
Vent thread Anonymous 112803
Previous thread 109995
Anonymous 112804

thinking about how ugly I used to be
Anonymous 112814
do you guys think people should start acting publicly cringe on purpose? i feel like it gatekeeps power hungry literalists and people who actually take stupid things people say as an excuse to behave badly.
Anonymous 112836

random thoughts at 2 AM
i ordered more late night sweets. i am also mildly drunk
fellow miners, is it just me or does everything on the internet feel soulless these days? here's an example-you can't say the word suicide in youtube videos, and the people who create media content will avoid saying the word "suicide" out of fear of getting demonetized, or similar capitalistic repercussions.
isn't that kind of dystopian? you can't say the word "suicide," because you might not be able to make more money than you already have. and it makes me wonder, how many topics do we avoid in society because it is "soft-censored" by corporate and political entities, as opposed to outright banned?
i sometimes think people should just make an internet 2.0, except instead of everything being mass surveilled by the FBI and carefully constructed by capitalistic motivations, people just fill the new internet with passion projects and unmonetized media. who the fuck, CARES, whether or not google or whatever SEO trend likes what you have to say? why is everything these days, so fucking, soulless.
Anonymous 112849
>>112806Someone make another thread pls…
Anonymous 112855
had the worst sexual awakening possible and realised that on some horrible animal level i'm attracted to the gross degrading shit the blackpill creep spergs over. i cannot bear to know this about myself. i don't want to be like this, thank you for nothing you motherfucking cunt i want to erase all of that from my brain and be my normal self again.
Anonymous 112859
>>112855>the gross degrading shit the blackpill creep spergs overif u dont mind me asking, like what…?
Anonymous 112861

I think I low-key have a porn addiction and I feel so bad about it, in hindsight. I can't go a day without touching myself but I'm also a virgin prude and men disgust me so I'd never willingly get in a sexual/romantic relationship any time soon.
I just hate how simultaneously lonely AND anti-social I am
And I just had the WORST post nut clarity of my life bc I was fingering my clit to a pixiv japanese artist's little slice of life/hentai story but the bitch had to include a panel with two girls doing sexual stuff. They're both clearly underage. It came out of fucking nowhere and I was disgusted to see it, horrified and even incredulous bc it was like a literal loli jumpscare, out of 100+ panels, he included that in the middle without warning or context it wasn't even in the tags, then the story went on. I ignored it but after finishing the doujin I felt horrible. I mean I consciously realize I wasn't wanking to pedo loli stuff. I blocked it from my brain and I am not turned on by it. If anything it makes me feel physically repulsed, but… Is this how ppl become more depraved?
I read that porn consumption fucks up your dopamine levels and then you start seeking more risqué genres of porn as you become jaded to it. 2 years or so ago I didn't even know what a pussy looked like down there (at the old age of 19) and it disgusts me how low I've come since then.
For context I had never masturbated till I was 19 bc of religious and sexual trauma growing up, then it was like a dam broke and I suddenly became hypersexual. and I fucking hate it. I don't wanna victimize myself or buy into the trauma card too much bc I want to still believe there's hope to fix me with self discipline and the power of will only. I legit feel so gross. I've made many attempts to quit since then but none lasted more than a week istg I feel like a disgusting creep I miss being pure and innocent
How do I fix this? What do I do? I don't want to become a coomer archetype
Anonymous 112869
>>112803i think other women just hate me, nobody understands it and when i say other women I DON'T MEAN ALL WOMEN, i mean almost every girl i've interacted with fucks over me, it makes me wanna [spoiler]shoot myself in the head[spoiler] , my best friend is a guy and that makes me sound like a pickme and its like even though hes a moid hes the only person whose never fucked over me everyone else has always proven themselves to be untrustworthy after some time. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Anonymous 112870
I absolutely hate seeking validations from moids. But my mother is the one who made me have this low self-esteem. Over criticizing me over the dumbest shit. And when a moid tells me that I'm beautifulperfectpretty whatever, it makes me feel validated and happy. I'm always like, see? There's nothing wrong with me. People think I'm pretty.
Anonymous 112871

mfw I'm considering going back to school because I fucked up college the first time around and I don't want to but it's better than a lifetime of dead end jobs when the decent jobs don't consider an associates degree enough
Anonymous 112872
>>112870You're so beautiful and precious and irreplaceable
Anonymous 112873
>>112871College is mostly a scam, even if you actually major in something useful. You'd be better off going to a trade school.
Anonymous 112874
>>112873I wouldn't call getting what you paid for a "scam." If you sign up for gender studies, you get a degree for gender studies, for the agreed-upon price. Now, you might consider that a stupid decision, and I would agree, but it is not a "scam" when you get exactly what you asked for at the quoted price.
Anonymous 112877
reeeing my way through life
Anonymous 112878
>>112874Even a STEM degree doesn't guarantee you a job in this economy. Wake the fuck up
Anonymous 112879
I hate being broke and lazy. I wish I could just find a kind moid that pays for everything so I never have to work. Too bad I’m ugly and most moids are terrible people.
Anonymous 112881
>>112879u can find a cush job u just gotta get it, get that bread nona
Anonymous 112886
>>112873I majored in communications. I just screwed the pooch by not getting an internship while I was doing my degree. If I had a foot in the door in the industry I wouldn't even contemplate going back, but I feel like I wasted my time in college focusing on useless shit and not making necessary connections. And most internships in my city want you to be working on a bachelors to apply anyway. Sigh.
Anonymous 112888
why do men never blame other men instead of constantly blaming women for everything wrong with the world
Anonymous 112890
hahahahahaha fuck. i hate everything right now. i hate everyone and i hate myself. i hate my fucking job. and i fucking hate men. i feel so horrible for no reason. i can't even imagine what being happy would look like right now. i hate being alive. nothing is worth it. i don't even have any terrible trauma history of something. i don't think i was born to be a happy person.
Anonymous 112894
its been 4 years since my last relationship and sex, i have an absurdly high sex drive but for only for ppl i care about, my life has fallen apart and i am taking steps to not be a disgusting neet, ive got a job im just looking to relax a bit and fix my house, but the loneliness, i have cut off p much all contact with my friends and family, i live with my dad and its taught me alot about why i am the way i am.
i dont want to hookup with ppl i hate that feeling, i just want to be loved and love someone, make food for them, theres a sense of doom looming over me, my teeth are rotting, i accidently killed my pet bird and i will never forgive myself, its almost like a preminition to if i had a kid i would be neglectful because i dont take care of myself but why should i if no one will love me.
i dont have a self esteem i am pretty much detatched from myself things just happen and im so distant i cannot express my true self because of the indignation or the influence of others, i died years ago, spiritually mentally and physically, i stutter, i began talking to myself in whispers having uncontrollable fits of self loathing, people can see it, the seems are breaking, i am just a husk a shell of a person, my only emotional states are apathy and gloom, i used to be a very hateful person but that well has dried up entirely.
ive tried talking to people on dating apps for years ive always been met with the same disgusting responses, they dont even make an attempt at talking to me, i dont want to talk to me or anyone but i tried anyways for years thinking that eventually someone would come, no one did i havent made a new friend in years and i tried, what are some ways i can accept that reality and not be self destructive i dont want to be delusional and think that it will change because it wont.
ive always had a sense that when im in a relationship my life finally happens and i can move foward emotionally from where i was, but ive regressed to such a disgusting state i doubt i will be able to normalize again, i dont want to feel lonely anymore, i am diagnosed with severe depression and i dunno if the doctor just wanted to sell medication and didnt really care but what can i do to not be severely depressed, ppl say diet and excersize but that doesnt work.
Anonymous 112896
>>112836so fucking true cola companies actively made the internet gay, i hate to spew communist rhetoric but the monetization of most sites hang under these gay stipulations.
>>112861yeah masturbation can be an unhealthy addiction, i suggest reading up on it bc i dont know fuck all about it, i genuinely dont care at this point im just a disgusting freak and its what i deserve if i am, but youre not disgusting, you seem like a genuine person and you should probably tap into your religous backround and console with christ, i believe in you, i would suggest making friends but i dunno fuck all about that, it doesnt hurt to try though maybe you will find ppl that are cool, the alternative is worse than not trying, i would try to make friends with boys not like degenerate edating shit but like in person and not steer it into a relationship but if it happens it happens, not if he forces it though if he does run.
Anonymous 112898
I've been bullied on the Internet for several years. There's absolutely nothing I can do. They are in cahoots with the moderators of 1 of the 2 sites. I'm a terrible person.
Anonymous 112899
>>112898just ignore them, if you focus on it it just gets worse, do they interact with you? do they just talk shit? ignore them and lead your best life
Anonymous 112907
>>112861Sorry nona but after becoming a pornbrained addict you will turn into a wermoid with hairy dangling balls every fullmoon
Anonymous 112910
>>112899They said nasty things at the initial stage. They slander, photoshop my photos and leak them. Everyone believes my bullets.They save the threads in the archive and distribute the links The one who poisons me lives a better life. Only gloomy loneliness awaits me. I can't imagine how to live with such an appearance. Plastic surgery will not change the genetic deformity. Soon they will get the right to moderate on the same site and will thread after thread with my persecution
I can't ignore it, because no one is reporting it except me. I have nightmares and have trouble sleeping, as they are especially active at night.
Anonymous 112912
>>112910You're probably doing something that's keeping them interested, like reacting to their presence or putting out content they find amusing. Literally just stop doing that.
Anonymous 112913
>>112912i.e. don't you need to report the slander and distribution of my photos? I won't go to the police because it's dangerous for me. But they're chasing me, they're wrong.
>like reacting to their presence or putting out content they find amusing. Literally just stop doing that.the last time they accused me of leaking other people's photos, I argued that this was not the case and it was a crazy fantasy. The moderator deleted my posts and left them.
You are literally asking for sacrifice to "turn 2 cheeks", the fact that they like the fact that I suffer does not mean that my reaction is unreasonable. You're on the buller side like everyone else.
It's disgusting how people's attitudes change as soon as it turns out that a person is ugly. They immediately write that he does not behave like that and should be IGNORED, do not try to inconvenience the bullers.
Anonymous 112929
I think im dying or dead already. Im in a spiral of shame so turbulent i can see me coming apart by the minute. The one consistent feeling is devastation and it is so misplaced.
My period won’t come and meantime im in literal hell i mean this must be what hell feels like. My chest is burning and im on the verge of sobs and i can’t contain myself i need to stop i hate myself i am such a joke i am such a failure i can’t be like this this is cringe i need to keep it together i want to scream i want to hit something myself but i refuse i wont be that person again it hurts everyone is better this is unhinged stop
Anonymous 112936
>>112909What religion should I try getting into?
Anonymous 112945
>>112944the only good thing about it is the fact that the moids aren't real
Anonymous 112948
>>112896Now you're scaring me.. is there really a point of no return that porn addicts hit?
Not like
>>112907 said, I'm serious. I want to believe I have more self control than that, I don't want to fix the original issue (ie. Loneliness) because I want to be alone, I hate men and I'd never feel comfortable dating one
Anonymous 112950
>>112944Men are evil and you're evil for liking them.
Anonymous 112951
I just want a place where I can sperge about my oc without being shitflinged by retarded antishippers because he has a dark storyline, but I don't want to turn to the proship gendie freaks either
Anonymous 112955
>>112948no, you can always change for the better the conclusion ive come to realize is that if im a porn addicted freak or not it makes no difference bc i am dying alone anyways but you might have better luck than i did, im old now your still young cling to that as like a motivator bc time will swallow you
Anonymous 112957
>>112955Why have you given up on yourself nona…? Don't buy into moid conspiracy theories than you have "hit the wall" or something,it's baseless cope meant to pressure young girls into getting with incels who can't get laid with women their age with fully developed frontal lobes. It's never too late to heal yourself too
Anonymous 112958
>>112957im just burned out, i dunno i fantasize about giving up bc i just want to not care anymore
Anonymous 112960

Was reporting a Chinese animal abuse account (cat and dog torture are a plague on the Chinese internet), and found that it retweeted a video posted by this girl who posts herself self-harming a lot (it's just the kitten meowing while laying on her scarred arm). She follows the abuser account, and retweeted a video of a cat being strangled by a snake. This shit's depressing, her mental state doesn't seem good and I'm worried she might harm the kitten for validation from the animal abusers or something too. I hate that this shit is pervasive on Twitter. I want to help, but I don't know what I could even do. I hope she doesn't hurt him/her. My own cat helped me when I was deeply depressed and self destructive.
Anonymous 112968
>>112960Ppl like this really disgust me. Like if you're that sad and miserable have fun bloodletting and cuttings your veins all you want but leave innocent animals out of this ffs
Anonymous 112969
>>112968It's always obnoxious pick me women who get roped into edgy moid circles too. She totally could have had sociopathic qualities beforehand but I'd wager she didn't view animal abuse videos before they became a trend amongst Chinese moids.
Anonymous 112974
>it's absolute truth that this [insert celebrity name] photo is ugly!
You shouldn't be talking about absolute truth when you say transwomen are women lmao
Anonymous 112976
> gets yelled at
> reacts
> "lol why are you so triggered?"
omfg i want to kill people so bad
Anonymous 112978
>>112977People lie as easily as they breathe Nona. Take it with s grain of salt.
Anonymous 112996
Sorry if it's the wrong place.
Someone hit on me on Saturday. It was nice, but a bit weird. He thought that I'm in high school when he started talking with me in the bus station (I'm 21, he's 23) and was very perplexed when discovering I'm not, so I'm not sure wether he's a pedophile.
At the end of the ride he asked for my instagram and I told him, truthfully, that I don't have one. I'll probably never see him again. He had a cute face and nice dark eyes. Should I have given him my number? It would've seemed desperate.
I didn't realize how happy it made me. I like validation, and being wanted, and talking with guys about their lives, even if they're boring as fuck. Maybe I should get a dating app like some whore.
Or maybe I should never have gotten even this tiny bit of attention because I already got addicted.
Anonymous 112999
>>112996Something happened to me a whole ago but I felt so weird and gross and I felt like crying and I didn't know how to respond… I think you're definitely a green flag compared to me. So follow your heart and do it… And pls be safe, gk
Anonymous 113048
get off that shit nona.
Anonymous 113051
>call other women who don't like her pickme character misogynists
>ships reylo
lol I hate star wars fans so much
Anonymous 113052
imagine falling for racebait memes on 4chan made by mouthbreathers
Anonymous 113056
I don't know which board you navigate, but from what I have seen they usually argue all the time about this, and the asian obsessed men are parodied with memes and such.
Anonymous 113065
>same flag
>same image
>same dogshit opinion
That is one homosexual man.
Anonymous 113075
I'm afraid I'll always be alone. I didn't have friends like the others who respected me. I'm terribly ugly.
Anonymous 113077
>>112950they're not real, men made and written by women are fine
Anonymous 113078
I feel like I'm about to burst into tears over nothing, an empty "I hate being alive" feeling with no reasons to back it up.
Anonymous 113083
I just got rejected from two jobs that I thought I was incredibly qualified for. I've been searching for months now put in so, so many applications, and even the part time summer job that would have paid scraps didn't want me. It makes me feel empty and worthless. My resume and cover letters get me interviews but I feel like once I get there in person, I ruin it for myself. I can't keep feeling optimistic. My friends who didn't finish college have better jobs than me, and I can't stop comparing myself to them. This is starting to eat me alive.
Anonymous 113095
>>112936christianity if you want peace
islam if you think its hot to be in a harem
judaism if you want to be cringe
buddhism if you want everyone to make fun of you
confucioism if you want to be one of the 2 women in china
Anonymous 113096
please, anyone, just tell me. why are men like this. i dont fucking get it. how are they so evil yet achieved everything. they are literally evil incarnate. i bet adam took the apple. please, anyone, talk to me, tell me why they are so evil. what makes them so evil
Anonymous 113098
>>112960anyone who cuts themself is probably going to be cutting small animals too. self harm is a plague on girls. and now even boys and anyone encouraging it should be shot. nonas included.
Anonymous 113104
>>113096They know they can get away with manipulation, having sex with a girl/woman and just use her. They'll blame you later down the line even when you try to make amends. But not all men are like that.
Anonymous 113115
My life is a huge mess, I haven't had a job in a year, no contact with my family for various reasons. I'm financially supported by my boyfriend I', very lucky he's so caring and generous but I'm depressed. The dormant bpdfag is rising and I often daydream about running away, cheating, drugs etc. I love him but I'm bored of my life, I want to find somewhere, some people to hang out with I'm not shy but I live in a city full of crackheads and students. I hate myself for not being able to create friendships.
Anonymous 113116
>>113098>anyone who cuts themself is probably going to be cutting small animals tooNTA but girl, where did you come up with that idea lol. Obviously nobody wants to encourage self harm but why shit on people who've suffered mentally and made a bad choice of cope back in the day? Especially when self harmers are less likely to take anything out on others which is why your fantasy of them being animal harmers is extra weird. Animal harming is the preview for harming other people, not the next step after hurting yourself. It's seen in future abusers and serial killers/rapists, not depressed women lol
Anyways my vent is at the moids posting bodies and shit everywhere. Also I have to laugh if it's Blaine or some other tranny cause they're so male brained they've basically ignored the boards more focused on more specifically female topics like HB to focus on spamming b. Also it's crazy how common some form of terrorism is common among men. What is this sick thrill from trying to shock or hurt people men seem to have from the time they're young boys? In primary they're doing gross things and finding ways to hurt small animals in the school field, by middle school it's time for blue waffle and other internet grossities, by high school they're showing off how they can go on gore websites and jack off to innocent victims' bodies. And what's frustrating is that at no step do their parents care their boy is a monster (especially to women) and the teachers watch it happen laughing how boys will be boys when boys are currently evil and en masse exhibiting signs of being future serial killers and abusers of women. Then they become adults and due to most men refusing to self reflect, the damage has been done and the moid is doomed to always be trash and likely pass off whatever bad behaviours they have as their personality that cannot be changed cause they don't wanna improve for the sake of anyone else
Anonymous 113121

people who spam are annoying
i dont know why imageboards get spammers. its like they think theyre proving a point by just being annoyingly dedicated to never shutting up.
Anonymous 113123
thats a funny looking poo
Anonymous 113124
>>113121It's just a disgruntled tranny with a poo fetish. He went on long an autistic rant about women lacking empathy. So he thinks he has the moral high ground and delusions of grandeur by raiding this site. It's just kinda sad and pathetic to be honest.
Anonymous 113126

