of formative sexual rejections from taller and generally older women during puberty.
This intense social and sexual pressure from undeveloped and genetically disqualified males then causes tall women to develop an intense self loathing that ties directly into this cycle of bad sexual attention from obviously inadequate males. The LC thread on her told me that Belle Delphine is at minimum 5'9" in real life. I don't know if that's true, maybe she really is the claimed 5'6" and every other woman or e-celebrity photographed near to her massively overstate their own heights. It would explain a lot.
However, we can see that refusal to engage in this ritual has left Gen Z men (and will leave Gen Alpha males) unable to overcome or repress their instinctive giantess fetish. I expect that as AI generated and augmented media continues to advance we will find the average female height in male-targeted media will exceed human possibility at which point simple male gene line extinction might finally work this issue out.
Anonymous 112777
>>112776idk my brother is a lot taller than me. people should just go for increased sexual dimorphism as opposed to fixed traits
Anonymous 112779
>>112777also, lifestyle also plays a role in sexual dimorphism. if a male is stunted height wise due to nutritional deficiencies, it may seem he is not genetically sexually dimorphic, when in reality, its due to environment.
of course i dont actually think sexual dimorphism should be forcibly imposed on humans in some shame-humiliation ritual. what do you think i am, a moid? Anonymous 112780
>>112776Whole lotta words to say "I'm too tall for guys to want me" geg
Anonymous 112785
>>112769>i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.I know it's not a popular opinion around here but, I feel the exact same.
I feel like humans are, in practice, a lot more sexually dimorphic than what our naked biological forms show because we typically deliberately make ourselves even more masculine/femenine with choice of clothing, hairstyle, conscious choice of behaviour and voice tone, etc. There's even makeup, choice of gym activity (weights vs cardio) and stuff like that too.
I think we haven't physically become like peacocks or gorillas with even more pronounced default sexually dimorphic physical forms because intelligence and making and using inventions has just been too strong of a sexual strategy over the millennia.
Anonymous 112801
>>112769it’s advantageous for males and females of the same species to consume similar resources because that way they can share them. obv there’s gonna be a lot of animals that go against that, but for mammals and birds and such it’s generally true just because of their mating strategies
Anonymous 112822
>>112776>Unfortunately it seems that in real life an overwhelming supermajority of men instinctively prefer taller women over shorter women, and have to be socially conditioned out of this preference by a wave of formative sexual rejections from taller and generally older women during pubertyThis is the weirdest nonsense I have ever read. Men have always preferred shorter women.
Anonymous 112823
>>112822When men say that they mean 1 to 2 inches shorter than themselves. They do not care that this sounds like they want someone shorter compared with other women.>Men who are taller than 6’0” generally prefer women of about 5’8” to 5’11”, while shorter men in the range of 5’8” to 5’11” tend to prefer women in the same height bracket. Very, very few women are above 5'7". And yet somehow that 1.5% of the population of women by height receive numerically as many swipes as women whose height matches 30% of the population, meaning that being significantly above average provides 20x the attention. there's more to life than dating apps. And that means more spaces in which tall women have a serious advantage. Tall women can reasonably expect to get away with murders for which shorter women would be convicted: get significantly better pay and more frequent promotion along the way: Anonymous 112838

A common theory is that there was less selective pressure for women. When women were pregnant it was up to the man to wait at a watering hole, hurl a javelin and chase down injured game over 15 miles in the hot sun, so the survival of their child depended more on the man's performance. Evolutionary psychology seems to be a point of contention among feminists, but I see the logic in this.
However at the olympics men are only about 10% faster in the 100m and the marathon while 40% stronger in weightlifting. Strength seems to be more significant, while the extra power and range using weapons is useful in hunting, there might have been selective pressure due to tribal warfare or perhaps controlling women and social dominance. There are certainly some grim elements of human nature, on the internet the edgiest theories will float to the top, though I'd like to know the truth. I'd rank all this as speculation.
Anonymous 112847
>>112838I feel like it's also neurological to a degree, even if you have the raw physical speed and strength, you still need the right brain to pilot the 'ole flesh golem around in a way that is able to outdo prey that has evolved to avoid you, figure out the best way to be lethal to enemy tribes, etc.
Just look at how much men sperg over combat in videogames and its strategy and details. They're hardwired to desire to become efficient hunters and murderers.
I don't think it's a bad thing, specialization is useful, but it might be overlooked if you only look at speed/strength performance.
Anonymous 112867
>>112823Oh, nevermind. I thought you meant women taller than them or 6ft and above.
But I also think that men don't really know what 5'11 women look like since it's so rare.
