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Anonymous 113757

I feel like I'm so ugly without makeup. Even after being showered in compliments. I get many compliments from unattractive men. I never get any from men that are good looking. Tinder, instagram, real life

How do I cope?

Anonymous 113761

I've got this problem too although Im lesbian and I dress masculine

Anonymous 113764

your problem lies in attributing any value to men's opinions at all. you've got better things to focus on than how you look; your actions are more important. create a project for people to comment on if you really crave external validation, but work towards the goal of being satisfied doing something for the sake of doing it

Anonymous 114014

I haven't ever used makeup. Would you recommend not starting it at all? I'm scared that I won't ever get back to the normal state of seeing my face after using it + it's expensive and not good for your skin.
Some days I feel like I look pretty and other days I feel like I'm far from that. So should I just never get into it?

Anonymous 114015

If you're worried you're in a place where you'd use makeup to hide your face from yourself or to change your features in a way that would keep you wishing your face were actually that way then I'd recommend staying far away from makeup designed to "fix" anything if you bother wearing it at all.
I don't know if this would help you or not but something I did when starting to wear makeup was to not wear even a smidge of foundation/coverup/tint and especially not any contouring cause I knew I hated my face and nose especially. I only wore eye makeup, lipstick, and I allowed myself highlighter cause I like the shininess and cause it highlights what you have instead of hiding flaws you dislike. With a great many years (honestly helped by no longer being in school around boys volunteering their opinions about my appearance) I now don't really think about my face in a negative way and don't have the drive to wear extreme contour around my nose while also never giving myself the skills to ever be able to even in a weak moment.
I personally found body or face positivity didn't do anything and still made me overly focus on my appearance so I absolutely rave and recommend people try body neutrality. Just force yourself not to think or care at all about the way you look. Don't judge yourself in the mirror, if you see yourself just remind yourself this doesn't matter anyways and look away. Eventually you stop giving a damn beyond being clean and presentable. Men are judgy idiots who care about superficial nonsense, their opinions don't mean anything because it's warped by porn and a lack of self reflection on the best of days. The only decent men are the ones not obsessing over superficial appearance and who don't treat you like a masturbation vehicle. I find ugly men who are insecure and desperate for women compliment women the most but it's not genuine, it's like when old school fedora hatters expected sex from being decent. Unfortunately most men aren't taught that compliments are a nice thing to give someone so they usually do it transactional if they think of it at all. It's why so many of them genuinely think cat calling is a compliment, they wouldn't know genuine niceties if it bit them in the ass

Anonymous 114030

i don't wear makeup at all since i feel like i'm coping if i do

Anonymous 114037

Thank you so much nona, I'll definitely think of your advice when a moment of insecurity hits me or if I ever decide to give makeup a try.

Anonymous 114048

anon if picrel is you then you are literally beautiful wtf?

Anonymous 114052

I don't wear makeup and have resting bitch face. It's like being invisible. No compliments, but no insults. It's nice.
It's also made me focus on taking care of my skin so I look okay without makeup. I didn't realize how uncomfortable dry skin on my face is until I took steps to manage it.

Anonymous 114078

OP, if that picture is you, you are absolutely gorgeous. You certainly have nothing to feel insecure about.

Anonymous 114084

The girl in that picture is a model called Jordan Mcewen.

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