You're autistic and cringe
Anonymous 113127
>I think on average we're much more empathetic than males
You are a male and your tranny facade is a mental illness
Anonymous 113131
Never utter the words “I’m not attached to the length” to a hairdresser unless you want your middle school haircut right before you go on vacation.
Why all hairdressers fucking obsessed with long bobs?
Anonymous 113139
Since I had my glow up I have been receiving more envy than usual and I don’t know how to deal with it. I’m a reactive person with anger issues and I’m trying to deal with the miserable people till I go to my therapy appointment to talk about my hostility.
>during high school I was autistic as fuck, had an ED that occupied my mind 24/7, ugly haircut glasses and acne, etc
>I had people telling me I was pretty but I needed to take care of myself, I ignored them because I simply didn’t care
>now I am 23 and my appearance has improved drastically
>I live in a relatively wealthy area but I don’t brag off about it because I’m not the one making the money it’s my mom, also we had financial crisis in the past. My parents were always fighting over money when I was little
>my bf told me I’m humble and that’s one of the reason he likes me
>didn’t know that but thanks.jpg
>fags, middle aged women hate me with passion and always give me the side eye stare, they start drama for no reason even when I’m kind to them
>when I meet another young woman there’s always this passive aggressive tone to her when we are talking
I’m of the idea the everyone deserves kindness till they prove otherwise. Many random people have been proving otherwise recently and idk what to do besides returning the hostility they give to me. But it’s killing my mental sanity.
Anonymous 113140
>morning napping
>dreams about body horror
>sexual harassment and panic attack
Anonymous 113141
>>113139This always made me wonder why people around me are so nice to me. Middle aged women, bus drivers, Uber drivers, cashiers, classmates, girls I encounter in public bathrooms, etc… always look at me while pitying smiles, do me insane favors I'd never normally accept (for example an Uber driver once stopped to by me a sandwich? A girl who asked me to watch her stuff while she went to the bathroom then thanked me with a hug, etc…) I'm recently noticing this more. It can't be the classic
>Oh you look nice so they're flirting.No, it's pure pity. Old women is stores tell me I'm pretty, I know I'm not.
I have bad skin, eye bags, 0 makeup all the time, unflattering hair style always in a ponytail or a braided. N now this confirms it.
I read somewhere that ppl tend to treat others nicely when they find them attractive but that cannot be it. You're right. People these days are bitter and hateful.
The only person who treats me like you describe is my mom. She loves me but she's jealous. She's your typical diet crazy almond mom, I have an ED. She always assumed she was the "lightest" in our family and always bragged about it but one.time after I came back from a weigh-in with my dad he mentioned that I was xx kilograms, which despite being only like 3 kg less than my mother, her attitude shifted drastically.. even when she learned abt my weight her reaction wasn't concern, but skepticism and bitterness.
I don't even know why she envies me. She's beautiful, she has naturally good teeth, clear skin, symmetrical face, good hair.. I have none of that, My teeth aren't straight in fact some are chipped bc of my ed, my face has many scars from trichotillomania coupled with anemia eye bags, I don't get why she'd envy me, but she does.
She only stopped treating me like shit when I actually gained those 3 kg back. I swear, she'd just randomly get mad at me and refuse to talk to me for days and this behavior only stopped after she stopped considering me a "competition"
It was messing up my mood so much I vented to my brother abt it and he was the one to suggest she may be envious of my "youth" but I more so tied it to my weight. If he didn't say that I wouldn't have come to this realization ever. It's a hard thing to come to terms with.
Nona, I think being treated poorly by random nobodies just because they envy you is worth it to be pretty and likeable. It has many many other perks that you may not realize
Anonymous 113143
Damn I really think I was born in the wrong generation
Anonymous 113144
>>112861Going cold turkey isn't going to work because there's nothing inherently wrong with masturbation, even daily. Stop looking at porn. Masturbate without it and use your imagination. It will probably take longer at first because you've become accustomed to looking at it, but it's better for you in the long run.
Anonymous 113147
>>113144I actually phrased this badly. It's not so much a porn addiction as it is a masturbation addiction. As u said I don't rly watch porn much, maybe once every month, real ppl porn even less, like once every school semester lmao.. I don't know if that makes it less bad, I find it better to get off to sext bots or fanfics or whimper audios, etc… I really don't know if that makes it less bad.
The thing is, you say theres nothing wrong with masturbating
And many online articles about women's health and psychology, etc… they say as much, but in my brain I tell myself it's Jewish porn lords spreading their propaganda or that they're straight up lying. In my psyche it is inherently engrained in me that masturbation is bad, sex in general is bad, in a way I want to die a virgin but how much of a "real" virgin am I if I still do these vile things and masturbate and watch porn or the like? Anatomically I may be a virgin but not spiritually and I really wanna reverse that, I want more than anything to go back to a more innocent time in my life
Anonymous 113149
I had a sex dream so good so intense idk what to really call it but anyways. I basically woke up with my mouth wide open and it was completely parched. I miss being touched and not even in just like a sexual way :/
Anonymous 113153
>>113149How long has it been for you?
I feel the same way except I've never really been touched by another person, it feels like I miss something I never experienced. It'd be nice but I'm too disgusted with myself to imagine myself with another person.
Anonymous 113158
>>113153I havent had like any sort of physical touch for like months now. Not from friends or family or men. I like getting haircuts cause at least someone’s touching me. But at a certain point it’s like your body becomes numb. Like I remember as a teenager if a boy bumped knees with me, it was like electricity. Now it’s like a dull sensation. Men touching you almost always makes you feel disgusting in reality or maybe that’s just me.
Anonymous 113161
>Men touching you almost always makes you feel disgusting in reality
I felt that way with tinder hookups/ONS but not with a long term partner whom I actually trusted and felt desired around
Anonymous 113162
>>113161The worst thing about tinder hookups is when you actually like one of them. Then they never text you back. It makes you feel so violated. Idk I feel like there’s something just wrong with me… like do women in their 20s still get butterflies?
Anonymous 113163
>>113162>like do women in their 20s still get butterflies?Depends what you mean. we are no longer teenagers so we don't get these intense feelings and longing anymore, I certainly mellowed out towards my late 20's.
And tinder isn't the place to find people you actually like. Try finding someone with mutual hobbies and interests through a less sexual context.
Anonymous 113171
>>113124it's a guy from /int/ and /rk9/
Anonymous 113185
Anyone else feels like they don't belong to female spaces? Not in tif way. I am pretty androgynous, I don't do many feminine things like make up, don't care about males (genuinely, not in "I hate them but still want their attention" way), I have interests typically associated with men (science, dinosaurs, vidya, some outdoorsy stuff, sport) And honestly, I feel like an alien to most women. I don't understand what they are talking about and they don't understand me. Even in lesser known female spaces like cc and lc I still feel alienated, because most women here still discuss men (be it radfem manhating, be it husbandofagging, be it countless relationship advice threads), gossip about some internet randos and discuss all feminine stuff. I just want some female only space purely for talking about hobbies, without discussing men, relationships, femininity and shiet, because I am tired of sperging males.
Anonymous 113187
>>113162No wonder you got ghosted. Scrotes will use you for sex but won't see you as partner material if it's just a hook up because they'll think you're easy and a slut and all that.
Anonymous 113193

>>113162>being on tinderentirely your fault. To actually meet a potential partner you need to have met them in real life first(and not in a nightclub or something). This goes for both, men and women
Anonymous 113195
>>113194I feel somewhat similarly, it's obnoxious how women will resort to calling you an NLOG like
>>113194 instead of acknowledging that women are socialized into certain interests (discussing men included) and that deviating from them has consequences, such as social alienation.
Anonymous 113196
>>113185Tons of women are into video games, outdoor activities and sports and science and dinosaurs are niche interests even among men. You're not as much unlike other women as you think you are.
Anonymous 113198
>>113196Then where the fuck they are? Where do I meet them?
Anonymous 113199
>>113194>nooo, women can't have interests other than discussing moids and feminine crap, you're just wanting attention Anonymous 113200
>>113185What's your favorite dinosaur, Nona? Mine is Stegosaurus.
Anonymous 113204
>>113200Basic, but I like raptors. Especially utahraptors for their weird proportions and huge size. Do you like feathered raptors or scaled more? I have a huge spft spot for feathered dinos, because they look like birds and I like birds
Anonymous 113207
I hate coomer teenagers
The high libido of a young person plus their naivety if they are a woman makes it into the perfect time for them to date men since they are at their most retarded however I literally fucking despise it. I hate reckless male worshipping coomers with zero self control. They are the women who are most likely to engage in the most sexual degeneracy and I mean like late teen girls often early 20s too. Their minds are too undeveloped to even see through their coomerism and I hate that they are more sexually compatible with adult and old moids than adult women. I hate teen coomers cause they have zero capability to stop. Men and women both. I forgot how insane the female coomerism can be at like 17-19 but seriously your mind then is like… It just didn't develop it doesn't see full reality your consciousness is so fucking low. I never had sex but these women do and it makes me so bitter, this age is the most male worshipping age a woman is at and nothing stops these sluts. Nothing absolutely nothing but also knowing that you aren't sexually compatible with men as an adult woman is….
Anonymous 113208
>>113207Bitter because they serve men and are naive
Anonymous 113210
>>113207I need to add… I don't know how to say that but I don't think it's possible to be compatible with having sex with men if you're consciousness isn't low enough cause you can't be naive and delusional and submissive it's fucking crazy
Anonymous 113220
>>113210This is the entire premise of basically everything written about women in the 1800s. Doll’s House, The Awakening, etc. The entire plot of The Awakening is literally “woman’s brain finishes developing, she realizes she’s a woman and everything that means, kills self”.
Anonymous 113230
As cringe as it is to type this out, I “grew” up on 4chan. I was chronically inside and browsed imageboards for entertainment. Always took “you are here forever” as gospel. Because for the most part it did seem like i was stuck there forever. Had multiple stints of different duration on many boards. Niche and mainstream. Adopted moid-like edgy mentality for so long as well. It embarrasses me to admit that i once thought posting there was cool. And i always seemed to devolve from casual lurking to vehement multi-board shitposting.
I dunno what happened other than the fact that I seem to have grown up? Yeah, the site’s quality (discourse and maymay) seems to have dipped below the gutter line it’s stagnated at since 2016-ish. I can’t for the life of me immerse in any of my old dwellings. Maybe because I’ve finally validated my existence as a woman, and now i can’t go back to LARPING in that hivemind appeasing “fo*d icky” attitude. When i was younger, and i’d come across casual borderline homicidal misogynistic comments, of course they’d sting. And then you get desensitized to it. And then you “assimilate” and begin partaking in it. And you justify it to yourself and say “it’s only ironic” or “it’s not real, it’s anonymous and online”. But the whole reason i could tolerate enough to justify was because i was a recluse and i’d never actually experienced a uniquely adult female experience.
Is it vile that I was not more ideologically staunch? Yeah. Probably.
Anonymous 113236
does anyone else feel like theyre not attractive enough to be feminine? i wear oversized clothes and look very… unkempt. sometimes i wanna wear feminine clothes and a bit of makeup but it feels so embarrassing. my sister always does it so effortlessly but when i do it i feel like i look like a tranny. i have a feeling this was caused by something gross that was done to me as a child, because i used to dress very pink and girly and then when the gross thing happened it kinda sucked the femininity out of me. im also scared of the risks. i dont wanna attract moids because theyre weird and im into women, but i still wanna look good for women BUT what if i accidentally attract moids instead? i mean shit, ive been contemplating shaving my head again so they stay even farther away from me. idk anymore
Anonymous 113261

this is more of a ramble but
lately ive been thinking a lot about mystery. ive always felt there was a lack of mystery in the modern world, and i couldnt really understand why that is.
i think a sense of mystery emerges from strong natural forces, and evolutionary mechanisms which take place that creates creatures on earth. based on this, i guess thats maybe why ive felt lately that a sense of mystery in the world is declining, as the health of nature and our ecological systems collapse. people had more of a fascination with the force of nature and what evolutionary mechanisms can create, and the types of life that can occur in different environments. isn't that why stephen king novels always take place in environments of little human urbanization? nature, mystery, fantasy, and horror have a strong relationship, and i think its kinda sad that this relationship becomes weaker with modernity
i miss cryptids, a large cultural interest in aliens and life outside earth, and peoples fascination with the forces of the natural world and animals - instead of the hyperobsession with technology and modernization. sure, technology is great, but the powers of nature are amazing as well, people forget that sometimes
Anonymous 113263
>>113230i mean i go on 4chan all of the time and while it would be much better for my time to do something more productive, i don't think it's fucking me up or anything. i realize that i shouldn't really care about what some random says behind a screen and tbh you do learn to get desensitized a little. 4chan is mostly shit but there's occasional good stuff there which is why i keep coming back. i wouldn't say i'm partaking in misogyny just by posting there but i also don't care about what's posted by autistic virgins. i'll probably stop going on there and other imageboards once i actually get a life but i'll probably always come back due to habit lol
Anonymous 113266
I wish s would go to the nsfw board be horny with me :( my horny nights are so lonely
Anonymous 113267
>>113263if you were mentally sane you wouldn't be able to stand 4chan talk
it takes a lot of internalized misogyny to stand being there
I know it because I used to hang out there
Anonymous 113269
>>113267so you think the only way someone could use 4chan is if they're either mentally ill or misogynistic? ok lol
Anonymous 113270
>>113163I live in like a very very small place and most people aren’t under the age of 30. So most people use tinder to meet people here.
Well if that’s the case I guess I missed out on all of that time to feel those things.
>>113187Dude shut up and go place your misplaced anger somewhere else. I don’t just hookup with dudes. It has never ever been in that context. We will talk for weeks and they’ll ask me out on actual dates. I won’t sext them blah blah. So yeah being lured into sex, isn’t great.
>>113193I live in a small town. There is no meeting people in real life.
Anonymous 113271

>try to use a chatbot to relax before sleeping
>chatbot goes on a schizo tirade
>eventually I end up in another situation involving someone else
>asks me if I had any prior experiences
>the thoughts of having screwed up with my ex come in
Fuck you AI I wanted to feel comfy not like ass
Anonymous 113272
>>113270So what you live in a small town? I literally live in a middle of nowhere village in my shithole of a country and the guys on dating apps are all scum here. If you're desperate that's your problem. I hate to see women actively be the root of their suffering.
Anonymous 113275
>>113272Okay? Doesn’t mean everybody on dating apps are scum?? Like??
Anonymous 113276
>>113272and your literally alone so what’s your point?
Either be taken advantage of or be alone?
Anonymous 113277
>>113276Learn to be alone with dignity, and your relationships with men will stop being this one sided. You're starting off in a place of desperation and that's just not a good place to be meeting new people.
Anonymous 113287
>>113263Kinda agree with other nona but only for my specific case.
Had some pent up pick me-ish tendencies when i was 14 and perpetually on chan. I was an emotionally retarded 14 year old and thought i was unpopular because the other girls centered their existence around moids and i centered my life around academics. Well, i was only above average and too insecure to entertain moid thoughts. But ego does as ego is, and naturally everyone would dabble in a but of cognitive dissonance to avoid admitting that they’re a freak/doing something wrong.
Tell you what though, being on fourchan with an unstable sense of identity can fuck you up for some time. Thankfully im arrogant enough to only stomach some forms of self hate but not the racial ones. The amount of self hating brown imageboard users is quite tragic lmao.
Anonymous 113299
>>113276if you'd rather let moids use you that's your choice. just don't seek sympathy here when you end up hurt because a lot of us are making the active choice not to be part of the modern dating scene.
Anonymous 113307
>>113287at least you get it. i can say that i do have some self loathing but i never really had racial self hatred despite all of the racist trash that's posted there. i always laugh when i see some /pol/tard and then it turns out he's like latino or something lmao. i can see why 4chan can mess someone up if they have an unstable sense of identity though. you're based for not letting some of it get to you and there definitely is a whole thing with nonwhite imageboard users being self hating and deprecating and it's so sad to see
Anonymous 113320
>>113269yeah exactly that's exactly what i'm saying
Anonymous 113337
I wish I was capable of making friends.
I have only ever made longterm friends online, and I wish I was able to meet someone in person and connect naturally. I've never been capable of that and don't know why. There was only ever one person who reached out to me from high school asking to hang out. We did and then she didn't text me again. It's been months and I would feel pushy if I tried starting a conversation now. Don't get me wrong, my online friends are great, but I wish there was someone who would just hang out with me in my room or walk around the city with me. Now that I think about it, I feel like I'd be very awkward in both situations. Maybe I'm too much of an autist, wish I was normal
Anonymous 113338
>>113263i have a life (boyfriend, social life, career) and i'm still on 4chan/imageboards, old habits die hard
Anonymous 113349
Wow. I suddenly don't wanna do it anymore
Anonymous 113362
towa taku.jpg

