Anonymous 113069
I fear that I go to hell because I am a woman. I know this sounds bit silly especially to non-religious people but I truly fear that. "Women are from hell" "Women are evil" "Women cannot be true believers" "Women can only produce more believers" and so on. I am virgin and single. This will never change but I am scared of that. I am scared that I do a mistake, that I am evil or bad. I don't know I just don't know how I should act and be. Because of this I cry lot. Am I not enough for God because I am a woman?
Anonymous 113070
>>113069if this were true god himself would be evil. It would mean he made all women to be evil when he could have not done so. If God made half the species irredeemable from birth, that is an evil god.
Anonymous 113072
Where do you hear this shit? I grew up in a very Christian community on the bible belt and even in that misogynistic community I've never heard takes like this.
Anyway these are opinions designed to oppress and control you.
Anonymous 113082
>>113069Yeah seconding
>>113072, what the fuck kind of religion are you listening to
Anonymous 113084
Are you Mormon or Orthodox Jewish?
Anonymous 113086
I think the problem is the people you are surrounded by hate women and are projecting their opinions onto God and Creation.
I grew up Muslim and around Muslims and I've never heard people say this stuff or anything similar personally even with how sexist some of my relatives are. I've also never heard the idea that God created women as evil being destined for hell. Temptress stuff sure (Eve tempting Adam with the fruit is a Christian thing not a Muslim one, but some Muslims have adopted the Christian story cause sexism even if the tale explicitly states BOTH chose TOGETHER in the Quran), but the idea that a woman cannot be a true believer sounds more like straight illiterate villager talk. Only once I've come across that mentality but it was a supremely sexist man from a small inbred village who himself just thought women were too dumb for idea creation and opinions and it just leaked out into every aspect of life from religion to voting. But we know psychos like that are wrong, even my rather backwards uncles looked at him like he was mental because they know their wives are intelligent and know right from wrong better than them. I worry you're surrounded by psycho men and they're making you feel this intense hatred for yourself that has nothing to do with God or religion at all. Educated people can look to the world around them and see women are capable of their own decisions and are overall the segment of the population making better decisions on average. We don't commit violent crimes, we don't rape and terrorise children, we are the empathetic ones, and we are the backbone of society. Our job isn't just to create more male believers and if it was, we'd need to be a believer in the first place to do so considering everyone knows moms have the biggest impact on raising children. These are sexist slogans that make no sense on scrutiny and have no bearing on life and God.
What does your scripture itself state God's opinion of women is? Maybe read that and reassure yourself people don't represent God and maybe do some internal soul searching to see if you're commiting internalised blasphemy encouraged by evil blasphemers who claim to know God's feelings on women and are in fact speaking their own feelings as God's truth
Sorry I hope this makes sense and helps at all
Anonymous 113101
>a woman moment like eve
spotted the moid
Anonymous 113102
>>113099Flying Nun made them look cool. I don't they still exist though.
Anonymous 113654
jesus 2.png

>>113069Jesus loved and respected everyone, women included. Also check out Gnosticism and Wicca.
Anonymous 113658
>>113654Gnosticism is satanism and Wicca is unga bunga new age crap. There are many good and positive spiritual movements and religions and you chose to suggest two of the worst ones