Anonymous 113475

i found this pic and thought it was cute
Anonymous 113491
>all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear likeSoooo incorrect. Women should be far larger than the men, it's way hotter that way.
Ans I'm angry at how hard it has been to find men who are tiny (I have one right now though and he's pretty cute).
>>112770Spiders have it right.
Anonymous 113497
>>112769the fuck is this retarded troon thread. if we were significantly ugu shorter uwu smoll beans, then we'd be put into a sex slave status again in no time.
Anonymous 113498
>>113497If men wanted to turn all women into sex slaves they could easily do it right now. They wouldn't need to wait for women to be any smaller and weaker than they already are.
Anonymous 113501
>>112769you can have a small slave caste of manlets that breeds tiny women. only female offspring will be conceived from manlets and male offspring from the tall men
Anonymous 113620
heres another late night rant
nothings wrong with not being sexually dimorphic, but also, don't be afraid to be sexually dimorphic. so many people try to make a competition out of how "masculine" or "feminine" they are, everyone else becomes afraid to express sexual dimorphism because of how obnoxious those people are. they become afraid of expressing their gendered qualities, even if they actually like it deep down, because they get told that only "x" person, or "x group" is sexually dimorphic. nothings wrong with sexual dimorphism, and no one should feel ashamed for wanting to express it. a lot of people actually like it. so many people suppress their gender because other people are obnoxious about it
stop caring. trust me, everyone finds those people grating.
Anonymous 113640
>>112769> i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. Wow I hate everything you stand for
Sexual dimorphism is the source of like 98% of the problems on earth
Anonymous 113650
>>113640This. If men and women were more alike there would be less gender related problems like rape, because it is easier to rape tiny woman than one as big and strong as man
Anonymous 113664
>>112769>i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.Then you sound like a depraved fucking degenerate that likes men overpowering and physically/sexuALLYabusing women. Go stick a knife in both your eyes for all our fucking sakes and dont come back. They should be the same size and not able to mentally manipulate or physically abuse each other. Period. I spit on you, I spit on your grave and everything you stand for you degenerate filth.
Anonymous 113665
>>113664you sound like a moid larp kek
its not even a secret that lots of the women on here like conventional sexual dimorphism for their gender just as well
Anonymous 113666
>>113665its not a moid its oral-fixation-chan
Anonymous 113762
>>113640Is it the source of the problems… or is it the reason things work at all in the first place?
Think about it if you remove sexual dimorphism and just make every animal the exact same then wouldn't that also decrease some of the pressure to find a mate? Because why would you need to team up with someone who is exactly the same as you? Wouldn't it be more useful to team up with someone who is different enough that you each have unique strengths to cover each other's weaknesses?
But in reality there are species that are very dimorphic and plenty that are barely dimorphic at all. Both strategies clearly work. The crazy thing is I think humans are more on the "barely dimorphic" side when you really look at it. It's not at all unrealistic to have a male and female human that are similar in nearly every way. Men are what 10-20% taller than women on average if that and have only minor mostly nonfunctional differences in terms of features. This would be unthinkable in certain other species. The dimorphism of humans just seems exaggerated to you simply because you are a human so it's personal. So it's hard for me to believe that dimorphism causes so many problems for humans if they aren't even very dimorphic.
Anonymous 114101
>>112777my brothers are 6’4 and 6’6 while me and my sisters are 5’7 5’8 and 5’9 so pretty big gap even if we are tall
but i know two twins where the brother is 5’4 ans the girl is 5’2 so i think its just luck tbh
Anonymous 114491
>lesser foods, but with higher nutritional qualitymake it make sense. "less food" maybe? they can't be lesser and also better at the same time.
>>112776>>112823Meds. NOW.
your own source says
>The average man prefers a woman who is 5’6”.they call that "above average" in the article but the average is 5'5 in many places so we're in the realm of statistical error from average. most likely men just prefer AVERAGE HEIGHT for a woman.
>When men say that they mean 1 to 2 inches shorter than themselves.wrong again, the average man isn't 5'7-5'8, he is 5'9-5'10 in the US and most of Europe so that's 4-5 inches of difference, not 1-2.
the part you quoted must be some kind of horrible phrasing accident. none of it makes sense, the author really fucked up. by "same height bracket" they must have meant that you can linearly shift up and down on both sides (a slightly taller man will prefer a slightly taller woman), NOT that 5'8 men somehow want a 5'8-5'11 woman which is an ABSURD idea. that would completely contradict the earlier passage in the same article. I can't blame you for getting confused by this aneurysm tier article but then again your reading comprehension is even worse than the author's and you're spouting even worse misinformation ITT.
speaking of, as for the partner murder claim, you misread it entirely. the shorter the woman the more likely she will get away with killing her partner. being a shorter woman gives that "victim in need of protection" bonus, even if you kill someone:
>Analyses revealed an abuser height and abuser gender interaction such that conviction rates for women defendants were higher when her abuser was taller compared to when he was shorter than she Anonymous 114492
>>113640if you want women to be more like men you hate women. if you want men to be more like women you hate men. you're not talking about 98% of the problems on earth, you're talking about your one personal problem which is that you hate everyone on earth.