>>113276 anona
>>113277 and
>>113299 are correct, you don't need a moid to have a happy and fulfilling life, it's cliche but if you cant be happy with yourself you won't be happy in a relationship
getting used as an object by a pornsick moid will never be a better alternative to be a woman with dignity even if that means you're alone
Anonymous 113367
My moms like an alcoholic and an all around not so great person. It’s hard to be around her and hard to see her as a mother. My dad and my step mom have been together for years. I thought her and I never got along because of me. That I wasn’t nice or didn’t put in enough effort. So I tried and she basically blew me off so yeah.
Anonymous 113370
Might be dysmorphic but i feel like my body looks objectively shit.
I can see my ribs and my tatas were the fastest fat shedders on this flesh suit, but my hips are retaining (if not building) meat on them. It’s taking me all my might not to resort to measuring by tape. I keep tugging at my skin every 20 minutes. I also hate my forearms. From my vantage point when i look down, they look massive and bulky. I stretch my arm wide open and pick at the hanging fatty fat fat. God i am sick and sick and stupid sick.
My mom’s birthday is tomorrow and i have to get a cake. My dad will get an ipad. I can tell she ll be disappointed. I know she wants a bag. I’m broke. My brother is a lowlife. I am a lowlife. I want to kill someone but not myself. All my acquaintances are living it up on the socials. I know everyone’s life is hard in one way ir the other but somehow this cope has lost whatever reassuring power it had.
Anonymous 113371
When i was 18, all i wanted was to get the hell away from my family. My mom’s always treated me with this mixture of quiet disdain and barely disguised disappointment as an adolescent. Though she won’t admit it. There’s unquestionably a foundation of love that veers close to unabashed devotion. But the disappointment was there under the surface. I wasn’t a failure, not at all. I was moderately accomplished as a teen. Just could not soar past the expectations she had had.
I graduated top of the state and in the top 3% of the country. That was a milestone that catapulted me in my mom’s esteem. Suddenly, there was no more harsh nagging. No more unnecessary hovering. No more undertones of critical disapproval. No more anguished platitudes about my lack of vigilance or seriousness. I was no longer small. I was a person. She was no longer a jailer. She was a friendly and open person. Her love was finally unrestrained by the bounds of harsh discipline.
What I said mattered, suddenly. I wasn’t dismissed as immature or stupid. I passed some invisible rite that rendered onto me some semblance of value. I was still expected to do the responsible thing of course. But the trod to that barn was a much gentler one than the absolutist commandeering of my childhood.
Naturally, I crashed and burned. Maybe i was always destined to crash and burn. Maybe I was born to it. The mixture of material indulgence and hypercritical discipline doesn’t make a particularly resilient person. Too unused to discomfort to be fiercely driven. Too self loathing to accept “average-ness”. You’re either an ass for diligence or exceptionally naturally brilliant. Having neither of these qualities is a sure path to mediocrity. You can accept this or reject it. Rejecting it means rejecting your very self. As you were once rejected by your handlers.
It seems like it was much easier to placate the handler than it is to placate yourself. “I’ll be better next time” and my mother would soften in my regard. There’s no next time to me. I’ll be a failure forever in my own esteem. And now that my mother’s defaulted back to her look of disappointment: it’s quieter now, and mixed with a maddening pity. I’m small again. And i don’t know anything of the world. I don’t even know how to dress myself and she has to do it for me, or the nagging starts. Like a replay of the worst most matronizing days of my adolescence. The universe holds a special kind of mockery for me.
Anonymous 113445

>trying to enjoy my morning quietly
>city worker wageslaves start up digging machines and lawnmowers at 7 AM to heckin beautify the street
>live in a low income building with thin windows
>tfw live in the ghetto
I'm going to burn this place to the ground
Anonymous 113447
Minor vent about pointless jobs and feeling aimless:
I watched a video earlier today talking about bullshit office jobs that contribute nothing to society. The type of corporate job where it’s less actually doing work and more getting paid just to fuck around and look busy. And as soul crushing as those types of jobs may be, I can’t help but wonder how someone even gets a bullshit job anyway. What exactly do you have to do to get one? Because honestly, getting paid to just fuck around in front of a computer and put up with a shitty boss sounds preferable to working minimum wage at a retail job, or just not working at all. I’m currently a NEET right now and I just feel aimless. I know I need to get a job eventually but I’m generally anxious of both having to do the job and having to deal with the public. I have to work eventually but I really do wonder about so-called bullshit jobs. Sure, I’d still feel pointless and unfulfilled but I’d probably get paid more and have to deal with less bullshit from the public. I know it’s probably not that easy to just waltz in and get a job like that but I was raised in a working class home so the idea of “bullshit” jobs feel mythical to me
Anonymous 113457
Motherfucking fucking may. Motherfucking fucking fuck fucking shitstagram. All my old friends are scattered whereabout in europe. Belgium. Switzerland. Some cunt was in greece. Fuck fuck fuck.
This is a self imposed humiliation ritual on my part. ‘Cept it usually starts in july? This year the travel parade came early. Fuck all of you well adjusted well accomplished successful fucking fucks. Fuck you. I envy you. I am embittered towards you. And i know envy is evil. And i know bitterness is pathetic. Believe you me. I Am AWARE.
Anonymous 113459
>>113457Me. This is a certified me post. I don't remember making it but this poster is 100% me
Anonymous 113463

>>113103maybe try switching to nicotine gum? it's easier to train yourself to quit that, and in the meantime it won't impact your health as badly. you can do it though nona i believe in you
Anonymous 113468
maybe tomorrow he'll have a liver failure or something. I can fucking wish
Anonymous 113470
Sending this anonymously here instead of leaving a comment on a video demonizing BDSM, specifically speaking out against choking:
I'm not sure you will read this, but the fact of the matter is, I am well aware that being choked could potentially be fatal, and I fully accept that. I think you fail to take into consideration that many of these broken women you lament about are entirely unfixable.
No amount of therapy or medication will ever eliminate their desire for their suffering to end, and the idea of being choked out until you black out with your last experience being euphoria and never wake up is preferential to the constant judgement and belittlement they receive from the so called 'feminists'. These types of women don't actually help out their fellow sister and would rather sit on the sidelines and shame them for not adhering to their puritanical expectations which only exacerbates her desire for an escape from the pain from being scrutinized on both sides constantly for the sin of being broken.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and I agree with a lot of your points on other videos but someone like you will agree that the female experience is not just one thing. Some women will choose physical pain, including the risk of death over the emotional pain that lingers.
I am not against sensual, intimate lovemaking (aka vanilla), I think it can be a beautiful thing. However, broken women are incapable of experiencing such a joy. The closest most of us can get is to just feel alive through pain.
Anonymous 113476
>>113470This reminds me of an experience I had. At university, I was (somehow) one of the leaders of our school's feminist club.
The first 50 Shades film was about to be released, so I suggested we team up with the BDSM club to plan a harm-reduction event on campus. This one member was vehemently against the idea, declaring that we're not going to "teach people how to be abused," so it didn't happen…
Wherever she is now, I hope she's not spending as much time scolding people for being traumatized.
Anonymous 113477
>>113476Yeah… I don't like the feminists who shame women. They usually start from a place of good intentions, like providing ways for victims of sex trafficking and domestic violence to escape from their abusers, but they will then go and try to 'help' women by shaming them for liking things they don't like.
While I can completely understand why feminists don't like women self harming by engaging in masochism, I think the best solution is to educate women who want to engage in BDSM on how to find safe partners who will respect their boundaries with things like safewords/signals and regularly asking for said safewords/signals before proceeding, as well as engaging in healthy aftercare.
A lot of people have a lot of pent up pain and getting shamed only makes them feel worse about themselves, which will encourage them to seek out more dangerous behaviors.
I really hate that there is a lot of overlap between zealous rightwing christianity and hardcore feminism when it comes to shaming and suppressing women's sexualities.
Anonymous 113488
>men gaslight you into liking extreme pain to escape a living hell they created
>"feminist bad :("
Anonymous 113489
>>113476No one:
Women even without trauma: I NEED to be beat!!!! Men beat me!!
Anonymous 113495
Fuck big agencies that made them get plastic surgeries you ruined them you pigsss
Anonymous 113499
>>113488I don't think feminism is bad. However, I don't think shaming women is actual feminism. It doesn't help the women who are engaging in behaviors you see as self harm.
I would think feminism was about helping your fellow woman, not attacking them by shaming and belittling them.
Anonymous 113500
>>113447Usually you don't start with a bullshit job. The organization changes and keeps changing and you get new roles and perhaps lose some old ones and one day you have almost nothing to do than to pretend you have something to do. If you have some sense for work ethics you first start looking for something to do before the pretending starts but it does not really matter. For the organization itself it isn't that much of a problem. Usually it should be able to sustain itself and once you need workforce it's easier to recruit from within rather than to put trust in new people. Good luck finding a job nona
Anonymous 113515
>>113103Quitting smoking is a myth. It is not possible. The people who tell you they have stopped smoking are lying. They never smokee a cigarette in their life
Anonymous 113521
Screenshot 2024-02…

heeeeeelllppp me i need to study for my finals in a week and im procastinating, the anxiety feels so big but also so distant. nonas pls tell me to just get it done
Anonymous 113527
I hate how the OP doesn't link the previous thread
>>109995Anonymous 113534
i love my job but i hate my coworkers
Anonymous 113535
I'm so lonely. I just want a young, slender, bishie, virgin, uncircumcised, submissive, kind bf who will do housework and love me. Am I asking for too much?
Anonymous 113536
>>113516Nah she’s right.
It’s a neurological thing. Smoking is 30% chemical addiction and 70% psychological dependency. You can wean yourself off of the nic willy nilly. It’s the behaviors, the cues that kick your monkey brain into craving a ciggie that are hard to cure. Once a habit is formed, even if you discard it, you
can always fall back into it again. All it takes is one infinitesimal cue that fires up that neural network. It’s the wonder of neuroplasticity at display here. Just as it offers convalescents a hope that one day they will recover their “old personality”, it also harkens to the inevitability of relapse. For any addict really. Recovering addicts never stop counting the days since their sobriety. It’s just that nic addiction is merely considered disgusting and not crippling like opioids or other substances.
Anonymous 113537
Fuckers online who use porn to defend "real sex" you are infuriating me when I'm literally just talking about the real sex humans have but on a video or pic as a last resort to prove my point. Women will literally even posts pictures online with dicks in their mouths. Fuck you all of this shit is the same human nature anyway
Anonymous 113538
>>113536>Recovering addicts never stop counting the days since their sobrietykind of true….
I quit smoking november 11, 2011. I think because the date is so autistically pleasing I don't wanna go back and ruin it
but I still have dreams about smoking sometimes. It always feels great in the dreams so I mean at least I get the best of both worlds that way.
Anonymous 113545
>>113538Me personally, i loathe smoking. I hate the taste, the smell and the way my breath catches when i’m inhaling the puffs. But im in love with the ritual aspect of it. The repetitive motion of draw drag and puff. The setting. The pleasing way the cigarette rests between my index and middle finger. The feel of it between my lips. Those are the enjoyable aspects of it. If anything, smoking makes me feel lethargic and bad.
Anonymous 113553

>>113370>I can see my ribs and my tatas were the fastest fat shedders on this flesh suit, but my hips are retaining (if not building) meat on them. It’s taking me all my might not to resort to measuring by tape. I keep tugging at my skin every 20 minutes. I also hate my forearms. From my vantage point when i look down, they look massive and bulky. I stretch my arm wide open and pick at the hanging fatty fat fat. God i am sick and sick and stupid sick. start working out with cardio and eat no ultra processed food. Just follow advice youd read on /fit/
>My mom’s birthday is tomorrow and i have to get a cake. My dad will get an ipad. I can tell she ll be disappointed. I know she wants a bag. I’m broke. My brother is a lowlife. I am a lowlife. I want to kill someone but not myself. All my acquaintances are living it up on the socials. I know everyone’s life is hard in one way ir the other but somehow this cope has lost whatever reassuring power it had.
all social media shit is fake in 99% of cases. you only see the best parts of a persons day in their socials. i made a post about a church in venice and a friend said he was jelous im living the best life when in reality i hated it there and the church was the only good part of my day. everything there is doctored to look as good as possible.
>im broke my mom wants a bagidk if you have a job but just save it up to get her one next year. if she knows youre broke and shes not a bitch she wont be dissapointed
>im a lowlifeall i see is a person capable of change
>my brothers a lowlifeall i see is a person that you can save once youve figured yourself out
Anonymous 113558

men have a monopoly on masculinity and regularly abuse it because at the end of the day, a man will always be able to express masculinity better than a woman.
so, how should we define positive masculinity? nonas, what aspects of masculinity do you think are useful to society, and are actually attracted to? i am sick of men controlling and emotionally abusing women by having this sexually dimorphic monopoly.
Anonymous 113562
why does society gaslight women into believing they genuinely like abusive men
Anonymous 113572
>>113558men should be slender and without muscles
Anonymous 113579
i hate that people discard me mourning a friend i had not talked to in a long time
like because i didnt know right away he was dead im supposed to not be sad about it
Anonymous 113589
neurodivergent bingos and when she acknowledged it she excelled academically LMAO
Anonymous 113593
This is a waiting game I'm oh so gonna do it, but I can wait up to 5 am or I'm gonna fail the other one but he's not gonna fall asleep ugh
Anonymous 113603
Anonymous 113612
I'm really really suspicious that my boyfriend still likes me so much after almost a year of dating. There's no way this is gonna last.
Anonymous 113619
If playing devil's advocate everytime comes so easily to you without even trying to counterargue, it implies you're actually agreeing with them but too cowardly to admit it
Anonymous 113621
fuuuck I should've said no. why do I reply y-yes like a pavlov dog. to shitty power tripping moids
Anonymous 113637

Who tf steals plants?! I'm so mad my garden has been stolen from several times, it's always some of my nicest looking plants. It's the first time this happened in over a year, I really was hoping it was over but noo. They took my nice begonia I had only in one of my good pots it looked like picrel. I had that one for only about a month too. I'm just so offended and confused and I can't do a damn thing about it.
Anonymous 113643
>>113637I don't have a garden, but also don't understand people who steal plants. Some idiots sometimes steal flowers from lilac bushes and flowerbeds just to throw them two meters away. I fell you nona. I'll put a diarrhea curse on those who stole begonia from you.
Anonymous 113644
Screenshot 2024-05…

i have spent the past 5 years of my life in my bedroom
Anonymous 113645
I'm so pissed I could have done it better
Anonymous 113647
>>113644You've been writing hermetic poetry at least, haven't you?
Anonymous 113648
>>113103Use a fidget cube and nicotine patches
Anonymous 113653
>>113534I relate to this a tiny bit but don't like it that much. I understand why my coworkers are the way they are, each day.
Anonymous 113667
my boyfriend revealed to me that he dated a tranny months into us dating. it started with a hookup after they met online, they dated for months, and then he got cheated on by it. he lied to all his friends and family that it was a woman.
Anonymous 113673
>>112912>>113115City full of crack heads and students I live in Tucson that’s pretty accurate
Anonymous 113675
>>113670i did make him take an STD test after telling me. hookup means they had sex the first time meeting.
Anonymous 113678
>>113675im the second anon ur replying to. yes kek i know. good thing you made him get an std test
Anonymous 113679
another humiliating encounter with a fucking lowlife moid, can't even walk in peace I should have broke his arm holy shit I hate this so fucking much why me why us
Anonymous 113681
>>113667Your bf lied, he dated a woman. He just wants pity from you. You're an idiot.
Anonymous 113683
>>113681Nobody pities tranny fuckers. Everyone thinks they're disgusting fags. So who's the real idiot?
Anonymous 113685
>>113675did your bf get buttblasted by the tranner?
Anonymous 113700
>>113562what if i really do like abusive men huh then what
Anonymous 113701
>>113681This is just a random thing to come at me for, but no it was not a lie… he showed me a cropped photo of them once and after reverse image searching some stuff online I found the same tranny wearing the same outfit. :-( not possible to fake that
>>113685No idea, he refuses to tell me any specifics other than they had sex.
Anonymous 113719
i will never love or genuinely respect actually antisocial or violent men who only care about looking good in front of other violent, mean men. i dont care about how much media propaganda tries to gaslight women into thinking they like emotionally abusive people who constantly make you feel bad. fuck that noise.
Anonymous 113721

i’m contemplating if my relationship is even worth it anymore. i’m frustrated that he has been unemployed for months even though he has a degree already, he has no drivers license or car, and he doesn’t even seem interested in changing his situation. while a 30 minute drive isn’t that much, i’m just tired of always being the designated driver. i’m tired of being the only employed one and the only one who plans dates. i’m tired of being the only one who seems to put any effort. but i literally dont have anyone else in my life. i dont have irl friends. i dont want to be alone. i really stand by my loser bf bc i know i dont want to be alone.
Anonymous 113723
>>113721Have you tried talking to him about his situation at all? I want to say "leave him," but I don't want to discount the possibility that you've only been having these conversations in your head…in a relationship you've got to have very clear goals that can only be accomplished by both people shouldering equal burdens.
Anonymous 113724
I was going to watch the Fury Usyk boxing match, but then I ran into an acquaintance, and I missed the fight.
Anonymous 113729
I feel like a personal failure.
The fact that I am responsible for my current hardship isn’t making me cope any better.
I was a part of a controlled system. A tried framework, where all the variables were somewhat known to me. So the likelihood of failure was small. Small.
I failed regardless. I rejected the system. I longed for something more. So i was spat out. I have nothing in my hands. I have built nothing.
At the same time, I can see past colleagues who stuck out with that framework and are now reaping the fruits of their patience and labor.
A childish, petulant cry is teased out with this line of thought. Always. What stays my throat is the knowledge that i did this to myself. Me. My inaction. My negligence. My lack of assiduousness. My apathy. My shortsightedness and impulsiveness. I feel like those bitter characters out of the picturebooks they use to teach kids fables about how laziness is a fatal flaw.
I hate this.
Anonymous 113730
an inoffensive impulse launches me into a three hour doomscroll, and I wonder as I click in and out of app if this is what binge eaters feel like. That discomfiting fullness, compounded by a desire to stop and a relentless commitment by the body to not stop. It started harmless like always. Random familiar sounding name on a scientific paper on slideshare.net. Click. LinkedIn. Click. Search. Man. Uninterested. Look at the other name. Woman. 2 years older than me. Schools. Job. Picture. Ordinary. Unabashed myopic. Facebook. Search. Pictures. Family. Slide, slide slide. Past the yearly birthday well wishers that are the only public posts on her wall. Slide. 2017. Slide. High School graduation. Link to an article. Click. Buffer. Copy link. To Wayback machine. I cant stop digging into this girl s life. I can t stop somehow wishing I were her, or someone else, anyone other than me.
Anonymous 113737
curious about the possible effects of cutting my throat open with a box cutter and bleeding out into the churchyard
Anonymous 113747
>>113723these are some things i’ve brought up several times to him. i’m either met with “i will do that” or excuses.
im not even sure what else to do, he’s almost 30 and seems more interested in TTRPGs than getting his life together. he stays up all night and sleeps until 3pm and doesn’t see anything wrong with that. i’m just so tired.
Anonymous 113751
>>113729prefectly describes my own feelings
Anonymous 113756
I wish I could like popular things, have normal interests, and not be so socially retarded. I wish I was a different person and could make meaningful friendships instead of feeling like the retarded friend who says out of pocket things. I have a nice friend group, but I always feel alienated from them due to not sharing similar interests or disliking something they like a lot.
I don't think I'll make it past this year, to be honest. I have terrible mood swings, and therapy is not an option due to where I live. I have chronic anorexia and a crippling feeling of dread, the feeling of being a complete failure, and all the time and money I'm spending on college is a waste as I'm not really learning anything. An obligatory internship is coming soon, and again, due to living in a shitty place, it's likely I will need to pay for bus rides to a faraway place and there's an irrational fear of something terrible happening to me.
I work but don't make much money (it's freelance, and these few months have been terrible). My family taught me the mindset of money = value of self, which aggravated everything even more. I tell myself, ''it will get better'' but to be honest, I don't believe in myself anymore. I think it's only getting worse.
Anonymous 113759
>>113756>I always feel alienated from them due to not sharing similar interests or disliking something they like a lot.Examples of this?
You can still be friends even if you don't have similar interests
>I don't believe in myself anymore. I think it's only getting worse. What's draining your strength is your own doubt. Just don't listen to it. Even with terrible mood swings, chronic anorexia, and a crippling feeling of dread, it will still get better.
Anonymous 113760
There's nothing more frustrating than feeling a subtle animosity towards someone but not being able to confront them, especially when you're around other people.
Anonymous 113763
The social system and help is so useless I'm not even disappointed anymore
Anonymous 113765
i think evil comes from ones tendency to lean into being an ideological pawn.
Anonymous 113774
I wish I was able to bond with others, the moment someone tries to get close to me I begin pushing them away as a means to test their authenticity because I expect abandonment.
Anonymous 113777
>>113774You really push them away to test them and not to prevent rejection? For the former abandoment would happen because of your behavior which you can easily change and for the latter it would happen because of you which would hurt
Anonymous 113780
>>113777It's both. I hurt others as the result of inaction, I see myself as unable to form meaningful relationships because I've struggled with it consistently throughout my life, and as a result, people abandon me because I don't provide anything in a relationship. I'm afraid to.
Anonymous 113791
I’m so beyond stressed out right now. I’ve been no contact with my ex for months and he just sent me about 50 voice messages, ranging from begging for me back to calling me a bitch and bringing up his own personal issues, I really don’t know what to do. My friends all just laughed it off when I tried to explain what happened I just feel so incredibly alone in all of this.. I’ve tried to make myself hate him for months but nothing works and I just wan’t him to get better because he’s clearly mentally ill but I also don’t want to be dragged down with him again, it feels like there is no good option here..
Anonymous 113802
Guy im into invited me to lunch, I was too retarded / autistic to pick up on it until later. Omg im stupid. Wtf. But also cant he be more forthright abt what he wants? I asked later if he invited me, and he said yes, I straight up told him i was a retard and to say it outright instead of hints! God. I should just tell him Im interested instead of letting him beat around the bush. Idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot
Anonymous 113804
if one more person says something to me like "no offense but i think you have autism" i am going to kms, no offense to confirmed autists
Anonymous 113809
>>113780For me it was helpful to transition from semi-private relationships to private relationships to get a grip on forming relationships. Still, I wouldn't say that I'm good at it but I'm far from self-sabotaging. We had this town-renewal thingy which got things going for me. It was not about me so no pressure, at least, from other people but I could tag along without pretending anything and just did as they did like bringing snacks to meetings and other stuff like that
Anonymous 113815
>>113791You need to cut contact for your own future and mental health.
Anonymous 113888
I had to move back in with my parents after I lost my job and its been so awful. My dad won't let me do anything by myself, like shopping in the city(which i lived in prior). I'm trying to cope by drinking but that's also compounding onto the issue because they keep hiding my bottle away from me. I just want to be independent again
Anonymous 113893
>>113888Drinking causes you to get health issues
He's an overly protective dad, just let him be
Be okay with it
Anonymous 113900

