
No lifetime people Anonymous 113228
It’s been coming up more that I just have…no one to really talk to. The internet and colleagues are great for directed conversations about specific topics, which is all you need most of the time. But if something good happens or I’m proud, or something bad happens, there’s…nobody. For normal people even if they don’t have friends or a therapist or a fucker they have family. Or if they don’t have family they have old, old friends. They have “lifetime people”. Even if they haven’t talked in years, if they really need to they have someone that knows them. There’s no replicating this if you missed the various dice rolls to get lifetime people. By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done. Everyone you build a relationship already has lifetime people, and those lifetime people will always be more real to them than you. You are just an episodic person for them, relatively speaking. There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one. Forever.
Anonymous 113229

It's hard to make friends in the city. In the rural countryside it's more friendly and wholesome. You have nice communities with potlucks, farmers markets and hobby groups.
Anonymous 113232
>>113229It’s not about friends. I could make a hundred good friends tomorrow and it wouldn’t matter for this. They all already have lifetime people.
Anonymous 113240

>>113232You could adopt a few children and try building a family bond with them
Anonymous 113241
Due to some recent events I've started to realize that I really don't know how to define what a friend is and I don't think I've ever had something like a friend in my life. I am friendly, but would I want to call anyone I've been with as a friend? I really don't know.
What the fuck even is a friend anyway?
Anonymous 113253
I think you are underestimating old people. You could meet your lifetime people in your 40s or 50s and get at least a solid couple decades of friendship out of it.
Anonymous 113257…

>>113228Honest to God the worst part of loneliness is the bitter tunnel vision we get out of it. The human brain isn't meant for isolation. We get really stuck and stubborn only affirming the strictness of our beliefs and biases. Trust that although your pain is very real for how you've seemingly "missed the bus" at different life stages, that there are options that are out there that will surprise you in the best way. You don't have to believe it, you just have to do more. That's the trouble with it, you tell yourself it's some circumstantial or existential problem out of your control, deadline's already passed, because that's easier than saying "I could try something new to get a different result/test my theory".
There's another bus coming, nona.
Anonymous 113258
>>113257I really like Hopper's art. For me it evokes peace, rather than loneliness, for some reason.
Anonymous 113262
>>113229In my experience, no. I live rural and everyone here is 40+ boomers and they live miles away. Growing up, I had not one friend. I commute to the city for work now and have a much easier time making friends.
Anonymous 113296
>>113257I feel the exact same way as OP. Sure you can claim that it might not be completely hopeless, but that's just not what I'm experiencing. So where should people like us even begin to search for these 'lifetime people' that somehow we missed finding the first time? What are the steps? I swear it's not for a lack of trying. I have tried so many times to get involved with all kinds of groups and individuals both online and off. While it's not so difficult to find an acquaintance who will act friendly once or twice, they couldn't care less about actually getting to know me as a person, and regardless of if they show any actual interest they just end up ghosting me everytime. I just want people I can feel comfortable around. Who skip the small talk nonsense and can enjoy an honest discussion of interests and opinions with. Someone who you can randomly message eachother anytime and discuss your personal lives and thoughts and they are willing to listen. Why is it so impossible to find this situation? It just seems to me like after you're an adult, people stop trying to get to know or care about others. It's as if true friendship is a childhood thing reserved for the lucky few, and I've started to consider that it may possibly be just a fictional concept in general.
Anonymous 118425
>>113228> By late 20s/early 30s, it’s done.ded post but i don't really think that's true.
> There are little support forums where someone will essentially roleplay as one of your lifetime people, but that’s like eating wax fruit. There’s no fixing it. There’s nothing and no one.reminds me of those services where you hire someone to be your family/bf/friend. it's a bit strange.
i do think the interactions had on the internet tend to serve a different purpose than those irl. if i have a conversation on the internet, im talking about random specific things no one else cares about irl. if im really friends with someone, i can talk to them about anything.
Anonymous 119094
>>113228Only way to keep or make someone a lifetime person if the constantly remind them you exist at all. I have just accepted having to initiate everything though.
Anonymous 119492
>>113253Seconded. Many parts of the Internet (and presumably here, too, to an extent) are just littered with young people. None of us exactly know what we are doing, and have maybe two decades of experience, a lot of which was spent figuring out what the fuck life is.
Anonymous 119506
This might sound self centered, but nothing makes me realize my lack of social support quite like reading elderly relatives obituaries, and comments from those who miss them, who share memories about them. Like theyve known each other decades, and they have accomplishments and events they hung out at. I never got to hang out with any relatives except for a handful of times as a child. It made me very happy when we did. But even then, I could feel their disdain for myself and my parents. A relative called my siblings and I mutts as a "joke" just for being of different European heritage backgrounds, Ig just to show that I will never truly be considered family by my literal relatives.
I cant help but compare these elderly peoples fulfilled lives, to my pathetic self who is friendless with no idea what career I want to do, dread for the future as it is increasingly more expensive and dangerous for women, and Im the black sheep child in my only immediate family so…Except for my now deceased pets, Im nobodies "number 1" person. For example, mom was worried that if my 40 year old brother, her fave child, went with dad on a work trip, dad would abandon him there. Then she turned to me and said, "cant you go instead?". Another time, mom said its a burden to bring me to a medical appointment, and other stuff that she would NEVER say or do to her son the golden child. Constant reminders that if I die, the only people I have in my life will be fine, hurts.
I keep hearing that women are going 4B and such, but it doesnt feel like it. Im just about the only classmate out of my graduating year that has done so, all others have husbands, families, their own houses, and careers…I have none of that.
I used to look forward to each year thinking Ill change my life around for the better, this will be my year, but no matter what I do it never happens. So ironically OP, youre not alone, not everyone has lifetime people, or at least lifetime people who truly value you. Thank you for bringing attention to us non social butterfly women. We need representation and love too.
Anonymous 119681
ATAYRT, I think 4B means no dating, no marriage, no kids, no intimacy, period. Yeah I hear one thing, that women are increasingly separating from men in every sphere of life, yet Ive never come across this. Was wondering if it was just me or not. I dont know where these other based moid hating women are IRL. Even women that are not traitors/not pickmes, doesnt even have to be 4B, would be nice to come across IRL.
Anonymous 119684
As for 4B media, sites like this and lc, and random youtubers that I come across like life with melonie (okay, needs more man hate tho), and manifestelle (so-so, earlier vids were better, but I didnt like that she supports lavender marriage and called a tranny a woman). I want to find better youtubers/4b media but havent yet. Im not looking for lesbian content either, just regular uplifting stuff or content exposing moid psychology.
Same, Im a loner too, but moids just sound like a lot of stress or worse. Of course romance with a man would be nice, but until it happens, I might as well believe its impossible for men to actually love a woman, without viewing her as an appliance or thing to use. Ive seen so many horror stories about being in a relationship/married, and so many admissions of men hating their supposed loved ones, Im very blackpilled. Its kinda a depressing road to be on, but moids are too potentially dangerous to be blissfully ignorant on, yk?