Anonymous 114498
>>114492Cool conclusion. How did you come to it?
Anonymous 115155
>>114101>gapthats what i mean. i just like size differences for some reason
Anonymous 115156
>>112785>>112776>I want patriarchy to be enforced on a biological level because it makes my pussy tingleTo be a feminist is to try and free those who enjoy their imprisonment
Anonymous 115459
>>115156but lots of guys and women like it
Anonymous 115494
There might be some truth to OP's claim. I remember reading that sexual dimorphism was more pronounced on agrarian societies thsn among hunter-gatherers
Think of rock climbers, the difference isn't that stark, and in the most primitiva days, people must've looked like that
Anonymous 115504
>>114101same, my sisters and i are, 5'7 5'8 and 5'10
my brothers are 6'4 and 6'6, theyre 17 and 16 respectively so they will probably end up at 6'5 and 6'7.
Also my female cousins average around 5'5 but my male cousins average around 6'1, some families just naturally somehow produce more dimorphic people
Anonymous 115508
>>115459Sometimes I think the final stage of the pinkpill is that feminism cannot be allowed to actually succeed. Imagine the misery of women who have to be drafted and suffer in wars. To experience a much higher rate of violence. To have to be with men who are as short, as meek and as craving of being dominated. Women would break down.
Anonymous 115519
>>115508 How to tell me your a moid. That is not the final stage of feminism which is a world without fuckover moids fucking everything up and only peace.
Anonymous 115520
>>114492You're living in denial of the source of all sexual violence then. And no i dont because it used to be HUNDREDS of times worse and is only going to get better.
Anonymous 115521
>>113762>The crazy thing is I think humans are more on the "barely dimorphic" side when you really look at it. It's not at all unrealistic to have a male and female human that are similar in nearly every way. Men are what 10-20% taller than women on average if that and have only minor mostly nonfunctional differences in terms of features. This would be unthinkable in certain other species. The dimorphism of humans just seems exaggerated to you simply because you are a human so it's personal. So it's hard for me to believe that dimorphism causes so many problems for humans if they aren't even very dimorphic.Then you sound like you've never had to live with an abusive male that constantly threatens and beats and lives to terrorize you. Or an oblivious fucking moid. Sexual dimorphism is disgusting. I wake up more to it everyday and see more of how power is used to dominate and control women everyday.
Anonymous 115522
>>115520Also mostly it is men that do the abuse not the women, women only show me how much they prefer freedom.
Anonymous 115538
>>115508>To have to be with men who are as short, as meek and as craving of being dominated. Women would break down.Yeah. Break down with lust.
Anonymous 115571
>>115568You're probably not cute nuff moid
Anonymous 115574
>>114492Not at all. It doesn't matter to me which existing sex some theoretical omnisex is more like. It is the delta itself, not the numbers on either side of the delta, that is evil.
Anonymous 115575
>>114492>if you want men to be more like women you hate menyes and yes
Anonymous 115594
The world would be a much better place if it was the opposite, women being taller and stronger and men smaller, that way women have the power to chose which male they truly like without bullshit like the moid trying to throwing his weight around
Anonymous 115603
>>115508Wtf?? Pinkpill is gonna increase the manlet population and thus increasing my chances of finding a manlet bf?!?
Dedicating my entire life to it right now
Anonymous 117294
>>115603Why are you struggling with this kek? Just ask out some qt manlets. Or just show interest in them. Or is there is a manlet shortage where you live?
Anonymous 117620

I think it's hot when a man is tit height.
Anonymous 118072
>>112769If anything humans are probably losing sexual dimorphism. The thing being that a lot of differences, mainly in physical strength, height, etc. just aren't necessary anymore or are an active hindrance.
Anonymous 118100
>>118072They'll lose them if women stop selecting for those traits in men. Humans are actually likely to experience even more runaway evolution. Runaway evolution is when traits are so overdeveloped they become unhealthy, but are these way because females are increasingly attracted to men who stand out sexually. Examples are peacock feathers and moose antlers. Now that there's really no natural pressure on humans because of medicine, agriculture and so on, humans are free to accelerate down the runway into God knows what forms in the future.