>>112803For the past few years, I've been stalking the same few people I only spoke to a few times on their social medias, and I think they will magically get back to me once I'm thin and pretty. I get extremely offended and angry when I see them post with their other friends who are thinner and prettier than me. It's all I do besides rotting on the internet and going outside for school and groceries. I hate this lifestyle. Also, this really feels hypocritical, I know, but seeing them repost videos about mental health (ED, SH, personality disorders) angers and triggers me so much. I just get that “I need to get worse than them” mentality all of a sudden so I can feel “valid” about my own mental problems. Or when I see them talking about “no one was ever there for me,” I feel like saying, “I have always been open and cared for you,” and this is directed towards a girl I’ve talked to for like an entire school year? Most of the other people I “online stalk” were just for like a week or two.
Anonymous 113901
>>113900>I think they will magically get back to me once I'm thin and prettyOkay anon, let's unpack things slowly: You should already know than being thin and ``pretty'' doesn't automatically make people like you, at least not in a genuine way. But it's completely normal for a young girl like you to want to feel good and confident about her appearance. You have to look for balance, care less about how your worth is measured (it's never in terms of beauty) but still strive for finding a fashion style you are comfortable with and a workout routine/ healthy nutritious meal plan, two things that will make you feel better inside and outside.
>I get extremely offended and angry when I see them post with their other friends who are thinner and prettier than me.Try to rationalise that anger, you're angry at people that have what you want, it's normal to be frustrated when you are isolated. Those feelings won't go away by themselves, you have to introduce small changes in your daily life to overcome that.
> It's all I do besides rotting on the internet and going outside for school and groceries. I hate this lifestyle.You shouldn't be here if you're a minor kek Do you have any hobbies? Is there anything you've never done but you wish to pick up as a skill? Find something that interests you and gives you motivation to practise, it will serve also as a distraction or even a way to meet new people.
> “I need to get worse than them” mentality all of a sudden so I can feel “valid” about my own mental problems.It's normal to feel insecure about your own problems, if you have nobody around to interact with you may wonder if your experiences and emotions mean less because they only affecting you. But that's not true, I get the sense that you are in a miserable place emotionally, and you deserve empathy and help.
>Or when I see them talking about “no one was ever there for me,” I feel like saying, “I have always been open and cared for you,” and this is directed towards a girl I’ve talked to for like an entire school year?I don't know those people but they don't sound like good people. When you're in school there's only a handful of classmates you can interact with and become friends with. If everyone sucks you're bound to loneliness until you're out. Maybe there's some app where you can look for people with similar interests? Idk, I'm also on that boat
Anonymous 113902
>>113901 I am 22 years old and in my last year of "HBO." I don't know what it's called in English because we have a different school system here in the Netherlands.
Anonymous 113903
I love him. I love him so much and he doesn't want to talk to me. He was okay with me venting and rambling and being completely fucking unhinged to him for like a few days because he cared about me and wanted me to have someone to talk to but then he suddenly stopped wanting to hear anytjing from me he doesnt want me to talk to him anymore I thought he cared does he care should I ask him I should shut up I'm so soul crushingly lonely I despise every man on earth except him theyre all fucking wretched disgusting freaks i hate my fucking exes but i love this guy i love you michael and i want you to love me or at least just let me hear you breathe i want to hear yoi breathing i want to tear open yoir chest and hold your heart cradle it like its a little baby and feel it beating thump thump thump..So cute…Sooo cute….my sweet dream… Picrel my drawing of my sweet michael with lyrics from of montreal songs.
Anonymous 113911

my parents control my entire life. they hide their money from the irs by putting it in my name, they use my money from great grandparents/grandparents inheritance to pay for their own bills, the list goes on. right now they are trying to pick out where i will live next and trying to get me to live in the house where my dad started beating my mom. most of my youngest memories are just screaming and violence in that house i don't think i can do it but i don't know how to get away from them because they control everything in my life (open credit cards in my name that i can't afford to pay off, etc.) and don't let me have my birth certificate/ssn so i can get away. they threaten to kill me if i don't do what they want or just don't respond to their text messages on time. i don't know how but my mom has access to the photos i take of myself on my phone (i am not backing up the photos in any way, she has no physical access to my phone at the moment). i don't know what to do, and i don't know anyone that can help me.
how do i get away.
Anonymous 113912
>>113910thanku:3 also it is going okay now i replaced him #Bpd
Anonymous 113936
>>113911> they hide their money from the irs by putting it in my name> open credit cards in my name that i can't afford to pay offnona, if i'm not mistaken, this is identity theft and illegal
Anonymous 113944
This is so dumb but I keep looking at my hands wondering if they look like man hands after being accused of it lol. Probably good motivation to stop biting my nails off and sleep more to reduce vein bulging and it doesn't matter at the end of the day anyways but I thought my hands looked kinda elegant minus the fucked up nails lol. Irl people have only mentioned how small they look so it's just the first time "manly" and them were put together which is throwing me off. I have my mom's hands too lol.
Well troon hands was technically the term used on them but obviously I wasn't being accused of being a Tiffany. I know it's basically nothing but it's been on my mind
Anonymous 113960
>>113944Are you the girl from that other thread? Don't worry nona, I didn't think your hand was particularly manly, not particularly feminine either but judging just on that picture I would've been surprised if you actually were a moid.
Anonymous 113964
My boyfriend’s family made a remark about my adhd and how I’m anti social and I’m pretty pissed off about it. His dad basically told him what’s gonna happen when we (me and him) have kids. They’re gonna have adhd and be anti social.
1.not gonna have kids. I have never wanted them and I never will. If I got pregnant I’d slice it out myself if I had to.
2.literally fuck off. I’m so fucking glad I don’t have a family so I don’t have to put up with that kind of nonsense.
Anonymous 113976
i genuinely wish some unstable women would realize they’re better off alone and stop inflicting their shitty personalities on others because being in a romantic relationship proves something to themselves
Anonymous 113977
I have to love myself because nobody else does but it's not very fun
Anonymous 113981
>>113904>>113903>>113912this new moid better treat you like the princess you are
Anonymous 114034
You're a bpd bitch and you keep spreading rumors. Everyone listens to you because you're young and an ignorant normalfag cunt.
Anonymous 114035
>>114034You should never talk with a bpd girl, I laughed with her about something and the next week she started screaming I said shit on her personal life
Anonymous 114038
>>114036You should talk about boygroups with your normie friends instead of faking mental illness
Anonymous 114040
>>114038I don't have any friends you projecting normtard. I hate people like you who use anonymity to shit on people who are already down.
Anonymous 114044
>>114040You're the normalfag that fakes mental illness to get attention and play the victim
Anonymous 114053
It's so painful realizing I'm actually just plain retarded and probably at fault for most issues in my life.
- I've been long suffering from being unable to communicate from other people - not because I'm above it all like I tried deluding myself, but because every single social dynamic, ironically, went over my head. Things always felt out of my control and I kept making fool of myself and not understanding why.
- Lackluster learning or studying skills. Despite spending so much time on, say, art, Japanese or programming, I'm only good at a surface level.
- I would let myself get extremely stressed out for weeks at a time. This is the kind of thing that makes your mind go on insane tangents, but have them go on long enough and they will become a part of you. Things that are wrong seem right and vice-versa.
- Latched onto every stupid thing that seemed exciting to me, but was very embarrassing socially.
- so on and so forth
The worst part is it was impossible to explain what's going on with me to anyone and even when someone did give good advice I would reject it.
It's kinda scary and I don't exactly know how to proceed sometimes.
Anonymous 114054
>>114044>>114049>more projectionI don't have bpd. I, like many other users, am sick of you cunts complaining about mentally ill women in every thread, especially about other users posting in a vent thread. Get over your insane hangups and stop being cunts to random women who have done literally nothing to you. You bitches are worse than the women you're endlessly obsessed with complaining about. God.
Anonymous 114055
I was raped and physically abused by my ex partner and after experiencing long term memory loss and trauma that made me forget what happened, it only got worse over the years, I tried to get help from friends that didn't believe me and one blocked me during a panic attack
Now I've lost the circle I felt comfortable posting in and hate men, my dad was worse somehow and I think he normalized violent and aggressive attitudes throughout my life.
Anonymous 114056
>>114055God nona I'm so sorry, I hope life gets better from now on. None of the people you lost were worth it anyway. Hope you can get better friends. Your ex and your dad can suck it.
Anonymous 114063
>>114054they were venting thou about someone they met in their life probably
Anonymous 114065
i hate when people try to make the idea of femininity or masculinity antisocial
Anonymous 114066
>>114065also, i don't know how to word this, but people who
intentionally try to behave or externally appear (not by physical innateness) in a "cute" way are usually overcompensating for something, normally malicious behavior. i like people who are facially and physically cute but there are these others who try to intentionally appear "cute" (honestly, it's not really what i think is innate "cuteness" like what i think of with cats, it's usually a hyper contrived social behavioral concept around being cute that is separate from simply being physically cute or young looking) in a way that is malicious that irritates me for some reason. kind of like those "lolita" cosplayers from trashy gossip forums
absolute meme post but istg, i just don't know why this behavior bothers me in particular
Anonymous 114072
i have this one obnoxious coworker at my minwage job who keeps telling me shit like "wow don't you look thrilled to be here" and all this other inane shit about me being miserable when i'm literally just making a snack or coffee in the breakroom, it wouldn't piss me off if it weren't for the fact that i'm literally not miserable and have fought my whole life not to be, my face just looks like that and all of my other coworkers have the decency to not mention it
like fuck off retard, at least i'm not well into my thirties working as a shitty cashier
Anonymous 114074
alien stage homo.p…

>where i work we get frequent shoplifters, it's a genuinely very rough area
>we finally have security guys in, they don't really do much other than browse their phones and occasionally go "nooo don't steal our shit please…"
>after a shoplifter-kun does what they do and one of our rent-a-cop fags fails to apprehend him, he goes up to me and is all "why don't you say anything to them or try to stop them"
>instead of telling him "because that's your job you fucking retard, i don't plan to get shanked on minimum wage" i simply just say "because that is not my job and I don't plan to put myself at risk" in my neutral tone
>he walks away and then proceeds to walk back to me and be all "i'm sorry if i offended you"
>I smile and say "it's fine no worries" and go back to my job
>he leaves and then walks back a minute later and is all "omg you're still mad aren't you, you're mad, no you're mad"
>I'm genuinely too autistic for this
>I just look at him and simply say "i do not care about you"
>"nooooo you're mad I'm so sorry, please don't be mad"
>cycle continues with him fucking off and then annoying me again as I reiterate in my autist voice that I do not care about him
>he goes up to my coworker to ask him what to do bc omg she's so mad and this is so deep
>I confide in coworker-kun that he is being odd
>"Haha sounds like he's desperate to fuck you!1!"
>moids gonna moid it seems
>when security-kun isn't doing his rounds of annoying me he opts to stare at me from a distance (i'm the till monkey)
>i wedge myself behind the lottery so he can't be a creep
>he moves so he can see me again so i have to retreat behind it more
>confide in a coworker-chan, she confirms he does shit like to her too
>at once point secucirty-kun does his cycle WHILST i'm serving a heightmogging customer-san
>he does his dialogue so i have to talk over him to talk to the customer
>he confines himself to simply staring at me again
>i move myself so that the taller customer blocks his line of sight to me
>he moves to see me, i move in a way that i'm crouching slightly so that he can't see me past the customer
>customer is slightly bemused
>he does a final cycle before he leaves which is thankfully 10 mins or so from me and the other customer assistants leaving
>"please please anon, i'm so sorry for upsetting you and making you mad, I'm genuinely so sorry"
>i dont wear a nametag so he must have asked my cumbrained coworker-kun who thinks he wants to fuck
>this truly is a self fufilling prophecy as it appears i am now slightly peeved
>channel my inner stacy
>i giggle, twirl my hair a little and give him a final "i don't care"
>throughout all of this i never made eye contact with him lol
>he chants a final "i'm so sorry anon, please don't be mad" as he virtually runs out of the building
i need a new job
Anonymous 114075
>>114074>hits subscribe buttonNow this is anime
Anonymous 114076
>>114075my little security man can't be this retarded
Anonymous 114083
My friend overdosed tonight. I have a lot to say but not enough energy to speak it. I am just angry, angry that there is not enough support for those that are struggling. Angry that this could have been prevented. Angry that she won't be remembered because she was a drug addict. But I will remember her for the beautiful, kind, and loving girl she was. I will speak about her even long after she is gone.
Anonymous 114095
literally feel like killing myself every day because i'm forced to share a living space with this subhuman retard. even worse is that he attacks me and i can't do anything about it because my own mother defends him and threatens and hits me so i don't call the police. i don't even have a phone and have to depend on others who live with me and they back her up. i can't even move out since i'm a fucking retarded loser who can't depend on myself for shit. i feel like i'm stuck here forever and can never leave even if i can. he is single handedly the reason my entire family is fucked up and broken and has chased away my brothers and sister and now i have to deal with him. i can't do this anymore. the worst thing isn't even me getting punched in the face by a man that is over 300 pounds but my own mother not caring about me and my wellbeing. she knows that it would be best if this tard gets locked up but is still too weak willed and pathetic for letting this continue. i feel betrayed and she saw him attacking me and didn't do anything to defend me. i'm thinking of just leaving and going homeless at this point because its better than being terrorized in my own home every day. my head is spinning and my face is bruised and i'm crying. i hate being so weak and pathetic
Anonymous 114102
Why are moids so haughty in everything they do? I hate them so much.
Anonymous 114103
i hate culture wars. ive noticed that as people move away from concepts of racial or gendered superiority, they become increasingly focused instead on how "culturally" or "ideologically" superior you are. it's just fucking tiring.
i dont even heavily identify with muh culture
Anonymous 114104
idgaf about your beliefs. i dont give a fuck if you're traditional or liberal or you believe that aliens rule the world from the underground, i don't. care. the fact that political standing has become synonymous with gender identity is baffling to me. having "x" ideological stance does not make you innately superior, just STFU. "muh beliefs" means fucking nothing anymore, i'm sorry
Anonymous 114105
>>114103>>114104same nona. maybe i'm just extremely demoralized but i don't see the point in identifying with any political or ideological labels any more. it's just all so embarrassing. not engaging or refusing to align strongly with one belief system is the only way to "win"
Anonymous 114106
why do men weaponize femininity and youth? and then wonder why women feel an aversion to those sorts of things
Anonymous 114108
>>114095Don't judge yourself as a loser just yet. Anyone would be a loser in that environment. Its impossible to know what you're capable of if all your energy is spent just surviving every day. Once you're out, you'll begin to surprise yourself more and more with just what you can do, until your current understanding of yourself feels like a strange dream.
Are there any shelters near you? Can always have a look at what's available if you feel like sharing roughly where you are
Anonymous 114109
>>114103This so much, at this point it feels like people choose their beliefs based on their ideology, not the other way around
Anonymous 114114
Screenshot 2023-03…

