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/feels/ - Advice & Venting

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Coma Anonymous 113025

Is there a way to put myself into a coma? I'm too scared to die and if I kms, there are people who will follow me.

Anonymous 113026

Why do you want to die nona?

Anonymous 113027

I'm just so scared and full of regrets and scared that everyone will turn on me and I would like to not feel that way anymore.

Anonymous 113036


Delete your social media and run away, it'll hurt them less than you in a coma (which there isn't much of a way to self induce a coma without more likely killing yourself) and you're free to start over absolutely fresh. Including fresh to be alone if that's what you want right now.
If you're capable of working a job just pack some essentials, anything you would be sad never to see again and go. Write a short letter that you were at a mental breaking point and needed to go if you want to avoid them being overly confused. Ideally go to a relatively large city so you can hide among the crowds and if you can, try and secure a job before leaving

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