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Therapy Anonymous 113279

>be me
>go to therapy to try and get better. Take it very seriously and do everything I’m suppose to.
>find a therapist I like a lot
She retires
>still try to keep up with my meds and try to keep going because they’re suppose to set me up with a new therapist at the office I go to.
>get a call from said office
Sorry she can’t see you till June
>okay that’s fine :)) at least I’ll get to see the psychologist and get my meds resorted cause my depression medication isn’t working
>Day of my appointment the office calls to cancel cause my psychologist had a family emergency. Reschedules me for the end of the month.
>run out of my depression medication.
I’m about to kill myself. Everything is so shit even when I try. Most of the people who go to the therapy office I go to. Is a bunch of junkies and drunks who get free therapy and the only reason they even go is because it’s court ordered. They choose therapy and stuff over going to jail. It’s just really not fair.

Anonymous 113329

Don't kill yourself nona! Can you not see any other therapist because it's free or something?

tbh I didn't even know there was free therapy…. It sucks too because therapists are such a crapshoot

Anonymous 113342


Anonymous 113345

Proud of you for getting help, nona! I'm not sure where you are in the world, but some places allow pharmacies to extend prescriptions if there is a gap like you're describing. If you go to the same one, they should have records of your meds (or you can bring your empty bottle to show it) and explain your situation that you need another ~3 weeks of pills to cover you until you can see your doctor. Going cold turkey off of SSRIs/other meds is hell.

Anonymous 113366

I found a therapist I actually liked and I felt comfortable around her too. Now I have to go through all of it again. I have stuff I wanna tell her. They have me scheduled with one but it won’t be for another month :/
Thank you nona <3
They gave me another prescription thank god but it’s still not the right dose so it’s only doing like half its job.

Anonymous 113431


I've been there nona… I had a therapist I loved and she retired shortly after. Sometimes Im scared therapists get based just before they quit because they arent scared of losing their license. But I think you will have better luck than me! You're strong nona! We're all rooting for you!!!!!

Anonymous 113450

good luck nona, rooting for you. I had to go to the free government issue psychiatrist because I couldn't afford my old one anymore and I had to wait like half a year but when I talked to her she was really nice and she fixed my meds.

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