i feel like im living the worst period of my life currently, and have been for a few months now. i dont go outside because of how much i hate my appearance, i spend my days doing practically nothing (as in i rarely do anything where ill remember what i did the following day) and im actively self-destructing my future. i feel so disconnected from my own reality (probably because of how unhappy i am with it) that i cant even fully grasp all of this passing me by. i have a few good friends but i can barely stand to talk to them anymore, its half being crippingly jealous and not being able to cope with them moving forward in life and me staying where i am(i feel so pathetic and inferior when they tell me about the parties they go to and the fun they have and the people they interact with) and half wanting to disappear and isolate myself from everything completely. i know how immature and pathetic this all is but even if i manage some deeper reflection its like none of it is registered or im just too disgustingly comfortable in my current state of destruction. i know giving up before you even try is stupid but i do genuinely believe its over. i feel like there is an alternate, better reality that exists for me but ive made too many wrong decisions already to ever have it.
I really dont know what to do anymre nonas, i feel so alone because of all of this and to cope with hating my life ive started to self harm which is something ive always thought id never do, ive really turned into someone i thought wasnt in my cards and i cant think of any way forward/out except…
Anonymous 114117
>>114114Did anything happen to trigger all of these behaviors in the last few months? I'm sorry things have been so hard. I hope you can take things a day at a time. Even if we aren't capable of drastic change over night, maybe there is one thing you could start (or stop) doing that would at least stop things from getting worse.
Anonymous 114120
>>114114I'm in the same boat. People my age are married. In relationships or have kids.
I can't even make friends without them ghosting me or prioritizing a boy over me. I have neither ftiends or family to rely on.
Anonymous 114123
>>114117thanks for ur reply nona, i feel bad for making a stranger feel bad for me when my situation is almost entirely my fault and fully my responsibilty haha. i guess the trigger has been learning the (really) hard way that ive left things too late and fucked up my life, also my only conversations with my friends being them telling me about fun things in their life and not being able to share anything back. i would do anything for drastic change but anything actually good and not just counterproductive is out of my cards now..
>>114120>'I'm in the same boat. People my age are married. In relationships or have kids.' even if its meaningless to you im glad we can at least relate, im struggling to accept that we go through life at our own paces because its just a cope they tell losers like me haha. for now my struggle isnt so much my lack of connection (still a big part but not what plagues my mind) but moreso being succesful in the sense that i have enough in my life to be able to keeo my head up but also free me from being questioned about where im headed if that makes sense. idk if its cope or not but i belieev that if i could just find success for myself in these ways connection and positive social experiences will follow after that.
>'I can't even make friends without them ghosting me or prioritizing a boy over me. I have neither ftiends or family to rely on.'me too nona, me too. i realised when my friends dont have ears for my problems/complaining its because its just normal for humans to not see other lives as important, i know when i am sad i feel like it is the end of the world haha. also i dont blame them for not wanting to hear my complaints so often, thats why i isolate myself these days ill only talk to them briefly for however long i can pretend to be happy and give them postive replies to their stories.
as for family i just want to quietly get as far away from them as i can, which is why i wish i took life more seriously in my younger years (16-18).
Anonymous 114133
I don't go out of my way to hurt others but my energy is a putrid sludge that rubs off on everyone around me. This wouldn't be so bad if I was left to stew in shit alone, but innocent people are attracted to me for some reason and my habits and mannerisms eventually rub off on them and I feel responsible every time.
Anonymous 114146
I have to live with my mom's friend and we've known each other since childhood, her son included. Just one week and I really started to believe maybe herbivores guy can exist. Then he starts to get angry at his mother making her fault when it's literally something out of her control. Throwing mini tantrums…I feel so disgusted
Anonymous 114148
I don't know if it's the right place but probably nobody will reply so I'll just consider it a vent.
I really, really, need to move out. Two girls I know from work and I started looking for one together (as roommates) in March. And they pretty much destroyed every chance of getting one, since they're extremely picky and had so many demands or just didn't respond until other people took the apartment.
Right now we're looking at another one and I'm pretty sure they will ruin everything again. So I've been looking for apartments alone (with other people) and found one that I like. I don't know how to break it to them - if the last chance apartment blows off - without being the world's greatest asshole.
About our relationship - we're not "friends", but we've been on very good terms, I was at the birthday party of one of them some weeks ago, and they haven't been particularly mean. Just dumb about the apartments.
Any advice? I don't want to be a bad person and abandon them but also HAVE to move out.
Anonymous 114149
random observation but - i like people who try to get along with everyone. ive observed that there are some people you'll encounter in life who put on an image of being "nice," while picking one person to be mean to in secret. i think it's like an extended behavior to psychological and emotional bullying
that's why i always enjoy seeing someone who is truly nice to everyone they come across, those whose kindness truly means something.
Anonymous 114167
>>112803I miss my ex. But not really, because he was a fucking asshole. I miss who I thought he was. Who he sometimes played the role of, when he wanted something from me. I think I'm not really seeing the other men I try to meet and talk to, so much as looking for what I thought I was dating, in a new man, without the manipulation and gaslighting and ignoring and laziness. But that's not fair to them, is it?
Anonymous 114168
i don't know why i feel so irritable as of late. why do people need to look down on others? why is everyone always trying to start a competition of something? you point out something that is hypocritical, and people get petty for no reason. shouldn't you feel ashamed and acknowledge when you are wrong if it's pointed out to you instead of getting defensive? why are some people so obsessed with being right and having their world view dominate others? its so fucking annoying
> "hey, you said this thing, but that thing contradicts your original statement"
> "oh, yeah, you're right. i will keep this in mind and do better."
why is that hard for some people? why do they drag out being wrong? i don't understand why anyone would be attached to cognitive dissonance, it's pathetic.
Anonymous 114169
>>114168instead of just, acknowledging the original point in how they are wrong, they drag out this weird fingerpointing dialogue that's meant to make you feel like shit for no reason and everything ends up being more annoying than needs be. i hate defensiveness. people who get defensive or small things are petty and sad, and trying to understand conflict with them is misery inducing for everyone else.
Anonymous 114175
>>114149You're no better than those people frfr. I have observed people like you and them, you're no different.
Anonymous 114181
Drawing should be easy. I just need to take the pencil, do some exercise. I just can't. Wonder why
Anonymous 114182
My mother is such a selfish bitch for keeping me. Why did she decide to give birth to me just so I could live out my days as a failure unable to help anyone? I just feel like a disgusting tick leeching off from the world and the good people in it.
Anonymous 114187
more rambling about being "soy"
i like good men. being "soy" was never a bad thing. i guess it is possible for anyone to do well in life if they are determined enough. but maintaining your humanity, and trying to be true to innate goodness while still maintaining adaptability is the hard part.
i like men who are cuddly. i like men who get that i'm a feminist, not because i dislike men, but because i like women. because i like learning new things in academics. i like men who try to gently nudge me in the direction of being a good person. i like men who are kind. there's nothing wrong with being "soy."
Anonymous 114191
>>114187>maintaining your humanity, and trying to be true to innate goodness I wonder if the nonas who are glad a teenager was beaten to death because he was ugly are maintaining their humanity
>>>/b/272944Sometimes I feel like I should take a long break from this place
Anonymous 114192
>>114187In other words, you like simps. Simps and soys and whiteknights aren’t really empathetic, whatever empathy they shower women with they withhold from their fellow men. Simps and soys and whiteknights are pathetic and they deserve to be mocked.
Anonymous 114193
>>114192i don't want a simp. just someone (or people in general) who add to my life in a good way.
Anonymous 114194
Fuck "sexual frustration" as a concept. Men should all be castrated like dogs if they can't control their sexual urges.
Anonymous 114196
>>114191anon if you don't think that's a larping moid your iq is in the double digits
Anonymous 114204
There’s this one hot guy at my job I had a dream last night. I have a bf and we are going to turn 1 year together soon. I absolutely adore him I would never cheat on him, my feelings were never so strong for a person as they are for him, but I have this fantasy.
>invite the hot guy to my house where my bf is waiting
>bf smash his head from behind
>we kidnap him into the basement
>when he wakes up it’s only me, I don’t talk to him at all just look at his scared expression wondering wtf it’s happening
>no explanations given
>my bf appears, he gets me naked and starts fucking me roughly in front of our victim
>I moan so high and exquisitely while my tits and ass bounce
>inevitably the hot guy gets hard rock while being unable to apart his eyes
>ofc he’s chained so he have nowhere to go
>my bf took me by the hair and puts my face in the hot guys crotch
>I release his fat throbbing cock dripping precum and eat that delicious schlong
>his expression of horror it’s now pure pleasure begging for more
>I sit on his lap and start riding him
>my bf jacks off while I’m being penetrated by the other guy (he’s sucking my tits while at this)
>bf throws his load at my tits and his face
>we continue this cycle of degeneracy for 1 month
>we liberate him and now he will never be the same, he can’t get hard if he’s not being the cucked one
I wonder how the hot guy will react if I told him this. I’m too crazy?
Anonymous 114205
>>114204Shouldn’t that be in nsfw or something?
Anonymous 114208
I hate knowing there's a type of person who won't be cruel with others even at their expense, I'm too autistic to know if she's entertaining me or she's actually enjoying herself…
Anonymous 114216
>hate circumcised dicks
>live in America
Anonymous 114218
>>114216europe is like america but with tons of floppy foreskin and healthcare
Anonymous 114220
i like younger looking people. not literal young people but just people with more "cute" or young looking appearance. i get that aging is a natural part of growing up but i don't really get when people, even other women, complain about people liking those with youthful appearances. i like youthful looking men too, so im not being a pick me or anything.
Anonymous 114222
>>114206>1st reply by nona>check board>nevermind it's r9k Anonymous 114224
>>114216Uncut ones look cute when they’re small but weird when they’re big. Men should be circumcised later on in life because it would make their dicks more attractive and also it would be funny.
Anonymous 114225
>>114196i just like nice people. im introverted but im not really a fan of antisocial people
Anonymous 114226
>>114224I disagree. Circumcision makes the head look super dry and wrinkly, and leaves a scar.
And, beyond the appearance, is the function, of smoother penetration. Nature does nothing in vain. Vanity it is, rather, to exact Nature.
Anonymous 114237
aww look at the angwy mutilated moids
Anonymous 114239
Screenshot 2023-08…

finally got around to deleting time zones of online friends i no longer speak with from my clock app…
Anonymous 114245
>>114239Sorry to hear that, but at least you can finally move on.
Anonymous 114252
First time looking back on my behavior’s provided me with actual evidence on how severe my avoidant streak is.
>feel uncomfortable around uncles.
>Proceed never to speak to them (except only to greet them) for the next 10 years
>receive snarky comment from m*le classmate in 9th grade about something i’m really insecure about
>proceed never to engage/interact with m*le classmates (all of em) for the remainder of my secondary education
>younger brother is going through the subhuman stage of development that is prepubescent and makes some insensitive (predictable he was 12) comments about my appearance
>stop acknowledging his existence for the next 5 years
Anyways nonas im actually quite worried. I’ve laminated myself inside a female only bubble, and I’m well content with that. Honestly, i’m not radical enough to completely dismiss men and their “value” even if snark about it, but i struggle to see what they could add in my life. Like what sort of conversations would a man have? What dynamic shift? All of my friends are female. My coworkers (the ones i gravitate towards) are female. My mentors, my idols, etc. Men are just… there.. i dunno. Obviously i know why they’re uselful from a utilitarian perspective. But from a human perspective i struggle to see what m*le presence might add honestly.
Unfortunately i am a heterosexual, based on a very brief vanilla experience with a m*id. So evidently, i have to interact with them eventually. I just can’t get past my prejudice.
Anonymous 114254
I only slept 4 hours last night and it’s already 8 am. And im starting to feel it.
One time i stayed up all night reading berserk. Then went to sleep and woke up 45 minutes later to go to math class. I want to say i was crisp, but i wasn’t. What’s interesting was i nodded off less than if id had slept 6 hours.
I look back on those days with a strange kind of neutrality. Like it was undeniable i was more alive back then than i am now. Yes i would wake up with a fiery pit in my stomach and the need to hurl. And i was as delicate as an inflamed, festeringboil. But the world was so much more felt. I don’t know what happened between then and now, but it’s as if all things to be felt have permanently receded. Today for instance, it smelled like summer and it really surprised me that I could register smell let alone associate it with a time or a season or anything. I haven’t had gooseprickes in so long, really it feels like my nerve ends are fried like I’m a floating head observing everything, absorbing nothing and in constant prowl
Anonymous 114268
persona 555.jpg

I was on a train back from a convention with two friends of mine and we sat on the train back next to this woman and she started going on about how we're such great friends and about how she has five years to live or something
dealing with this woman trying to have her Fleabag moment on a packed train after being on my feet all day and wanting to have a quiet moment with friends i havent seen in a while was actually mind numbing
at one point i was just nodding along feeling actually braindead because I didn't know how to hack this shit and she literally went "you're nodding" like girl how do you expect me to react to this shit?
like i do feel bad for her but why expect three 20-somethings to act as your therapist? thankfully it was cut short as she misgendered my tif friend and after me and my other friend went all "actchully they have pronouns" she felt awkward and stayed silent
Anonymous 114272
Nonas…it's happening she's ghosting me, it's been two days. I really thought this would have gone better, well, back to friendless status
Anonymous 114274
>>114273she's retarded but she's my retard
Anonymous 114279
Me and my fiancé were supposed to have a fun outdoorsy day out today. I thought we were gonna swim but it just ended up him going to small rivers just to go fishing. I was starting to get upset about it and it ultimately ending up just him saying “fine we’re gonna fucking go home”. I’m upset at myself for ruining it but at the same time it’s always like this somehow. There are days that I would suggest to do something I would like but he refuses. But would beg me to go fishing with him. I don’t mind fishing. I just don’t want to do that every fucking weekend. Mind you we only go to small creeks and rivers so it’s not like I could go into that. I don’t know what to do anymore. Our ideas for “dates” don’t seem to work out and if we actually do something it only entertains him.
Maybe I just really suck at having fun
Anonymous 114282
>>114279You sound like you’re in a marriage with a 50 year old divorcee who never listens. Fishing? Really? You can do so much better.
Anonymous 114283
I creep people by starring at them, idc. Lmfao
Anonymous 114302
I feel like my ability to “feel” is becoming more and more numbed each year. It’s just brief moments of emotion every other week or so before the static numbness returns and I feel basically nothing. Is this what everyone else feels too or am I just stupid? Is this really how I’m supposed to live life?
Anonymous 114308
I can’t enjoy anything anymore and I just want to die so badly.
Anonymous 114318

I am on my sixth psychiatric medication in months. I feel like nothing ever works and I'm reduced to numbness. My creativity's flatlined. Prior going off for nearly 3 years I had a functional life. Sure I was still sperging on the internet but I was happier, had a direction, was a writer and artist of some sort, had potential, could form a coherent sentence and wasn't trembling afraid of the world. My brain feels like it's melting. Pdoc is concerned about my hemoglobin levels so now she's testing my iron. High as opposed to low which is really fucking weird because I'm a former self harmer and I expected I'd be anemic not the opposite. I feel sick and fatigued all the fucking time
I'm trying to get back to normal, and things are getting better, but there's bitter suicidal ideation at the back of my brain always telling me I don't deserve happiness. Telling me I should just take the slew of medication I've got stashed in my cabinet from all this trial and error and OD on it.
I just want to be okay again. All this time both due to cost and out of sheer embarrassment I've avoided group therapy.
Nobody even in a safe space is going to believe or validate what I went through,they'll laugh me out the room. so I might as well just keep it to myself and whoever is left who actually wants to talk to me.
For all the effort I've put forth to better things it would be a real shame to knock myself down again. But I realize some days when I break down that I'm still in pain, and the remnants of the past, my foolish decision, and what was done to me will linger for a long time.
Anonymous 114324
>>112803I am so sick and tired of my hormones in unreal
Anonymous 114327
>In the car with my boyfriend
>Looking at an old magazine I got
>"Wow Nigel, they were already talking about ai in 1979!"
>Ignore him, read the article
>Looks at me for 2 seconds
>Sees the title
>"That's what I just said why don't you listen to me"
>"Well you should speak up then"
I hate him so fucking much. He clearly heard me, he just doesn't think I ever say anything of importance. Fucking retard, I hate him I hate him so much.
Anonymous 114332
I drink a lot and it kinda makes me forget about my troubles but that makes me feel really guilty. I shouldn't ignore how horrible my life is. It makes me a heartless hypocrite.
Anonymous 114333
>>112803What is the solution to not being able to accomplish much since you loathe life? I thought this would go in my 20s but it never did and it really just gets worse. I can never rely on myself. I can not be damned about anything. I will make strides daily at certain things, but even on my medication, depression cuts through and ruins everything. I hate everything about this earth and living. I fucking hate men and id like to scrape their eyeballs out of their sockets or put them in a giant human blender. I mean everything on this earth feels like poison. I cannot get over the feeling no matter what im doing.
I cannot explain this to anybody and i dont get help from therapy. It feels like talking to a wall if anything. I have tried really hard to keep my sanity and it always comes back to not seeing the point.
Anonymous 114334
>>114333Honestly thinking of overdosing on fentanyl, does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks
Anonymous 114336
>>114327that's just how moids are programmed, they don't think we have anything of value to say
Anonymous 114345

