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Anonymous 112983

How to you cope with being ugly?

I am not super ugly (or I like to believe so) but I am not beautiful at all. I know this based how people act around me and by simply looking at the mirror. I have no talent to do make up and my skin is very sensitive so this is not the way I can cope with my face.

Anonymous 112985

I avoid mirrors

Anonymous 112986

looksmax tbh

Anonymous 112987

Work out and eat well to make the best out of your body instead. And get a good hair cut I guess. Makeup isn't great when your self-esteem isn't the best to begin with anyway.

Anonymous 112989

Externalize your insecurity as hatred of men like the rest of this site.

Anonymous 113385

Usually it's not a problem for me, but >>112987 is right. By being fit and dressing well, people generally just feel sorry for me rather than reacting with disgust. It only really becomes an issue in a couple of ways. First is with older men in leadership positions, who respond extremely badly when not only am I not fodder for their deluded power-fantasies, but I don't appreciate their patronising 'compliments'. The other is when there might genuinely be someone who's attracted to me, but I can't bear to pursue it because the look of patronising pity on their faces, when they realise I'm even entertaining the thought, is too heartbreaking to stand. There's a very handsome guy at work who openly flirts with me, complimenting my singing voice and talent at work, and I so want to believe he can actually look past how unfortunately ugly I am, but even talking about it causes my chest to tighten and bile rise in my throat.

Anonymous 113392


I am ugly to women but men say im attractive. I think theyre lying for easy sex because they think my self esteem is bad. Some scrote even called me a high value woman lmao. But women talk about me behind my back saying im ugly and that my fashion sense is bad. Feels bad since im not attracted to scrotes anyway. Objectively i'm probably average but i have been told im more like a 2 or 3/10 (by a woman) and more like a 7 or 8/10 (by a scrote). I wish I could switch and be ugly to moids and attractive to women

Anonymous 113420

at least you're seen as attractive

Anonymous 113469

Play the long game and take care of your skin/stay fit. I was in the not ugly but not beautiful category and while I'm not endorsing "THE WALL" as you might know of it, people start falling off aesthetically by their 30s if they aren't actively addressing what aging and the typical 20s lifestyle does to their body. By the time you are in your 30s you will be attractive for your generational cohort. This sounds like copium and it probably is, but it's working for me so far.

Anonymous 113540

If you're not a lesbian then you're probably just not your type. Don't worry overmuch about it, you're probably more pretty than you give yourself credit for.

Anonymous 113542

I don’t think there are any ugly women. Beauty standards are purely a moid invention based on them only wanting to fuck women who look like literal children.

Anonymous 113544

That's cool nona but you're wrong.

Anonymous 113552

I started to see myself the same way I see other women and I stopped caring about what other people think of me. If I can love and admire another woman for her intelligence, kindness, strength, creativity, etc, why shouldn’t I do the same for myself? Also why should I care about the opinions of people who only see my value in my appearance? If I have to waste my time and money on things that make me uncomfortable just to get someone’s respect, it’s probably not worth it.

Brilliantly said. It’s not a coincidence that almost everything that is supposed to make a woman more attractive is meant to make her look younger, and in some cases prepubescent. It’s disgusting.

Anonymous 113564


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