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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Anonymous 112790

It’s really hard for me to make female friends. (Not that i have any guy friends either), it always has been. im really nice and i approach them first but for some reason they feel disgusted towards me they refuse to hug me while they love hugging theyre other friends they have known for the same amount of time. Oh and also im a really big people pleaser does that maybe play a role? When i dont text/approach first we just stop talking for months. Its like they are forcing themselves and just replying to me rather than interacting with me. I’ve tried my best with popular girls,lonely girls,nerdy girls i mean after all my attempts.i think i really am the problem so is anyone willingly to give me some advice to start a healthy friendship. If you are willingly to give me advice you can add my discord faivc. So i can tell you more about how i am IRL

Anonymous 112800

Added you <33 my user is ducked

Anonymous 112802

Tbh it sounds like you have trouble reading social cues maybe. Or you're a tranny and they're grossed out by you.

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