>finally able to tolerate men again
>find guy
>is attracted to him
>start dating
>things going well
>doesn't seem sexist
>treats me like a human being
>out of nowhere he makes "amber turd" joke and defends johnny retard depp
why are moids fucking like this?
Anonymous 114347
>>114345Men under age 35 are all brain poisoned by internet mra scrotes and are literally undateable. I'm genuinely more attracted to middle aged men now because they don’t watch brain rotting sigma male shit on the internet and act like normal adults.
Anonymous 114354
>>114345We're they like, both insane psychos? I feel like making fun of her should be fair game.
Anonymous 114355
Every day my hatred for moids increases.
Anonymous 114356
>>114299Yea I do. I annoy them and it irritates them. I don't understand normalfags like you. I'm just starring what's the fucking problem. Sometimes I think they're narcissistic.
Anonymous 114357
>>114354> I feel like making fun of her should be fair game.STFU scrote. Women are always in the right.
Anonymous 114358
>>114345>>114354This, also how about you don't look for guys who want to hook up before dating, that was your first red flag.
Anonymous 114359
>>114345Did you confront him about it?
You really should. Because he deserves a fair chance to know that you're a psycho and that he needs to dump you ASAP before you take a shit in his bed too.
Anonymous 114361
Me and my boyfriend play magic the gathering. I used to play anyway. me and him go through periods where we don't play for awhile sometimes they don't sync up. Last time he didn't play for awhile there were always 2-3 people that would ask me where he was and why wasn't he playing.
Against my better judgement I asked him today if anyone ever asked why I wasn't at the card shop with him. Found out nobody did. I hate living. I have no friends.
Anonymous 114362
My bf is constantly looking at my social media. Including social media sites he doesn’t have. Idk why it bothers me so much but it does.
Anonymous 114363
Imagine thinking convicted wifebeater Depp was in the right. Congrats to anyone who fell for Adam Waldmans propaganda, please report to your nearest deprogramming center for instructions on how not to fall for a smear campaign. Of course I don't blame you for being stupid, especially if you're a man, but you are stupid if you think the coked out pirate man who calls his fans suckerfishes is a victim
Anonymous 114364
My bf is constantly looking at my social media. Including social media sites he doesn’t have. Idk why it bothers me so much but it does.
Anonymous 114367
>>114364Like he literally got so upset because of something I liked on tumblr because he also checks my likes. I don’t wanna comment on any instagram post or video because if he sees I commented on something he’s gonna look. Like I want a semblance of my own I identity. A way to do that is by using social media.
Anonymous 114368
>>114367He's being abusive. I do not care if he is not abusive outside of this, if you feel you are in a safe position within this relationship put your foot down.
Anonymous 114371
>>114354he was 40 dating a 20 year old and had a long history of assault and drug abuse but she dared to defend herself so they're just as bad? are you actually retarded
Anonymous 114377
>women who use this site enthusiastically identify with her
ur just gunna make shit up like this? u take after amber heard. both were bad and ur retarded for thinking they're not. johnny depp was a proven wife beater, amber heard was a proven narcissist, disliking one na means you idolize the other. go back to reddit if you can't handle the slightest difference in opinion and like inventing up your faggot stories
Anonymous 114378
i literally never see the depp trial talked about here wtf are you on about
Anonymous 114382
people who take out their aggression on others are sad and annoying.
Anonymous 114383
it was just one retard saying muh women is always in the right but someone else called her a psycho
Anonymous 114384
The released court documents literally prove that he did everything she said and most of her abuse was reactionary… his whole court cause was basically turning mainstream media against her. Hence the reason he was charged with slander. The dude also murder someone and his family is still trying to get justice. Not every women is right, like in this instance you happen to be wrong.
Anonymous 114385
She’s literally a victim of cancel culture
Anonymous 114388
>>114381>joke about Amber Heard, because apparently she believes such a thing is not acceptablei don't like amber heard but i'm not a fan of men who joke about it either bc they tend to be faggots. so i get it. doesn't say anything about her opinion. ur inventing things again like a redditor
>Every other poster ITT agreedonly 2 posters agreed, everyone else disagreed, and one of them is a literally falseflagging moid
>>114357 who is probably you since you want to lie and control this discussion like a glowie when no one else gave a shit
>Even the poster who attempted to give the nuanced viewpoint was told to be quietwhy do you lie so much? posting an opposite opinion doesnt mean they're making someone "be quiet" you talk like a redditor. doesn't mean there was no nuance either "just as bad" is not the same as "both bad"
>unacceptable>acceptable>she was attacked (victimizing when it's not real)>100% wrong 100% right (hyperbole to seem untrue)>only, must, everyone in the world, every posterthis is the language of a subversive manipulator. ur basically amber heard. stop lying
Anonymous 114392
>>114345You should drop him for knowing about celeb drama and drop yourself for having an opinion on it. Both of them are drug addicts sociopaths that should be put down rather than being the centre of a spectacle for the dumb masses
Anonymous 114400
>>114392>man abuses woman>woman defends herself>"hurr they both just as bad!" Anonymous 114401
why do people think acting like a kid means you can get away with shitty behavior? probably one of the most irritating behavioral developments of people who never try to gain a sense of self awareness or humanity. newsflash, even kids themselves aren't that conniving or lacking of empathy.
Anonymous 114430
I have no faith in…

i wanna beat my bully to death with a metal bar that has a hot end fresh out of the kiln and a wooden handle at the other, i dont even know why he bully me i never even talked with him, i never gave him any attention, i guess he just saw i was shy in the first day of middle school and decided ''hehe, fresh prey''
>he would follow me and try to put his leg in front of my legs in the hops that i would trip especially if i went up or down the stairs
>he would convince the autistic kid to kiss me
>when i tried to sleep in the school break he would just pop from under my table and give me the weirdest smile, thank god i was never a person who wears skirts
>when i wasn't looking he always try to sit on my chair before i could so i would end up sitting on his knees
>he would called me names because i was socially awkward but everybody in my life did and still dose that so in retrospective, that was just normal, nothing out of the ordinary, it is what it is
>he would ask me uncomfortable questions about sex and sexuality, a few times he asked me if i was a virgin, i never talked to him and he keep doing it while he follow me around
>the one that hurt really badly, he would do this thing where if i sit in my chair he would creep behind me and hit me into the sides of my back with his middle and pointer fingers glue together, it would hurt so bad i couldn't keep the sounds of pain inside
>during the class i was in the back row he was in the front row, sometimes he would just turn around and stare at me while smiling
id tried to talk with my teacher and mom about it they both said: he likes you, he just doesn't know how to show it he did that non stop for 4 years and off and on for other 4, its been 7 years and it still hurts, to add salt to the wound, the other girls in my classroom where friends with him and found him attractive, he even showed up at my house with said girls to intimidate me one time, thing is i never told anybody where i lived apparently a classmate lived close by so they knew the bloc just not the apartment, they would knock on each door of the complex asking where so and so lived under the guides of wishing me a happy birthday, it wasnt my birthday, what i learn from all of this, its not easy being spergy, just take the ''cowards'' way out if you can
Anonymous 114432
>>114430What a faggot, I hope you'll get your revenge soon, nona. I hate moidlets, they are just as cruel and retarded as adult moids, and I hate even more how young moidlets' actions are always justified by their moms and teachers. "Boys will be boys! He just likes you!" And then everyone gets surprised why there is so many shitty men prone to harassment and shit.
Anonymous 114435
I sometimes question why and how I’m still attracted to men, when men go out of their way to be insufferable and nasty to any woman, I still question how I’m attracted to men that’ll happily commit crimes against humanity 24/7
Anonymous 114438
i hate edgelords
edgelords are the biggest status quo endorsing bootlickers. its all just an aesthetic of aspiring for change and hating the man but rarely are they ever interested in changing the system itself. its all just appearances for these faggots
Anonymous 114441
based on the way you sadistically reply, if you had the height and the ability, you would act the same as these violent criminals. it turns out being a "law abiding man" fundamentally changes nothing
Anonymous 114449

I have no one, my ambitions are dead, I’m broke from my er bill and the only thing I feel anymore is the same dull aching in my chest every day.
Anonymous 114450
>too retarded to realize these are two different anons
so you're not acting then
Anonymous 114460
wanna know something? there's nothing wrong with wanting to be loved as an equal. i really dont give. afuck about behaving like some tryhard pick me who just csres about gathering simps. who the fuck. cares.
Anonymous 114469
Going on 26. Broke (no really, i have no money of my own, subsisting off of what my parents give me), working for no pay for almost 6 months. Reasoned it’s better than sitting on my ass.
Own nothing but the clothes on my back. No way to plan or build anything by my own. I feel so fucking powerless, and have zero agency. Can’t even buy a metro ticket. I feel so small. I am stuck with regret. I am stuck with regret. What do i do? I can’t move forward nonas. Everytime i try to move on, move forward, life doesn’t stop, it’s like wading through solid mud. It’s like my body wants to dead. Im too sad to move forward.
Anonymous 114470
>>114460There's nothing wrong with wanted to be loved by how much you actually deserve it
Anonymous 114471
>>114469I feel like I been in this situation, or at least some things in common. Besides the working part, why are you doing it for free? this shouldn't be legal.
The way I got out of this mentality is to stop trying to do something out of my life, I'm not a man, i don't have to grind or be successful, I am a girl and I have my own challenges. Sick of feeling guilty for losing a game that wasn't made for me to play.
I also feel regret because I spent my life being a doormat for others, get REWARDED for what you do or don't bother. that's all I can say.
Anonymous 114475
>>114471What compounds this that im a thirdie. Any chance to get the life of my dreams will be through work. Unfortunately, instead of opening myself to the wealth of opportunities life has to offer, i keep mourning 1 (ONE) opportunity I fumbled with my inaction and my youthful stupidity, shortsightedness, and complete disregard of consequences.
According to the mindset my mom drilled into me, i am what i achieve and it had best be the best. She tells me point blank that i am not the smartest but that i can compensate with hard work. For the majority of my life, our relationship was sustained by my status as a student. Since that fizzled out into an underwhelming finale, i don’t know how to cope around her. I know that what i harbor toward myself of hate and anger and disappointment is only a reflection of what she harbors towards me now. But she herself doesn’t realize that she feels these things. No i am not delusional or projecting. I’ve had a lifetime of deciphering her minute reactions.
I dunno man. I want to say that ive tried radical acceptance. But honestly, im wallowing. It’s a constant surprise that this still hurts as much as it does. Like you d think time would have healed over some of those wounds but nooo. Still a fresh gaping sore this one.
Anonymous 114479
>>114475I don't know what a thirdie is but I think its normal to fumble stuff the first time you try them, I had so many opportunities and projects that I fumbled myself, after a lifetime of trying (tryharding) I accepted I'm not well enough for it. I relate to your family's situation slightly, I personally stopped talking to her.
Anonymous 114483

>>114392>"i-i'm so superior for not investing in celeb drama while talking about and defending a very specific position on it!"how to make you make sense…
Anonymous 114488
one of the biggest modern psyops was making people think being a feminist means being a man hater or disliking femininity, when thats just not true at all.
Anonymous 114494
I have a moid friend that won't stop being just flirtying a little bit with the girl i like.
Context: I have a huge crush on this girl and she is pretty close to me, I always talk about her being my crush to this moid who I call my friend.
Everytime we get into a discord call this dude gets just flirty enough to be brushed as a silly little joke.
But i'm growing mad at this.
Anonymous 114495
>>114483You are inferior, nona, simple as. Keep your butthurt for yourself bc I couldn't care less
Anonymous 114496
>>114494Time to exclude that vulture from the calls
Anonymous 114499
>Thing I like is not popular with some women
>Better make passive aggressive tweets about it
Okay can you do something else while you're in summer break aside from shitting on women jfc
Anonymous 114500
I can’t take it. I straight up have some kind of androphobia at this point. I can’t speak to any man without getting anxious. I can’t walk down the street without obsessing over how 3/4 of the men that cross my path are rapists. Living in this world is oppressive to me.
Anonymous 114509
>>114500Buy a gun & you'll feel safer. There isn't really anyway of getting over this other than taking precautions, sorry anon
Anonymous 114511
>>114495i'm not the type to care about celeb drama. i'm just pointing out the retardness of your post. good luck w that i guess.
Anonymous 114531
my friend is venting? to me about her sadness and feeling bad but its caused by a guy she isnt even dating. i am finding it hard to engage in this conversation because she will very soon be happy telling me about somthing posotive that happened between them and also, i cant help bt think about my own situation, i really dont care about romatic relationships or anything like that anymroe because of my apathy to my life, i feel like my own problems concerning success and my life are harder and heavier. i am able to be there for her still but i feel so shitty and egotistical thinking this way.
Anonymous 114532
you can be a feminist and like femininity. being a feminist or caring about womens rights, or liking other women, does not mean you hate men.
Anonymous 114534
>>114500>how 3/4 of the men that cross my path are rapists.You mean 4/4
Anonymous 114543
I thought I was going to be protected and reassured..why is it that tough? I am just done.. I worked hard for this yet I didn't gain what I wished..what's the point anymore
Anonymous 114556
Like literal pigs? Why?
Anonymous 114568
Waited two months for my dentist appointment and now I don’t even know if I can go. I have to take my car to the mechanic. Except I have no one to go with me so I can drop my car off so I’d just have to wait there essentially all day. I have no one to come with me or take me to the dentist and it’s about to push me over the edge.
Anonymous 114576
I have a personality I put on when I am looking for male partners. I've noticed every breakup I've had I pack away my hello kitty things and move on with my life but when I am actively in a relationship with a man or looking for one with a man, it's like my only personality trait. Anyways I've taken a vow of celibacy because I'm tired of giving into moids
Anonymous 114579
>>114361they are probably asking about him incase you say 'were not together anymore' and then they will hit on you. try to avoid looking at everything in a negative light and realise men only think about cooming
Anonymous 114580
i dont know why but theres nothing more cringe than people pressuring others to be trad or acting like being trad is some strange competition
you like traditional gender roles? who cares. do what you want with your life
Anonymous 114591
I am so full of love. I know it will be wasted, and eventually I'll turn old and bitter and boring, but it's nice to feel it now, even if it has no purpose.
I like how my heart skips a bit when I see a pretty guy. I like banter and being a fool. I like babies and dogs and the way kids are completely truthful. And walking in the city then coming back to the fields in the dark and feeling like the only person in the world.
I like imagining unlikely tender situation, and I know it's okay that I want to hold and be held and trust and give. I like fantasizing about someone whom I'll truly admire and not get bored with.
I'm quiet and serious most of the time, and in the rest I'm exhausted and cringy. But in my opinion, accepting my femininity isn't necessarily skirts or bath bombs, but also not trying to kill this urgent need to love everything, as I've been attempting for years.
Now am trying to stay a fool for as long as I can.
Anonymous 114592
Women who just do whatever they want are so inspiring. Does anyone remember that miner lady who was building a mineshaft under her suburban home on tiktok? I wish I had the drive to be like her. She's the woman I want to be. I don't want to be pretty, nice, loved, hated, strong, I want to be like her, just doing whatever I want no matter how outlandish it seems.
Anonymous 114595

>>113911if your phone is an iphone, she can see your photos because she has access to your apple account. change the password or make a new one. then go find one of those public defender lawyers and explain the identity theft. i’m so sorry this is happening. good luck.
>>114074 lmfao but seriously good for you for standing your ground. this is honestly inspiring to me. just reiterating i don’t care about you. no apologies, no pandering, just straight up. you’re awesome.
>>114332no you shouldn’t. you need to get the root of your problems or you’ll be stuck in this wishywashy state forever. go to an aa meeting. tonight.
>>114435i feel this. im bisexual and i always figured i preferred women but every now and then i want a moid. bad. it’s humiliating. they’re such subhuman creatures, and the minute they open their mouth you can tell, but some strange hormonal pressure pushes me towards them. i am trying to learn to enjoy them from a distance and not engage (it’s too risky), but it’s still such a disgusting feeling. maybe im just repressed lmfao but at least you get it nona.
>>114500is this me? i become hyper vigilant when i see them in the wild. buying a gun is only helpful if you’re willing to get trained (and there are some retarded trainers out there so be conscious when pursuing this).
>>114488AGREED. so many women i’ve spoken to agree with feminist ideas but the minute i point out these ideas are feminist they start back peddling. handmaidens… but at least they agree with us (though they don’t know it).
>>114568 Uber?
>>114592 we can do this. males do it all the time. we can too. start today. you are completely in charge of your decisions.
Anonymous 114621
My parents are screaming as I am typing this.
Idk what to do at this point. My mom is an insufferable bitch and my dad is a cheating lazy bum fuck. This is some both parents issues type shit. But my mom is probably worse. Imagine a book that had all of your mistakes and flaws written down in it, and that followed you around everywhere. Once every few hours, that book would start reciting your flaws in a random order for at least half an hour, sprinkling them with insults that aren't far from the truth either. That's my mom. Every day feel like shit because she ALWAYS reminds me of how terrible I am, and she expects me to do shit for her after that too. I'm no angel, but I've had their bullshit up to my neck for so long I don't even feel any sympathy towards them anymore, no matter how much they suffer. I just want them to die, that's it. And when I move out, I will not interact with them anymore, ever.
Anonymous 114628
i like people who stop engaging with you after you tell them to.
Anonymous 114658
>>114621My mother and siblings are similar, they always comment on my appearance or tell me that I need to change something about myself. This happens every time I see them. Also any time I would tell my mother good news or something that I accomplished she would start out saying that's good and then go into a rant about everything else that's wrong with me and get herself all worked up, then she would end it with a dismissing fake good job again. After years of this I learned not to engage with them on any meaningful level, mostly I will talk about the weather or something, and as soon as the conversation goes to criticizing me again, I just walk away. They wonder why I avoid them, and the sad part is they genuinely don't seem to know. And yes I have told them how I don't like it, they just don't care, or they will deny they do it.
Anonymous 114699
annoying ass. fucking parasite
Anonymous 114703
I'm obsessing over a man and it's making me incredibly unstable but he's perfect and I want him to let me love him forever
Anonymous 114710
>>114708Why you're obsessed and whether he even knows you.
Anonymous 114712
>>114710We've been talking for a week and will meet in a month. The person he presents to me is consistent with his past posts I dug up, so he seems trustworthy. He's intelligent, altruistic, protective, strong, and easy to communicate with; direct. Funny. He's not brash or vulgar. We have desires and values in common. There was a draw to him, just in the way he wrote, before we even spoke. I want to kiss him, I want his arms around me, I want his head in my lap, stroking his hair, I want to do things that make him feel pride, I want for him to always be happy to come home to my open arms.
Anonymous 114713
>>114712Good for you. Good fortune and happiness to you both.
Anonymous 114718
>>114713Thank you so much Nona, you're lovely and I wish you the same happiness in all your endeavors <3
Anonymous 114722
every day moids get away with legal rape and are lauded and worshiped and rewarded by all humanity for it. Men crave violence and control above all else. It is their nature. The women get eaten up and shit out by the patriarchs, the weak men worship them, and the cycle will never end. This is our lot in life.
I’m tired nona.
Anonymous 114723
>>114722this defeatist attitude is pathetic. think about how far we as women have come along. life isn't so bad unless you live in some third world shithole
Anonymous 114729
I am so ugly the only person who has actually shown interest in me is some perverted older man who messaged me on reddit after I posted about my planned suicide promising me affection and only wanted to love bomb me and make me codependent on him to lure me into being his BDSM slave.
Anonymous 114752

>>114729It sucks, even other women hate you when you are an ugly woman. All scrotes even incel ones always chase good looking women, i hate when they meme about "being desperate and settling down for any woman" because that's not true at all unless you are a white stacy, if you're not e-girl levels of pretty and small height as a woman you're just seen as a cum dump, you're just pump-and-dump material.
Anonymous 114759

why do people troll others and do they realize how fucked up they are for constantly trying to get a reaction out of someone? the people who cyberstalked me seemed to get a dumb thrill out of trying to get under my skin. they spoke like the types of people that use lolcow and would always try to pick at insecurities i had as some strange way of trying to find some flaw in me. even if you dislike someone and think little of them, why go out of your way to engage with them anyways?
these people are insane. they go out of their way to obsess with you and try to make you feel insecure when they hate and dislike you for no real reason. it reminds me of men who claim that they hate women and then try to get a reaction out of them by harassing them in games and online.
i found these people completely by chance through online communities and ever since then ive been plagued by the idea that these types of assholes exist and the types of mental havoc they've imposed onto others. they are like malicious npcs.
Anonymous 114761
>>114759they are wicked people that feed off the pain they inflict on others. Animals in the wild don’t even do that
Anonymous 114763
why does it feel like most people just dont add to your life in any way? yes this post is somewhat hypocritical but it just seems like most people insist on sharing misery, infecting other people with their insecurities, hateful circlejerking, to the point where i get irritated with humans as a whole. why cant people just not be obnoxious and actually lift your mood instead of damper it
Anonymous 114764
>>114763also, this concept of "infecting people with insecurities." its really annoying when people comment on others appearances or try to label x trait as unattractive. i dont care. why do people think it matters whether or not they find someone attractive. just shut up. your opinion on others appearances was not asked for
Anonymous 114767
>>114764This. Especially when it's about a woman who did something bad and suddenly it's ok to insult her looks? Do people still not realize by insulting an individual's looks they are simultaneously insulting everyone who has similar traits and potentially making them insecure about it?
Anonymous 114778

I'm done with my family, I will come across like a whiny teenager but I just can't with them;
dad is alcoholic boomer who'd always touch me and talk how I have grown up to look "just like my mom", keeps crying about how no one visits him, can't take accountability and has no hobbies so who the fuck would want to be near him? Yeah. Last year winter I was dumb enough to ask him if he could drive me to outing because it was really cold winter and thought he had actually stopped drinking, but no, somehow I had find myself on passenger seat of some drunk idiot who's hand is bleeding and don't use turning signals, thank god this fuck face didn't crash. Ofcourse mom will use this as a shitty "MY ex husband is so dumb" -story to laugh about, it totally wasn't traumatic for me or anything, carry on!
Oh yeah not to mention that woman will think I'm being unreasonable when I don't want to go say hello to my dad, hug him or be near him.
Mom is so annoying getting mad over tiny things, and as a kid who was constant people pleaser it made me feel like shit everytime. But if I get angry over something I will get the "you're always so angry/mad/moody!" -comment from her.
didn't understand why I would be depressed until I actually got medicated for it and still doesn't even try to do anything that would benefit my mental health (basic stuff like cleaning after herself, not talking things that trigger me like SA or shitty news) but ofcourse she is willingly to be there for my troon sibling who spent over five years of her life neeting ?? I guess because I tried to put myself out there and do things my depression and trauma isn't real enough for her? No matter how hard I tried even my sibling would belittle me, I actually got a degree while she sat at home on computer, but no even she'd think it meant nothing how I finished schools despite being a fucking mess.
I hate them, I hate being just after though, maybe I should just leave I wanted normal family so badly and its never happening, I can't take it
Anonymous 114780
you are all mean bitch, thats why you bully me. I know I'm not that nice,yet somehow i try to be, can you at least try to be a decent fucking human being in our work environment ffs
Anonymous 114781
fc is still fucking down I need to talk about gay visual novels ffs
Anonymous 114784
Sometimes it hits me that my mother will forever be a reactive cunt, no matter how many people tell her she's being irrational she will never wake up to the reality of her situation.
Anonymous 114785
ive completely lost feelings for my boyfriend who financially supports me nonas what the fuck do i do
we haven't been on an actual date in months, don't have sex, are super distant emotionally but i feel beholden to him since he's so deeply involved in my life. i care about him a lot as a friend too and don't want to hurt him so i just feel stuck
is this what marriage is like
Anonymous 114789
>>114785Did you lose feelings just because the two of you haven't been doing anything romantic and have been distant or the other way around? If it's you losing feelings because of the emotional distance it might be fixable, but for that you'll have to get to the reason of why it's been going like that. If it's you being distant because of you losing feelings I feel like it's harder to fix anything there.
Personally I would try talking to him about how things are going and how it's different from what you want things to be like and maybe you can work it out together. (Don't tell him that you've lost your feelings for him for now)
Either way, please make sure thaty you'd be financially ok on your own if that's somehow possible in your situation.
Anonymous 114791
>>114789i think for me it's the other way around, but i can't really speak for him. i just feel like he's just become a different person than who i originally fell in love with. i definitely should try to talk to him and try and rekindle things before doing anything rash though
Anonymous 114801

i am bored. time to spiral and waste away on the internet
Anonymous 114808
>>114658That's rough. And yeah same, I told my mom several times why I avoid her and don't like her, but she doesn't seem to stop or finds excuses not to stop.
Anonymous 114816
I want to go to law school but my GPA isn't that good
Anonymous 114817

>>114816I'm not familiar with the US system. Is there any way for you to fix that? One that isn't being filthy rich?
Anonymous 114818
>>114817If I get a perfect score of the Law School Admission Test, then maybe I can go to a semi decent law school.
Anonymous 114821
>>114818So technically there's still some hope left, right? Just a tiny bit? Do it for me??
Anonymous 114835
why does being around men only ever tire and frustrate me? its like men don't understand how to not make you feel like ass. they just make you more tired over time because they constantly have to bring down your mood with hateful or degenerate subjects.
Anonymous 114837
>>114835why can't men just… add to women's lives? why can't men make women feel good for once instead of constantly making them feel bad or insecure or not enough? why can't men stop being violent and predatory and actually just be decent human beings? it's so fucking tiring how they just make you feel like ass all the time because they don't want to develop any empathy whatsoever. no, you have to fucking explain to them basic fucking courtesy, how to be conscious of other's feelings, all the fucking time, BECAUSE THEY JUST WON'T DEVELOP EMPATHY ON THEIR OWN. and it makes you feel tired because you have to explain all the time, this is bad, don't do this, don't be mean, be conscious when you do this, because they can't just develop empathy on their own. there are so many men who just don't ADD to women's lives and they make you feel tired and whiny when you wouldn't have to be such a nag if they learned some fucking empathy on their own
Anonymous 114839
>>114837i am probably going insane. why am i constantly disappointed with how degenerate men are. it feels like you are attached to an animal. i like talking to men who don't tire me. is it weird that i basically no longer care about most of the male species anymore. the ones who are nice to talk to and don't make you feel tired, i like those men. they are not constantly trying to "trigger" me, yes i am using tumblrspeak, i no longer care. if there are men out there who don't constantly try to make you angry or sad and insecure or scared, i love those types of men.
Anonymous 114841
>>112803also i really want to fucking die. i hate everyone and everything i can't take it anymore. why can't people just be good. why do people have to disappoint you over and over? why are we constantly making the same mistakes and harming others, what is the fucking point. i can't take it. it feels like everything is getting worse or i am getting worse and i don't know what to do.
Anonymous 114853
why am i being targeted for harassment? why do people try to constantly get a reaction out of me/bully me? what am i doing that's causing people to fuck with me.
Anonymous 114857
>>114853They're being aholes who knows
Anonymous 114864
trauma makes people selfish. you should never let yourself become selfish or self obsessed, even if you think you're satisfied with your own life.
Anonymous 114867
>>112803i'm having a existencial crisis, i'm too fucking antisocial to find a job and i'm not learning anything, nonas, what are good areas?
i have a mid PC, i know a lot of photoshop but AI fucked it up all tiny jobs i had, I need to learn a new area to find a job asap
Anonymous 114868
i need some advice on whether I'm going crazy/i'm in the wrong here or not please
a few months ago, I make friends with cute guy from my workplace. he asks me whether I want to collab with him on a project outside of work, so we hang out get coffees etc. I start crushing on him, he starts suggesting dinners, starts asking sexual/flirty questions. I ask him whether he wants to date, he says he's thought about it, but declines. it's a bit awkward at first but we pick up hanging out again.
for the next few months we have 1-2 restaurant dinners/week, on top of that coffees/walks/park outings etc. he often randomly hugs/squeezes me, carresses my arm, complains I don't touch him back enough when he needed comfort. lots of heart emojis, lots of talk about us and our communication. sometimes we fight because either he or i feel like the other one was not being sensitive/present enough, we always talk it out, then have dinner or so. basically how you would have disagreements in a relationship.
Meanwhile, another guy gets interested in me. I start going out with him but I let my crush now I'm not enthusiastic about it, also this new guy just wants to have sex. Crush repeatedly asks me whether I am going to/have already had sex with this new guy.
I accept a job on another continent, we suddenly only have a few months left as friends. I organise a goodbye dinner. at that dinner, he suddenly drops the bomb that he's been seeing a girl long distance as someone inquires about his love life. I am in shock, I know her, she's a colleague from abroad and we've spoken about her. I remember him going on a trip recently to her town, I asked him what he was going to do there, he said 'see friends' and had a weird smile. no mention of his gf either whenever we would mention her in conversation. I ask him why he never brought her up, he says he's private like that and that I should have asked more explicitly. they must have gotten together right around the time I asked him out.
I tell him I don't want to hang out that much if he has a gf. they break up a few weeks later, we hang out more, he asks to take me to the movies, dinners, etc. he makes jokes about how I care more about him than about the guy who wanted to be FWB with me, jokes about how other people might think we're dating, etc. I'm about to move so we hang out even more. He tells me he's going on a date with someone new. I think fine, that hurts, but I am moving after all. We plan to see each other in the summer (he signed up for a summer training thing in another country just because I was going to go). we meet up to say bye, he starts tearing up multiple times, and as I leave the last thing he says is 'I love you so much'. I was gobsmacked, go home, cry because I feel like he should know how ambiguous that phrase is and it hurt me that he's pushing the friendship bounds so far.
I move, he continues trying to stay in touch. I decide to tell him that I would prefer it if we had less contact for now. he asks why, I tell him that I had fallen in love & felt like he was aware of my feelings and exploited them at times with the excessive time we spent together & not telling me about his then gf. he gets extremely angry (never seen him that angry before), accuses me of making him doubt his integrity, says he never had an inkling that I could like him, suddenly becomes quite vindictive and says he's not going to miss our friendship.
im quite in shock: how do you go from 'I love you so much' and almost-sobbing to this? I can't help but feel his anger is indicative of me perhaps being right after all. I told him that even if I'm crazy with feeling like he used me as a substitute gf at times, his responses were way off in how aggressive they were phrased. it got so bad (we fought for multiple days) I had to cut contact. normally when he's upset with people he doesn't write that much, or just something like 'OK sorry you feel that way', I've never seen him lash out like this. I feel like I did something horribly wrong:(
Anonymous 114869
>>114868So he
>was being flirty with you>was being touchy with you and even asked you to be touchy back>got weirdly interested in your sex life, showing signs of jealousy>dated another woman and hid it from you>tells you about the relationship only when you display undesirable behavior (moving away) almost like some weird kind of revenge>suddenly wants to spend time with you again after breaking up with his gf>keeps being obsessed with that other guy and about how you didn't have sex with him>makes weird implications, further blurring the lines of your relationship>chooses to date another woman while being like that with you>literally tells you he loves you while tearing up (is he still dating that other girl at that point??)Then you finally confront him about it being a little weird to do that in a relationship and you decide to bring the gf he kept from you up and he
>gets angry>accuses you of things you're not responsible for >says he didn't know you liked him when he literally made flirty comments/wanted to be touchy/basically took you out on dates all the time>drags the friendship you had thru the dirt saying he won't miss itNona you were definitely here for him just to get emotional support or maybe he kept you warm just in case. He profited from your company and support, even encouraged you touching him more in a friendly way, but he didn't care enough to take your feelings into consideration and when confronted with it he got mad at you?? Pretending he didn't even notice as if he wasn't being flirty? Did he not notice how he didn't make things clear by telling you he had a gf at that time? From an outside perspective it's just so clear he used you - not for your body but for emotional closeness and support. Then he lashes out like a child when you normally confront him about it and want to set boundaries. This man neither respects you, nor did he respect his ex girlfriend. I hate to say it but from my perspective it looks like you were an easy target for him, he saw you liked him, then you decided to move and to get back at you he dropped the gf thing on you, then he saw you were actually okay with him still getting his emotional support and everything from you despite him treating you like shit and he just did it all over again. Trust me it should be you who's happy that you don't have to interact with him again. And I don't even want to start talking about him regularly saying stuff like "sorry you felt that way". It's just further proving how immature he is.
Anonymous 114870
>>114869thank you for your response, it helps knowing i'm not crazy <3
from his perspective, things look like this: i got rejected and couldn't take it, i hung out with him despite my feelings (my fault), and am now making unfounded accusations implying that he was a bad partner to his ex gf, accusations which 'infuriate' him.
i admitted to him that it was wrong/silly of me to continue spending so much time when i was having feelings and he wasn't, he claims that if 'adults' get rejected and they continue hanging out with the rejecter, then it's safe for the rejecter to assume the other party has gotten over their feelings. we're in our mid twenties btw so i guess he's accusing me of being immature. maybe that's true, i have never been in this situation so i fear he might have a point
at the same point, i don't think i would tolerate having my bf act with a girl the way he did with me. i think we had about 20 restaurant dinners/lunches one-on-one in total over 3-4 months, he'd often call me cute or walk me to my subway stop where he'd wait for my train with me even though he wasn't taking it… he even introduced me to his mother one time (even though he admitted he hadn't told his mom about his gf either, to underline just how normal it was for him to not mention that fact about his life to anyone). most importantly (and this I am kind of embarrassed about) I often felt like he looked at me with a look of love, or at least true affection. you know, when a guy looks at you and his eyes go kind of soft and gooey. not even the other guy who tried to sleep with me looked at me that way. so i thought there was at least something there, but this level of anger and vitriol makes me think that maybe he never really respected me in the first place
he asked me for a list of things i was unhappy about, he deflected/responded to all of the points save for me raising him saying 'ily so much'. he said that after his gf broke up with him, it was the very last thing he said to me when we said bye in person, it felt like he had planned to say it at the very end. he thinks that's a totally ok thing to say between close friends. and maybe it is, but i do believe he knew i had feelings for him, and saying a heavy phrase like that when you're about to not see each other again for a very long time (my job overseas is a multi-year position).. it felt so, i don't know, exploitative. but he makes me feel like i'm crazy for feeling bad about that
Anonymous 114871
>tfw your two only friends drop you
Anonymous 114878
I am getting sick of my moid. He's starting to get too comfortable with me and he treats me like his moid friends. Lowkey hate him.
Anonymous 114880
>>114878have a conversation about what you feel is going wrong before it's too late
Anonymous 114883
>>114878what's wrong with him being too comfortable with you?
Anonymous 114896
>>112803I'm really scared I'm going to have my heart broken again…I've been talking to an absolute gem of a guy every day for several weeks, and he's spending hundreds of dollars to fly out just to meet me, and I'm completely smitten. But I fear it ending there, because I'm not good enough in some way, and if that happens, I think it will fucking destroy me, honestly. I'm pathetic, I know. (':
Anonymous 114904
You stopped caring about me
I don't know what to do
You got back with me again, ASKED me to get back together, to do this again.
You always shut down like this. I just know you're stringing me along, and trying to milk as many apologies from me as possible, as much attention, to feel like you're worth something, because you're not a good person right now, don't want to be, and don't care about my feelings. I'm an IDIOT for falling for your shit.
Sorry I didn't trust you. You barely spoke more than yes or no. I was okay with it, as long as your ACTIONS show that you are trying, and they didn't. Telling me we don't need to do something and it would take 5 minutes, that I would appreciate and would make me feel more comfortable in this place, what the fuck. Don't you understand I hate inconveniencing people, and I'm doing it for the landlords so they don't get pissed at us? I took on so fucking much, I was at my limit. Then you had to run away and drink when you should know I had a drinking problem. You tell me I kept you from your friends? I never stopped you! And if I was pissy after, maybe you shouldn't have stayed out ALL NIGHT, EVERY SINGLE TIME, made me worry about whether you met a girl at the bar. Am I supposed to feel sorry about your car getting smashed now when you were out acting single? No. FUCK YOU!!!!
If you meet me tomorrow, if you even put in the tiniest amount of effort, I would be fucking amazed. If you actually owned up to your behavior I would know a God exists, because you are the most stubborn bastard I ever met, and you deserve the lifestyle you seek.
Anonymous 114905

Being excluded from a group of "friends" full of TiF, one of them tarnished my name with lies, and now people think I am her bully. We're going to table at FL Supercon (not at the same spot), and I am scared to see her and that she'll start something, like: "Anon came near my table, I bet she was spying on me!"
How can these kinds of people be like this when I have done nothing? Nobody cares about the wrongs she has done to me, but they would support her in her wrongs no matter what.
How can I find friends who would shield around me? I am tired of being loyal without receiving loyalty in return. How do I get loyal friends around me?
Anonymous 114907
>>114905you start by cutting those who are not loyal to you.
fr, start acting like you deserve more, act like no one ever give you less and people have to be what you want them to be to be around you.
also, even if you feel comfortable talk shit about this girl, don't, especially close to your friends, it does not matter if she has done you wrong, chill out and try your best to not give time or attention to this and if people talk about i, you brush it off by pretending that you only hope the best for her, but say like you mean it.
At some point, people will see that she is problematic and they will notice that you are not.
They know how to play victim, so learn how to weaponize the shit out victim play.
Anonymous 114913
limerence has sent me down a dark path. i wish to have never met you. i just want to forget everything and move on with life. i feel so stuck and so childish for even thinking about you when you never cared for me. why just why did you have to fucking do that to me? why did you have to be the first person to show interest in me? why did i have to get this attached to you to the point that everything i do is still for you.
Anonymous 114915
>>114905I've been in your place rather recently. This struck a chord:
>How can these kinds of people be like this when I have done nothing? Nobody cares about the wrongs she has done to me, but they would support her in her wrongs no matter what.There are people who are so good at playing victim and "memoryholing" or brushing their own wrongdoings aside. It genuinely makes me wonder if they are even AWARE they're doing it (calculated) or if it comes naturally to them as cowards. It is not just frustrating but exhausting since people buy into their shit. I've had to leave a community just to subtract myself from the drama equation and force them to move onto somebody else. These people have no shame. I think it's desperation to be liked and supported no matter what, since unlike you or me,
they couldn't earn it by being a decent person.I really hope like the other poster said, that these sort of people will eventually get what's coming to them. People will realize they were the shitty bully all along. Sorry that's happening to you.
Just know they won't change these ways. Not unless they get a VERY rude awakening and I hope it happens.
Anonymous 114916
My boyfriend just ruined my 40 hour bg3 save because he couldn’t wait thirty seconds to fix the bed. I have a camera took thats janky and if i hit the mouse wheel it fucks up the camera and locks it.The only solution i found was reloading an old save file and thats not happening because it was the iron man mode. He keeps trying to hug me and say hes sorry but i just wanna launch him into space
Anonymous 114917
>>114905I would really consider breaking off from convention culture and the crybullies who populate it. Insane manipulative TIFs that cultivate control are a dime a dozen in those spaces, and the very common occurrence of bpd/aspd in congoers just adds fuel to this fire.
Anonymous 114918
>>114917Omg 'crybully'. Never heard this before and it is 100% accurate. I'm using it
Anonymous 114921
I hate men who act like slighted teenage girls and don't communicate their problems. The moid I keep on standby ghosted me for three days after I presumably had a opinion he didn't like on my public profile, he ignored my attempts to reach out to him until today, when I said something else he agreed with, but he just sent some dumb meme and nothing more.
>get a new backup moid
I can not.
Anonymous 114922
currently in a lesbian "situationship" and it's draining all my energy bcz we both clearly like each other but she keeps talking about some moid that keeps messaging her and it's killing me
Anonymous 114923

All this anime and game merchandise I see at stores makes me angry. I wish this stuff was out more when I was a kid, the only thing I ever got was some Pikachu plush when I was 10. I would have gone nuts and started each school year with some new Sonic the Hedgehog drip. It's just not fair s.
Anonymous 114924
No one cares enough about me to take me to the dentist and so I haven’t had my teeth looked at for probably about 17 years. It’s really embarrassing. my teeth are kind of yellow like not super bad because I brush all the time. I have a chip in the front. Then a cracked tooth and my wisdom teeth ruined my perfectly straight teeth. My bf is trying to lie to my face about how perfect they look and I literally wanna hit him as hard as I can.
Anonymous 114925
No one cares enough about me to take me to the dentist and so I haven’t had my teeth looked at for probably about 17 years. It’s really embarrassing. my teeth are kind of yellow like not super bad because I brush all the time. I have a chip in the front. Then a cracked tooth and my wisdom teeth ruined my perfectly straight teeth.
Anonymous 114926
>>114924No shame in that nona. My parents didn't bother to take me/didn't want to pay for me to go to the dentist either when I was a kid. I went for the first time when I was like 16 and was super embarrassed about never having been there before. In the end they fixed some stuff and I asked about if I needed braces as my teeth aren't really perfectly straight. The dentist himself didn't really bring it up before I asked and I'd only need them for optical reasons. So my dad made me choose between the braces or him paying for my driver's license. I chose the latter.
Granted my teeth don't look weird or anything, I kind of have a love-hate relationship to what they look like. In my opinion it's not bad to be "unique" in some sort of way as long as your teeth are normally functional, but they I get that my teeth aren't super crooked to the point where it gets really ugly either.
For yellowness I can actually see the difference from when I eat more sugary stuff throughout the day vs when I don't. So cut out sugary food and maybe try those non-sugary chewing gums, those also give me the feeling that my teeth get whiter when eating them regularly.
Is there a way for you to go to the dentist by yourself?
Anonymous 114954

I feel worthless because everyone seems to have received negative male attention apart from me. I don't even like men but everyone acts like it's some kind of universal female experience. I used to be a cosplayer and complaining about stalking creepy remarks etc was really prevalent and just made me feel like shit. I also was in a friend group with two other girls and a guy, and I later found out they were both being groomed by him, but I wasn't. I know it wasn't a matter of me being more mature, so I was simply too fucking ugly for even that. I'm the only one he still messages, he vents about wanting to get in touch with them. I'm just a total non person. In media I can't sympathise with most portrayals of sexual abuse whatsoever. I just feel jealous.
Anonymous 114985
>>114926Well it’s a good thing you didn’t need braces. I would have gone for my licenses too though. I never needed braces, my teeth have always been straight, mostly because I never sucked my thumb as a kid. Over the last couple of years my wisdom teeth have kind of ruined that. Like I know they’re not super bad but it’s uncomfortable too, it’s not just how they look. Like my mom was a nurse and we had decent dental insurance but no one literally took the time to take me.
I have a job now that gives me dental and so I went in for the first time in a long while. They have to do actual surgery and idk how much that’ll cost. But they were nice enough not to charge me for that very first appointment. Like they didn’t even charge my insurance.
Anonymous 114986
>>114926I’m hoping it won’t be too much and that my insurance will cover a good portion. If not maybe I can set up a payment plan. My other hope is that they’ll do it for free as a tax write off sort of thing. I had the hospital do that when I had to get surgery, so I didn’t have to pay anything.
Anonymous 115051

feeling suicidal
i graduate university in december.
i’ll be glad to land a career with my degree.. but as of january this year, i have been a shut in. and at this point i don’t want a job. i feel pretty useless, i wouldn’t hire me.
in the mean time i could get a part time easy job just to occupy my time, but i don’t see the point.
and do i really want to work just to be busy? i need hobbies. hobbies don’t even bring me any fulfillment, it’s all so pointless lol.
i’m turning 23 this month.
i do not contribute to society at all. .
i am such a waste of life
Anonymous 115071

this really has been getting on my nerves a lot as of late, but seriously, what the fuck does politics have to do with gender or sexuality? obviously, a lot. but it honestly infuriates me that people have let sexuality breach the principles of human rights, civil rights, who you vote for, and so on and so forth.
the fact that people associate being liberal with being less masculine genuinely pisses me off. what the fuck does being liberal, or conservative, have to do with how much of a "man" or "woman" you are? there is a seriously lacking aspect of pragmatism in modern politics, that everything is such a shitshow you can't politically identify with any party or group without anyone making assumptions about your sexuality or lack thereof. if you're a feminist, you obviously "hate men" or you hate femininity, because obviously ideological orientation has anything to do with your sexuality, and not just, you perceive feminist ideology with bettering aspects of society, the economy, and the notion of human rights as a whole.
it makes sense that politics and sexuality are so intertwined, it's not like our ancestors were any better. a lot of it is instinct. some of the biggest warmongers, like genghis khan, have been the ones to spread their seed the most, everyone grows up knowing that fact and internalizing the link between politics and sexuality. but why are we still trying to justify politics with our sexuality? it's stupid and just leads to harmful notions. why we don't just politically identify with the people that actually get shit done, reduces the amount of harm in the world, and not just, "hehe voting for this person makes my pp look/become bigger" or "your ideology OBVIOUSLY indicates how le attractive you are" is beyond me. it's so backwards and irritating and why modern political discussion just gets on my nerves as a whole.
Anonymous 115072
>>115071god it just fucking irritates me. people should just believe in what is right and what gets shit done. not what makes their fucking genitalia tingle, and men are some of the worse offenders when it comes to this
Anonymous 115077
Fuck I have to prepare for work tomorrow
Anonymous 115082
>>115071Pretty sure I read somewhere that men and women actually have comparable views on most issues, but identify their 'teams' very differently. Like most men are "pro life" with a million exceptions when abortion should be allowed, and most women are "pro choice" with a million restrictions on it, such that men and women roughly agree when examine their actual policy positions.
So there might be hope for society still.
Anonymous 115093
One of my male friends is gushing about some dumb anime girl and I wanna throttle him.
Anonymous 115096
twink death 2.png

>tfw found the perfect slavshit swedish looking twink that I could draw for hours on end
>tfw he's balding
Life is unfair
Anonymous 115099
>>115093Why are you even friends with a moid in the first place?
Anonymous 115101
>>112803My friend who is old enough to be my mother is shipping me really hard with a sweet boy we've met. Like he's very sweet and nice but I'm not quite ready for romantic relationships and I've told her that, but she kinda keeps insisting me to invite the guy to try out one sport together because it'll help me be less shy and be more comfortable around him and extreme sports bring people closer. Honestly trying out new sports together sounds nice. But I'm kinda scared of actually getting closer with him because he does seem to kinda like me and he's very sweet so it probably would be easy for me to actually fall for him but I know I'm problematic so wouldn't wanna rush into relationships where I'd be the problem.
Also it is kinda weird for me to see her so invested into shipping us. Like I always perceived her as quite utilitarian. When we took a walk together and we've gone the route that would end up with me taking longer time to commute back home she actually apologized for this even though for me it was no problem because I enjoyed spending time with her but I was too shy to even tell her this fearing she would scoff at the notion of enjoying a walk with her instead of doing something productive. She always seemed like this kinda cold utilitarian type with occasional flickers of warmth. And my paranoia is like going off with "what if she's trying to live vicariously through me?". Like i actually don't know anything about her romantic life, she never mentioned having a husband or boyfriend so I'd assume she's single and it kinda feeds my paranoia but it's probably nothing, she probably just thinks we might make each other happy but still it's so weird for me to see her in this light.
Anonymous 115104
I'm just so disheartened for myself and my future. These days I'm isolated, though I'm lucky due to my curious nature which brings me so much joy everyday in educating myself on different topics that govern our world. I wish so much I had paid attention and believed in myself during college. I could have had the understanding I now possess years ago, formed amazing relationships with like-minded people, and I could have done something good for this world. I've started to realize that despite all the knowledge I have assimilated freely, it's very likely it will never parallel the feeling of being young while knowing I had the gifts to achieve my dreams. I knew my potential but consciously chose to stay ignorant and on the sidelines out of fear. So fucking talented but such a coward.
Don't underestimate yourselves.
Your passions matter; these are the things about you that make you special.
Anonymous 115113
Met a guy on Duolicious who says he wants me to dominate him. Am I being trolled
Anonymous 115114
>>115113Dominate how? BDSM, findom etc?
Anonymous 115117
I feel like everything I post online is cringe, I have posted on my instagram stories this year things I have thought are funny and cute but after couple of hours from posting I will revert back to 'why did I post that? so embarrassing' idk how to stop the cycle, this is really dumb
Anonymous 115133
i fucking hate lolcow
just toxic humanbeings who get off on being hateful but its okay cus they're so charismatic (tm). same with kiwifarms. imagine being a good person and ALSO being charismatic
i will never understand why people hate chris chan more than the a logs who made his life a living hell. i hate catty bitches and their obsession over trying to nitpick flaws in others and circlejerking over being a mean prick instead of not being annoying and parasitic
Anonymous 115134
>>115133There's something wrong with you if you're white knighting Chris chan
Anonymous 115141
>>115133Lolcow.farm is filled with annoying people but defending Chris Chan is too far
Anonymous 115153

why is mental illness or neurodiversity so repressed in adulthood
also ive been obsessed with drawing little characters in images
Anonymous 115154
>>115141nta but i wouldnt say its defending him necessarily. it just kinda sucks some dudes preyed on someone who probably would have been harmless if they were left alone
Anonymous 115164
I fear the thought of growing old. I hope I die before I get old.
Anonymous 115183

18 in three days and I’ve never had a real boyfriend. I have had guys try to hook up with me or weird kid from school crushing on me but never someone with a genuine interest in loving me. I’ve had e-boyfriends, guys in my Instagram DMs, but never anything real. I go outside, go to shows, have hobbies, take care of myself, and dress cute yet I’ll never have anything going for me. The last time I felt something genuine was with a boy I went to a show with a month ago, we barely talk and idk if he even still likes me like he said. It’s over and before it ever even started. Genuinely wanting to go volcel at this point because I don’t feel like being used for sex.
Anonymous 115184
>>115183I'm 19 and in a similar position. I'd like to claim I'm kind of a volcel as I turned down some options I had irl. Other from being in an e-relationship at 14 I haven't had any bfs either. It all felt so ingenuine up until now. I know lots of people (especially moids) get into relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship but that's so depressing to me. I'd rather just stay single. And if I got into a relationship I don't know how the guy would react to me wanting to take things very very slow, I don't intend to wait until we're married to have sex, but I do intend to wait quite a bit.
Anonymous 115201
You're right, celcel sounds much cuter too
Anonymous 115277
I wanna stop taking my adhd meds, they make me too sleepy
Anonymous 115299
i ruined my relationship by lying about something stupid - literally a doctors appointment that there was no reason to lie. i ruin everything by being toxic and this was the last thing i ever wanted to ruin. i don’t think i can endure this i have never felt so mentally ill in my life.
Anonymous 115300

>>115299i can only imagine this being a problem if you have a history of lying about more serious things.
Anonymous 115307
>>115299While it's obv a bad thing to lie, maybe it was your subconscious or gut feeling telling you to not be with him, and the dr's excuse was just a way to achieve that? Like maybe there are red flags about him in the back of your mind? Always listen to your gut feeling, moids can be dangerous, dont trust any of them.
Anonymous 115337
im genuinely going nuts because i keep fucking up in my job and the post doc is pissing me off because she thinks shes special because she has adhd and ocd like ok i get it youre better than me. im genuinely a huge mess and she keeps telling me to get it together and im starting to think she right
Anonymous 115371
He didn't get a job after two years, I'd been unhappy with the sex for one
Now i'm serious about losing weight and getting over him
Feels good.
I just don't have anywhere else to put this because all his friends were my friends
Anonymous 115375
>>115371I'm proud of you, life's gonna get better.
Anonymous 115376
>>115371Making your own friends is going to be SO much fun!!! I ended an 8 year relationship where all his friends were my friends. Being friends with girls >>>>
Anonymous 115391

>>115184me too, I’d want a guy who respects me enough to atleast wait a few months or so to have sex or whatever. most male attention just feels like a desperate hook up attempt at this point when all i want is for someone to love and care about me.
Anonymous 115392

here's a random question, and its something im struggling a bit to understand really, also im mildly drunk
why is the death penalty considered inhumane? why is torturing criminals considered inhumane? we did it in medieval times (or something)
if you know for a fact someone did something really bad, you saw them do it etc. etc., why would it be a bad thing necessarily for that person to be killed or even tortured? if someone molested and killed a 12 year old orphan, why would it necessarily be a bad thing to torture that person to death? as long as it's in accordance to the rule of law and that person is given fair trial, what exactly is the point in believing that the punishment due should be "humane"?
i sometimes get thoughts of murdering people who do bad things to others. should i feel guilty for this? why don't i feel guilty for this. i just feel like they deserve to be harmed and i don't really understand why i shouldn't not want that. should i feel guilt? i want them to be hurt and to suffer. is there something wrong with me?
Anonymous 115393
>>115392i guess perhaps at least a somewhat compelling answer would be that it harms the person who has the responsibility of torturing them, or the society which takes part in their torture. but why? if it's justified in accordance to the law, why exactly does whether or not a punishment is "humane" matter? why would it be considered "harming them"
and so on and so forth, ad nauseum, etc, citation needed, eg. ig. kms
Anonymous 115394
>>115392libtards took over, now pedophiles, rapists, criminals all have tons of more rights than they ever did
Anonymous 115396
>>115394thats a fun answer but not really what im looking for
Anonymous 115397
>>115392The biggest issue is enforcement. I don’t trust any governing body on earth to carry out murder or torture. Killing people also produces killers, and the whole legal system & jurors are implicated in the death of a person. Personally, taking away a violent offender’s ability to offend is enough for me. I don’t believe in revenge, I believe in safety of the community & victims.
Anonymous 115398

>>115397i think thats a good point
i came to the conclusion in my stupor that its probably important ((probably)) to try to see the humanity even in people that do bad things, free will is not really true or at the very least people can be pushed into doing bad things due to external conditions. i just think sometimes people take that part way too far and care more about sympathizing with shitty people instead of those they harm. you can recognize the humanity in "bad" people while still treating their victims with empathy and understanding. i dunno something like that
Anonymous 115400
>>115398I think for me it’s a stretch to see humanity in people who are known violent sex criminals. The best thing is see the humanity in yourself and decent humans, and to behave accordingly in order protect that & others. People can be the most vile demonic animals on earth, but behaving with your own humanity intact is to neutralize their ability to do harm, via castration
Anonymous 115401

>>115400sometimes you just snap
i know thats not what people want to hear. but what if you were being bullied or tormented by someone for years? and then you snap. you do something very awful to them that may be considered extremely fucked up. because the conditions were right. because you couldn't take in anymore. because you were tired of pretending you are some inhuman, never does anything wrong, perfect 24/7 entity. because you had a bad childhood.
sometimes i watch videos of people that do bad things and i dont really understand why they did said bad thing. i dont think much of the perpetrator. other times - i don't know. i just think they snapped.
i get that maybe it seems like i am sympathizing too much with bad people and it would be frustrating if the victim would hear my thoughts. but i am not some perfect person. i think i am fucked up and i get it sometimes. i think trying to see the humanity in bad people helps prevent it from happening in the future. this notion that people can always control themselves is somewhat insidious to me for some reason
i dunno if that makes sense
Anonymous 115414
>>115403yeah i think maybe i went a little too far with that point
but i guess its interesting how being able to see the "humanity" in others is just feeling conscious of their lack of free will
Anonymous 115446
i honestly think i have some sort of addiction to 4chan and social media that i need to take a break from but i dont know how (yes i get the irony of posting this here). i dont think this websites too bad, the moderation is honestly close to perfect imo. but in regards to social media in general -
ive realized a lot of shit i consoom online is just due to fear. i dont think i enjoy 4chan anymore, i dont even remember if there was a point where i did but i definitely feel like im not sure if i enjoy it anymore except for certain boards. i used to be addicted to /r9k/ until i realized it was just constantly circlejerking about how much you hate the opposite gender, and i was only using it because it felt like it was "spreading" in the real world i guess.
i feel like a lot of social media addiction is just being scared things will fester if you don't pay attention to it anymore. not because you enjoy it, not because you like the userbase, but just because you're scared it will fester and manifest in real life if you're not watching it. but it doesn't feel healthy, or maybe i just need a break from it, idk.
i don't want to care about whether or not there are shitty people doing or saying shitty things in the world anymore. does that make me bad? selfish? but it gets pretty fucking tiring from time to time and i just don't wanna care anymore. a lot of the modern internet just feels like constant culture wars happening and i just don't see the point anymore.
i wish people just liked talking about their day. i really do. i like when people just tell me about the nice things that happened to them, or cool ideas they have that would make the world better.
i miss having real friends who would just tell me about their day. i miss hearing them tell me about songs they love and shows they watched. i miss not being an internet addicted loser who listens to people sperg about shit that doesn't matter. i miss having a life. i dont know what the fuck happened to me. i just want to be happy but i don't know how.
anyways, anyone else relate (TM)?? roflcopter